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Isaiah 55:9

9 quia sicut exaltantur caeli a terra sic exaltatae sunt viae meae a viis vestris et cogitationes meae a cogitationibus vestris

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Isaiah 55:9 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 55:9

For as the heavens, are higher than the earth
Than which there cannot be conceived a greater distance: so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your
which may denote the heavenliness of the ways and thoughts of God, the eternity and unsearchableness of them, and their excellency and preciousness; as well as the very great distance between his ways and thoughts and men's which this is designed to illustrate.

Isaiah 55:9 In-Context

7 derelinquat impius viam suam et vir iniquus cogitationes suas et revertatur ad Dominum et miserebitur eius et ad Deum nostrum quoniam multus est ad ignoscendum
8 non enim cogitationes meae cogitationes vestrae neque viae vestrae viae meae dicit Dominus
9 quia sicut exaltantur caeli a terra sic exaltatae sunt viae meae a viis vestris et cogitationes meae a cogitationibus vestris
10 et quomodo descendit imber et nix de caelo et illuc ultra non revertitur sed inebriat terram et infundit eam et germinare eam facit et dat semen serenti et panem comedenti
11 sic erit verbum meum quod egredietur de ore meo non revertetur ad me vacuum sed faciet quaecumque volui et prosperabitur in his ad quae misi illud
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.