Sofonías 3:9-13

9 Porque entonces volveré yo a los pueblos el lenguaje puro, para que todos invoquen el nombre del SEÑOR, para que de un solo consentimiento le sirvan.
10 De esa parte de los ríos de Etiopía, suplicarán a mí, la hija de mis esparcidos, me traerá presente.
11 En aquel día no te avergonzarás de ninguna de tus obras con las cuales te rebelaste contra mí; porque entonces quitaré de en medio de ti los que se alegran en tu soberbia, y nunca más te ensoberbecerás del monte de mi santidad.
12 Y dejaré en medio de ti un pueblo humilde y pobre, los cuales esperarán en el nombre del SEÑOR.
13 El remanente de Israel no hará iniquidad, ni dirá mentira, ni en boca de ellos se hallará lengua engañosa; porque ellos serán apacentados y dormirán, y no habrá quien los espante.

Sofonías 3:9-13 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the character of the city of Jerusalem, and its inhabitants in general, is drawn, as it would be, and as it was, in the times of Christ and his apostles, Zep 3:1,2 and of the principal persons of it in particular, its princes, judges, prophets, and priests, Zep 3:3,4. The hardness, impenitence, and shamelessness of this people, are exposed and aggravated by the just Lord being among them; who, by his example and doctrine, taught them otherwise; yet they were not amended or made ashamed, Zep 3:5 nor received instruction, nor took warning by the judgments of God on other nations, Zep 3:6,7 wherefore the followers of God are called upon to wait his time, who would gather many people together, and destroy the whole land of Judea, Zep 3:8 at which time he would send his Gospel among the Gentiles, who should thereby be brought to the true worship and service of God, Zep 3:9,10 though there should be a remnant among the Jews, according to the election of grace, that should be saved from that general calamity, Zep 3:11-13 and the spiritual Israel are encouraged with promises of better times, when the Jews in general should be converted and gathered into the church of God, have the presence and protection of God with them, and deliverance from all their enemies, and be a praise among all people of the earth, Zep 3:14-20.
