Compare Translations for 1 Samuel 22:8

8 That's why all of you have conspired against me! Nobody tells me when my own son makes a covenant with Jesse's son. None of you cares about me or tells me that my son has stirred up my own servant to wait in ambush for me, as [is the case] today."
8 that all of you have conspired against me? No one discloses to me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse. None of you is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day."
8 That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that sheweth me that my son hath made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or sheweth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?
8 Think again. Here you are, conspiring against me, whispering behind my back - not one of you is man enough to tell me that my own son is making deals with the son of Jesse, not one of you who cares enough to tell me that my son has taken the side of this, this . . . outlaw!"
8 "For all of you have conspired against me so that there is no one who discloses to me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you who is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me to lie in ambush, as it is this day."
8 Is that why you have all conspired against me? No one tells me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse. None of you is concerned about me or tells me that my son has incited my servant to lie in wait for me, as he does today.”
8 All of you have conspired against me, and there is no one who reveals to me that my son has made a covenant with the son of Jesse; and there is not one of you who is sorry for me or reveals to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as it is this day."
8 Is that why you have conspired against me? For not one of you told me when my own son made a solemn pact with the son of Jesse. You’re not even sorry for me. Think of it! My own son—encouraging him to kill me, as he is trying to do this very day!”
8 Is that why all of you have conspired against me? No one discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, none of you is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as he is doing today."
8 para que todos vós tenhais conspirado contra mim, e não haja ninguém que me avise de ter meu filho, feito aliança com o filho de Jessé, e não haja ninguém dentre vós que se doa de mim, e me participe o ter meu filho sublevado meu servo contra mim, para me armar ciladas, como se vê neste dia?
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that discloseth to me when my son maketh a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or discloseth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?
8 That all of you have made designs against me, and not one of you gave me word when my son made an agreement with the son of Jesse, and not one of you has pity for me or has made my eyes open to the fact that my servant has been moved by my son against me, as at this day?
8 Porque todos vosotros habéis conspirado contra mí y no hay quien me revele cuando mi hijo hace un pacto con el hijo de Isaí, tampoco hay entre vosotros quien tenga piedad de mí ni me revele que mi hijo ha instigado a mi siervo contra mí para tenderme una emboscada, como sucede hoy.
8 Is that why all of you have conspired against me? No one informed me when my son made a covenant with Jesse's son! Not one of you is concerned about me or informs me when my own son sets my servant against me in an ambush—but that's what has happened today!"
8 Is that why all of you have conspired against me? No one informed me when my son made a covenant with Jesse's son! Not one of you is concerned about me or informs me when my own son sets my servant against me in an ambush—but that's what has happened today!"
8 Is this why you have all conspired against me, why none of you told me when my son went in league with Yishai's son? None of you is concerned about me! Otherwise you would have told me that my son had incited my servant to become my enemy, as he is now."
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that informs me when my son has made [a covenant] with the son of Jesse; and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or informs me that my son has stirred up my servant as a lier-in-wait against me, as at this day?
8 daß ihr euch alle wider mich verschworen habt, und keiner es meinem Ohr eröffnet, wenn mein Sohn einen Bund mit dem Sohne Isais gemacht hat, und keiner von euch sich kränkt meinethalben und es meinem Ohr eröffnet, daß mein Sohn meinen Knecht als Laurer wider mich aufgewiegelt hat, wie es an diesem Tage ist?
8 Is that why you are plotting against me? Not one of you told me that my own son had made an alliance with David. No one is concerned about me or tells me that David, one of my own men, is right now looking for a chance to kill me, and that my son has encouraged him!"
8 Is that why you are plotting against me? Not one of you told me that my own son had made an alliance with David. No one is concerned about me or tells me that David, one of my own men, is right now looking for a chance to kill me, and that my son has encouraged him!"
8 All of you are plotting against me, and no one informed me when my son entered into a loyalty pledge with Jesse's son. No one felt sorry for me and informed me that my son has encouraged my servant David to ambush me, as he's doing now."
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Yishai, and there is none of you who is sorry for me, or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?
8 que todos vosotros habéis conspirado contra mí, y no hay quien me descubra al oído cómo mi hijo ha hecho alianza con el hijo de Jessé, ni hay alguno de vosotros que se duela de mí, y me descubra cómo mi hijo ha despertado a mi siervo contra mí, para que me aceche, según hace hoy día
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and there is no one that shows me that my son has made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me or shows unto me that my son has stirred up my slave against me, to lie in wait against me, as at this day?
8 That all of you have conspired against me, and there is none that sheweth me that my son hath made a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or sheweth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait , as at this day?
8 For all of you have conspired against me, and {no one discloses to me} the {making} [of an agreement] between my son and the son of Jesse! None of you have had sympathy for me or {disclosed to me} [that] {my son commissioned my servant against me to ambush me} as [has been done] this day!"
8 Sinon, pourquoi avez-vous tous conspiré contre moi, et n'y a-t-il personne qui m'informe de l'alliance de mon fils avec le fils d'Isaï? Pourquoi n'y a-t-il personne de vous qui souffre à mon sujet, et qui m'avertisse que mon fils a soulevé mon serviteur contre moi, afin qu'il me dressât des embûches, comme il le fait aujourd'hui?
