Isaías 42:24

24 ¿Quién dio a Jacob en presa, y entregó a Israel a saqueadores? ¿No fue el SEÑOR? Porque pecamos contra él, y no quisieron andar en sus caminos, ni oyeron su Ley.

Isaías 42:24 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 42:24

Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers?
&c.] To the Roman soldiers, to be spoiled and robbed by them? this was not owing to chance and fortune, or to the superior skill and power of the Roman army: did not the Lord, he against whom we have sinned?
he did, but not without cause; he was justly provoked to it by the sins of the Jews, which were the meritorious and procuring causes of it; yet the Roman army could not have taken their city and plundered it had it not been the will of God, who for their sins, delivered it up to them; even Titus, the Heathen emperor, himself saw the hand of God in it, and acknowledged it;

``God favouring us (says he F3) we have made war; it is God that drew the Jews out of those fortresses; for what could human hands and machines do against such towers?''
for they would not walk in his ways;
in Christ, the way, the truth, and the life; nor in the ways of his commandments; or in the ordinances of the Gospel; all which they rejected: neither were they obedient unto his law;
or "doctrine" F4; the doctrine of the Gospel, particularly the doctrine of justification by faith in the righteousness of Christ; they went about to establish their own righteousness, and did not submit to his; and also every other doctrine respecting the person, office, and grace of Christ, whom they disbelieved, and refused to receive.

F3 lb. (De Bello Jud. l. 7. c. 9.) sect. 1.
F4 (wtrwtb) "non acquieverunt in doctrina ejus", Forerius.

Isaías 42:24 In-Context

22 Por tanto éste es pueblo saqueado y hollado; todos ellos han de ser enlazados en cavernas, y escondidos en cárceles. Serán puestos a despojo, y no habrá quien los libre; serán hollados, y no habrá quien diga: Restituid.
23 ¿Quién de vosotros oirá esto? ¿Advertirá y considerará respecto al porvenir?
24 ¿Quién dio a Jacob en presa, y entregó a Israel a saqueadores? ¿No fue el SEÑOR? Porque pecamos contra él, y no quisieron andar en sus caminos, ni oyeron su Ley.
25 Por tanto, derramó sobre él el furor de su ira, y fortaleza de guerra; le puso fuego de todas partes, y se descuidó; y encendió en él, y no echó de ver.