Genesis 27:1-4

1 Forsooth Isaac waxed eld, and his eyes dimmed, and he might not see. And he called Esau, his more son, and said to him, My son! Which answered, I am present. (And Isaac grew old, and his eyes dimmed, and he could not see. And he called his elder son Esau, and said to him, My son! And he answered, I am here.)
2 To whom the father said, Thou seest that I have waxed eld, and I know not the day of my death .
3 Take thine arms (Take thy weapons), (an) arrow case, and a bow, and go out; and when thou hast taken anything by hunting,
4 make me a stew thereof, as thou knowest that I will, and bring it to me that I eat, (so) that (afterward) my soul (can) bless thee before that I die. (make for me a stew out of it, as thou knowest that I like, and bring it to me so that I can eat it, and then I shall bless thee before that I die.)

Genesis 27:1-4 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter we are informed, that Isaac, being old and dim sighted, sent for Esau to get him venison, that he might eat of it, and bless him before he died, Ge 27:1-4; that Rebekah hearing of this formed a scheme for Jacob to get the blessing before him, which she communicated to Jacob, to which he at first objected, but afterwards complied, Ge 27:5-17; and also how that he succeeded in the attempt, and got the blessing from his brother, Ge 27:18-29; and that this was confirmed to him by his father, even when his mistake was discovered upon Esau's coming, Ge 27:30-33; which occasioned a most bitter cry in Esau, a severe reflection on his brother, and an earnest expostulation with his father for a blessing, which he obtained, Ge 27:34-40; the consequence of this were hatred in Esau to Jacob, and an intention to kill him, which Rebekah hearing of, advised Jacob to flee to her brother Laban, Ge 27:41-45; and to facilitate this, complains to Isaac of Esau's wives, and suggests, that should Jacob marry among the same people, it would add to the distress of their lives; and therefore hints it to him, that it was necessary and proper he should go to her family for a wife, Ge 27:46; and whether Isaac sent him, as the following chapter shows.

Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.