8 daß ihr euch alle verbunden habt wider mich und ist niemand, der es meinen Ohren offenbarte, weil auch mein Sohn einen Bund gemacht hat mit dem Sohn Isais? Ist niemand unter euch, den es kränke meinethalben und der es meinen Ohren offenbare? Denn mein Sohn hat meinen Knecht wider mich auferweckt, daß er mir nachstellt, wie es am Tage ist.
8 You have all made plans against me! No one tells me when my son makes an agreement with the son of Jesse! No one cares about me! No one tells me when my son has encouraged my servant to ambush me this very day!"
8 Is that why all of you have joined together against me? No one tells me when my son makes a covenant with Jesse's son. None of you is concerned about me. No one tells me that my son has stirred up Jesse's son to hide and wait to attack me. But that's exactly what's happening now."
8 Is that why all of you have conspired against me? No one discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, none of you is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as he is doing today."
8 ¿Es por eso que han conspirado contra mí? Pues ninguno de ustedes me avisó cuando mi propio hijo hizo un pacto solemne con ese hijo de Isaí. Ni siquiera sienten lástima por mí. ¡Imagínense! ¡Mi propio hijo incita al hijo de Isaí para que me mate, tal como está tratando de hacer hoy mismo!
8 ¡Ahora veo por qué todos ustedes conspiran contra mí, y por qué nadie me informa del pacto que mi hijo ha hecho con el hijo de Isaí! Nadie se ha tomado la molestia de avisarme que mi propio hijo instiga a uno de mis súbditos a que se subleve y me aceche, como en realidad está pasando.
8 É por isso que todos vocês têm conspirado contra mim? Ninguém me informa quando meu filho faz acordo com o filho de Jessé. Nenhum de vocês se preocupa comigo nem me avisa que meu filho incitou meu servo a ficar à minha espreita, como ele está fazendo hoje”.
8 Que vous ayez tous conspiré contre moi, et que nul ne m'avertisse que mon fils a fait alliance avec le fils d'Isaï, et que personne de vous ne soit touché de mon état, et ne m'avertisse que mon fils a soulevé mon serviteur contre moi, pour me dresser des embûches, comme il le fait aujourd'hui.
8 That all of you have conspired against me, and there is no one to inform me, especially when even my son hath entered into league with the son of Isai? There is not one of you that pitieth my case, nor that giveth me any information: because my son hath raised up my servant against me, plotting against me to this day.
8 that all of you have conspired against me? No one discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, none of you is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day."
8 that all of you have conspired against me? No one discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, none of you is sorry for me or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day."
8 Que todos vosotros habéis conspirado contra mí, y no hay quien me descubra al oído como mi hijo ha hecho alianza con el hijo de Isaí, ni alguno de vosotros que se duela de mí, y me descubra como mi hijo ha levantado á mi siervo contra mí, para que me aceche, según hace hoy día?
8 que todos vosotros habéis conspirado contra mí, y no hay quien me descubra al oído como mi hijo ha hecho alianza con el hijo de Isaí, ni hay alguno de vosotros que se duela de mí, y me descubra cómo mi hijo ha despertado a mi siervo contra mí, para que me aceche, según hace hoy día?
8 Dat gij u allen tegen mij verbonden hebt, en niemand voor mijn oor openbaart, dat mijn zoon een verbond gemaakt heeft met den zoon van Isai; en niemand is onder ulieden, dien het wee doet van mijnentwege, en die het voor mijn oor openbaart; want mijn zoon heeft mijn knecht tegen mij opgewekt, tot een lagenlegger, gelijk het te dezen dage is.
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who showeth me that my son hath made a league with the son of Jesse; and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or showeth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me to lie in wait, as at this day?"
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who showeth me that my son hath made a league with the son of Jesse; and there is none of you that is sorry for me, or showeth unto me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me to lie in wait, as at this day?"
8 quoniam coniurastis omnes adversum me et non est qui mihi renuntiet maxime cum et filius meus foedus iunxerit cum filio Isai non est qui vicem meam doleat ex vobis nec qui adnuntiet mihi eo quod suscitaverit filius meus servum meum adversum me insidiantem mihi usque hodie
8 quoniam coniurastis omnes adversum me et non est qui mihi renuntiet maxime cum et filius meus foedus iunxerit cum filio Isai non est qui vicem meam doleat ex vobis nec qui adnuntiet mihi eo quod suscitaverit filius meus servum meum adversum me insidiantem mihi usque hodie
8 That all of you have conspired against me, and [there is] none that showeth me that my son hath made a league with the son of Jesse, and [there is] none of you that is sorry for me, or showeth to me that my son hath stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?
8 that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you who is sorry for me, or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?
8 For all ye have sworn, either conspired, together against me, and none is that telleth to me; mostly since also my son hath joined (in a) bond of peace with the son of Jesse; none is of you, that sorroweth for my stead, or my while, neither that telleth to me, for my son hath raised my servant against me, setting treason to me, unto this day. (Is that why all of you have conspired together against me, and no one told me that my son hath made a covenant with the son of Jesse; yea, none of you hath concern for me, nor even telleth me that my own son hath raised up my servant against me, setting treason for me, unto this day.)
8 for ye have conspired all of you against me, and there is none uncovering mine ear about my son's covenanting with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you grieving for me, and uncovering mine ear, that my son hath raised up my servant against me, to lie in wait as [at] this day.'

1 Samuel 22:8 Commentaries