Exodus 31

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge:
2 beholde, I haue called by name, Bezaleel the sonne of Vrisone to Hur of the tribe of Iuda.
3 And I haue filled hi with the sprete of God, with wisdome, vnderstondinge ad knowlege: eue in all maner worke,
4 to finde out sotle faytes, to worke in golde syluer ad brasse
5 and with the crafte to graue stones, to set ad to carue in tibre ad to worke in all maner workmashipe.
6 And beholde, I haue geue him to be his companion Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, and in the hertes of all that are wise harted I haue put wisdom to make all that I haue commaunded the:
7 the tabernacle of witnesse, and the arcke of witnesse, and the mercyseate that is there vppon, all the ornamentes of the tabernacle,
8 and the the table with his ordinaunce, ad the pure cadelsticke with al his apparell, ad the alter of incens,
9 ad the alter of burntoffrynges with al his vessels, ad the lauer with his fote,
10 ad the vestimetes to ministre in, ad the holye garmetes for Aaro the preast, ad the garmetes of his sonnes to ministre in,
11 and the anoyntinge oyle and the swete cense for the sanctuarye: acordinge to al as I haue commaunded the shall they doo.
12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayng:
13 speake uto the childern of Israel ad saye: i any wyse se that ye kepe my Sabbath, for it shalbe a sygne betwene me and you in youre generacions for to knowe, that I the Lorde doo sanctifie you.
14 Kepe my Sabbath therfore, that it be an holye thynge vnto you. He that defileth it, shalbe slayne therfore. For whosoeuer worketh therein, the same soule shalbe roted out from amonge his people.
15 Sixe dayes shall men worke, but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the holye reste of the Lorde: so that whosoeuer doeth any worke in the Sabbath daye, shal dye for it.
16 wherfore let the childern of Israel kepe the Sabbath, that they obserue it thorowe out their generacions, that it be an appoyntement for euer.
17 For it shalbe a sygne betwene me, and the childern of Israel for euer. For in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and erth, and the seuenth daye he rested and was refresshed.
18 And whe he had made an end of comening with Moses vppon the mounte Sinai, he gaue him two tables of witnesse: which were of stone and written with the finger of God.

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Exodus 31 Commentary

Chapter 31

Bezaleel and Aholiab are appointed and qualified for the work of the tabernacle. (1-11) The observance of the sabbath. (12-17) Moses receives the tables of the law. (18)

Verses 1-11 The Israelites, who had been masons and bricklayers in Egypt, were not qualified for curious workmanship; but the Spirit who gave the apostles utterance in divers tongues, miraculously gave Bezaleel and Aholiab the skill that was wanting. The honour which comes from God, is always attended with a work to be done; to be employed for God is high honour. Those whom God calls to any service, he will find or make fit for it. The Lord gives different gifts to different persons; let each mind his proper work, diligently remembering that whatever wisdom any one possesses, the Lord put it in the heart, to do his commandments.

Verses 12-17 Orders were now given that a tabernacle should be set up for the service of God. But they must not think that the nature of the work, and the haste that was required, would justify them in working at it on sabbath days. The Hebrew word /shabath/ signifies rest, or ceasing from labour. The thing signified by the sabbath is that rest in glory which remains for the people of God; therefore the moral obligation of the sabbath must continue, till time is swallowed up in eternity.

Verse 18 The law was written in tables of stone, to show how lasting it is: to denote likewise the hardness of our hearts; one might more easily write on stone, than write any thing good on our corrupt natural hearts. It was written with the finger of God; by his will and power. God only can write his law in the heart: he gives a heart of flesh; then, by his Spirit, which is the ( 2 Corinthians. 3:3 )

Chapter Summary


In this chapter an account is given of the persons whom God had chosen, and qualified for the work of building the tabernacle, and all things relating to it, and for the direction and oversight thereof, Ex 31:1-6 and an enumeration is made of the several things that were to be wrought, some in one way, some in another, Ex 31:7-11 the law of the sabbath is repeated, and the violation of it made death, Ex 31:12-17 and the chapter is concluded with observing, that at the close of the above orders, two tables of stone, with the law written upon them by the finger of God, were given to Moses, Ex 31:18.

Exodus 31 Commentaries

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