Isaías 60

1 Levanta-te, resplandece, porque é chegada a tua luz, e é nascida sobre ti a glória do Senhor.
2 Pois eis que as trevas cobrirão a terra, e a escuridão os povos; mas sobre ti o Senhor virá surgindo, e a sua glória se verá sobre ti.
3 E nações caminharão para a tua luz, e reis para o resplendor da tua aurora.
4 Levanta em redor os teus olhos, e vê; todos estes se ajuntam, e vêm ter contigo; teus filhos vêm de longe, e tuas filhas se criarão a teu lado.
5 Então o verás, e estarás radiante, e o teu coração estremecerá e se alegrará; porque a abundância do mar se tornará a ti, e as riquezas das nações a ti virão.
6 A multidão de camelos te cobrirá, os dromedários de Midiã e Efá; todos os de Sabá, virão; trarão ouro e incenso, e publicarão os louvores do Senhor.
7 Todos os rebanhos de Quedar se congregarão em ti, os carneiros de Nebaoite te servirão; com aceitação subirão ao meu altar, e eu glorificarei a casa da minha glória.
8 Quem são estes que vêm voando como nuvens e como pombas para as suas janelas?
9 Certamente as ilhas me aguardarão, e vêm primeiro os navios de Társis, para trazerem teus filhos de longe, e com eles a sua prata e o seu ouro, para o nome do Senhor teu Deus, e para o Santo de Israel, porquanto ele te glorificou.
10 E estrangeiros edificarão os teus muros, e os seus reis te servirão; porque na minha ira te feri, mas na minha benignidade tive misericórdia de ti.
11 As tuas portas estarão abertas de contínuo; nem de dia nem de noite se fecharão; para que te sejam trazidas as riquezas das nações, e conduzidos com elas os seus reis.
12 Porque a nação e o reino que não te servirem perecerão; sim, essas nações serão de todo assoladas.
13 A glória do Líbano virá a ti; a faia, o olmeiro, e o buxo conjuntamente, para ornarem o lugar do meu santuário; e farei glorioso o lugar em que assentam os meus pés.
14 Também virão a ti, inclinando-se, os filhos dos que te oprimiram; e prostrar-se-ão junto �s plantas dos teus pés todos os que te desprezaram; e chamar-te-ão a cidade do Senhor, a Sião do Santo de Israel.
15 Ao invés de seres abandonada e odiada como eras, de sorte que ninguém por ti passava, far-te-ei uma excelência perpétua, uma alegria de geração em geração.
16 E mamarás o leite das nações, e te alimentarás ao peito dos reis; assim saberás que eu sou o Senhor, o teu Salvador, e o teu Redentor, o Poderoso de Jacó.
17 Por bronze trarei ouro, por ferro trarei prata, por madeira bronze, e por pedras ferro; farei pacíficos os teus oficiais e justos os teus exatores.
18 Não se ouvirá mais de violência na tua terra, de desolação ou destruição nos teus termos; mas aos teus muros chamarás Salvação, e �s tuas portas Louvor.
19 Não te servirá mais o sol para luz do dia, nem com o seu resplendor a lua te alumiará; mas o Senhor será a tua luz perpétua, e o teu Deus a tua glória.
20 Nunca mais se porá o teu sol, nem a tua lua minguará; porque o Senhor será a tua luz perpétua, e acabados serão os dias do teu luto.
21 E todos os do teu povo serão justos; para sempre herdarão a terra; serão renovos por mim plantados, obra das minhas mãos, para que eu seja glorificado.
22 O mais pequeno virá a ser mil, e o mínimo uma nação forte; eu, o Senhor, apressarei isso a seu tempo.

Isaías 60 Commentary

Chapter 60

The glories of the church of God, when the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in. (1-8) and the Jews shall be converted and gathered from their dispersions. (9-14) and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ. (15-22)

Verses 1-8 As far as we have the knowledge of God in us, and the favour of God towards us, our light is come. And if God's glory is seen upon us to our honour, we ought, not only with our lips, but in our lives, to return its praise. We meet with nothing in the history of the Jews which can be deemed a fulfilment of the prophecy in this chapter; we must conclude it relates principally to future events. It predicts the purity and enlargement of the church. The conversion of souls is here described. They fly to Christ, to the church, to the word and ordinances, as doves to their own home; thither they fly for refuge and shelter, thither they fly for rest. What a pleasant sight to see poor souls hastening to Christ!

Verses 9-14 God will be very gracious. We must begin with his promise, thence all mercies take rise. Many shall be brought into the church, even from far countries. Christ is always ready to receive all who come to him; and the gate of mercy is always open, night and day. All that are about the church shall be made serviceable to it. But those who will not be subject to Christ's golden sceptre, to his word and Spirit, who will not be kept in by the laws and rules of his family, shall be broken in pieces by his iron rod. The peculiar advantages of every nation, and of every description of men, shall join to beautify the church of Christ. We must suppose this to be accomplished in the beauties of holiness, and the graces and comforts of the Spirit, with which gospel ordinances are adorned and enriched. Blessed be his name, the gates of Zion are ever open to returning sinners.

Verses 15-22 We must look for the full accomplishment in times and things, exceeding those of the Old Testament church. The nations and their kings shall lay themselves out for the good of the church. Such a salvation, such a redemption, shall be wrought out for thee, as discovers itself to be the work of the Lord. Every thing shall be changed for the better. In thy land shall no more be heard threats of those that do violence, nor complaints of those that suffer violence. Thy walls shall be means of safety, thy gates shall be written upon with praises to God. In the close of this chapter are images and expressions used in the description of the New Jerusalem, ( Revelation 21:23 , Revelation 22:5 ) . Nothing can answer to this but some future glorious state of the church on earth, or the state of the church triumphant in heaven. Those that make God their only light, shall have him their all-sufficient light. And the happiness shall know no change or alloy. No people on earth are all righteous; but there are no mixtures in heaven. They shall be wholly righteous. The spirits of just men shall there be made perfect. The glory of the church shall be to the honour of God. When it shall be finished, it will appear a work of wonder. It may seem too difficult to be brought about, but the God of almighty power has undertaken it. It may seem to be delayed and put off; but the Lord will hasten it in the time appointed by his wisdom, though not in the time prescribed by our folly. Let this hope cheer us under all difficulties, and stir us up to all diligence, that we may have an abundant entrance into this everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Chapter Summary



As, in the two preceding chapters, the hypocrisy and formality, the profaneness and immorality, that should abound in the latter day, and even among professors of religion, are prophesied of; so, in this, a very ample account is given of latter daylight and glory; of both the spiritual and personal reign of Christ, with the latter of which it concludes. The light and glory of the church, in the spiritual reign, are described, Isa 60:1-3 the numerous conversions of persons to it from all quarters, east and west particularly, are prophesied of, Isa 60:4-8, the great usefulness those should be of unto it, in enriching it, and building it up, and in glorifying it, is declared, Isa 60:9-13, as also the subjection of enemies to it; the favours it should receive from kings, and the fame and renown of it through all nations and ages, Isa 60:14-16, its riches, prosperity, peace, and safety, Isa 60:17,18 and the chapter is concluded with an account of the more perfect state of the church in the personal reign of Christ, when there will be a perfection of light and righteousness; and the number of God's elect will be complete, and they will be all together, Isa 60:19-22.

Isaías 60 Commentaries

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