Isaiah 40:14

14 cum quo iniit consilium et instruxit eum et docuit eum semitam iustitiae et erudivit eum scientiam et viam prudentiae ostendit illi

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Isaiah 40:14 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 40:14

With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him
This is the same as before, only repeated in other words, the more strongly to deny that any mere creature counselled, taught, and instructed the Spirit of Christ, in the ordering and managing the works of creation: and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and
showed to him the way of understanding?
or gave him that judgment, knowledge, and understanding in framing the world, and all things in it, in that beautiful and regular manner that it is; which shows it to be a work of wisdom, more than human or angelical, and to be purely divine; no one, angel or man, could have struck out such a path of judgment, such a way of understanding, or showed such exquisite skill and knowledge, as appear in the works of creation; see ( Psalms 104:24 ) .

Isaiah 40:14 In-Context

12 quis mensus est pugillo aquas et caelos palmo ponderavit quis adpendit tribus digitis molem terrae et libravit in pondere montes et colles in statera
13 quis adiuvit spiritum Domini aut quis consiliarius eius fuit et ostendit illi
14 cum quo iniit consilium et instruxit eum et docuit eum semitam iustitiae et erudivit eum scientiam et viam prudentiae ostendit illi
15 ecce gentes quasi stilla situlae et quasi momentum staterae reputatae sunt ecce insulae quasi pulvis exiguus
16 et Libanus non sufficiet ad succendendum et animalia eius non sufficient ad holocaustum
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.