Isaiah 42:16

16 et ducam caecos in via quam nesciunt in semitis quas ignoraverunt ambulare eos faciam ponam tenebras coram eis in lucem et prava in recta haec verba feci eis et non dereliqui eos

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Isaiah 42:16 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 42:16

And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not
The Targum interprets this of the people of Israel, thus,

``I will lead the house of Israel, which are like to the blind, in a way which they knew not.''
But it is better to understand it of the Gentiles, who, before the light of the Gospel came among them, were blind as to the true knowledge of God, and especially as in Christ; and of Christ, and the way of peace, life, and salvation by him; and of themselves, and their miserable estate and condition; and of the Spirit of God, and his operations; and of the Scriptures, the Gospel, and the doctrines of it; and which is the case of all men in a state of nature: but the Lord, by his Spirit, opens the eyes of their understandings, and shows them those things they were blind in, and ignorant of, and brings them by a way they knew not before; which way is Christ, the only way to the Father; the way of peace, righteousness, and life; the way to heaven, and eternal happiness: this they knew not before, but thought they must make their own way to God, and their peace with him; must be justified by their own works, and work out their own salvation; but, in conversion, this way to Christ is made known and plain unto them; and in this way the Lord brings all his people to eternal glory: I will lead them in paths that they have not known;
in the paths of duty and truth; in the paths of faith, righteousness, and holiness, and in the ordinances of the Gospel; which they were aliens and strangers to before: I will make darkness light before them;
by going before them himself, as before the children of Israel in a pillar of fire by night; by giving his word to enlighten them; by granting his good Spirit, as a spirit of illumination to them; and by lifting up the light of his countenance on them: and crooked things straight;
remove all obstructions, bear them up under all discouragements, and carry them through all difficulties: these things will I do unto them, and not forsake them;
which may be depended upon, being promised by him that is able to perform, is true, and faithful, and changes not; and, when done, shall not be the last done for them; he will never leave them, nor forsake them, till he has brought them safe to glory.

Isaiah 42:16 In-Context

14 tacui semper silui patiens fui sicut pariens loquar dissipabo et absorbebo simul
15 desertos faciam montes et colles et omne gramen eorum exsiccabo et ponam flumina in insulas et stagna arefaciam
16 et ducam caecos in via quam nesciunt in semitis quas ignoraverunt ambulare eos faciam ponam tenebras coram eis in lucem et prava in recta haec verba feci eis et non dereliqui eos
17 conversi sunt retrorsum confundantur confusione qui confidunt in sculptili qui dicunt conflatili vos dii nostri
18 surdi audite et caeci intuemini ad videndum
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.