Compare Translations for Job 18:20

20 Those in the west are appalled at his fate, while those in the east tremble in horror.
20 They of the west are appalled at his day, and horror seizes them of the east.
20 They that come after him shall be astonied at his day, as they that went before were affrighted.
20 Westerners are aghast at their fate, easterners are horrified:
20 "Those in the west are appalled at his fate, And those in the east are seized with horror.
20 People of the west are appalled at his fate; those of the east are seized with horror.
20 Those in the west are astonished at his day, As those in the east are frightened.
20 People in the west are appalled at their fate; people in the east are horrified.
20 They of the west are appalled at their fate, and horror seizes those of the east.
20 They that come after shall be astonished at his day, As they that went before were affrighted.
20 At his fate those of the west are shocked, and those of the east are overcome with fear.
20 De su destino se asombran los del occidente, y los del oriente se sobrecogen de terror.
20 Their successors are appalled at what happens to them; their predecessors pull their hair.
20 Their successors are appalled at what happens to them; their predecessors pull their hair.
20 Those who come after will be appalled at his fate, just as those there before were struck with horror.
20 They that come after shall be astonished at his day, as they that went before [them] were affrighted.
20 From east to west, all who hear of their fate shudder and tremble with fear.
20 From east to west, all who hear of their fate shudder and tremble with fear.
20 People in the west are shocked by what happens to him. People in the east are seized with horror.
20 Those who come after shall be astonished at his day, As those who went before were frightened.
20 Sobre su día se espantarán los por venir, como ocupó el pavor a los que fueron antes
20 Those that come after him shall be dismayed at his day, as those that went before were overcome with fear.
20 They that come after him shall be astonied at his day, as they that went before were affrighted .
20 [Those of the] west are appalled over {his fate}, and [those of the] east {are seized with horror}.
20 Les générations à venir seront étonnées de sa ruine, Et la génération présente sera saisie d'effroi.
20 But strangers shall dwell in his possessions: the last groaned for him, and wonder seized the first.
20 People of the west will be shocked at what has happened to them, and people of the east will be very frightened.
20 What has happened to them shocks the people in the west. It terrifies the people in the east.
20 They of the west are appalled at their fate, and horror seizes those of the east.
20 La gente del occidente se queda consternada por su destino,
y la gente del oriente está horrorizada.
20 Del oriente al occidentelos pueblos se asombran de su suertey se estremecen de terror.
20 Ceux d'Occident seront stupéfaits du jour de sa ruine, et ceux d'Orient en seront saisis d'horreur.
20 They that come after him shall be astonished at his day, and horror shall fall upon them that went before.
20 They of the west are appalled at his day, and horror seizes them of the east.
20 They of the west are appalled at his day, and horror seizes them of the east.
20 Sobre su día se espantarán los por venir, Como ocupó el pavor á los que fueron antes.
20 Sobre su día se espantarán los por venir, como ocupó el pavor a los que fueron antes.
20 Over zijn dag zullen de nakomelingen verbaasd zijn, en de ouden met schrik bevangen worden.
20 They that come after him shall be dismayed at his day, as they that went before were frightened.
20 They that come after him shall be dismayed at his day, as they that went before were frightened.
20 in die eius stupebunt novissimi et primos invadet horror
20 in die eius stupebunt novissimi et primos invadet horror
20 They that come after [him] shall be astonished at his day, as they that went before were affrighted.
20 Those who come after shall be astonished at his day, As those who went before were frightened.
20 The last men (of him) shall wonder in his days; and hideousness shall assail the first men. (The people who come after him shall wonder at his day; just as horror assailed those who came before him.)
20 At this day westerns have been astonished And easterns have taken fright.

Job 18:20 Commentaries