Deuteronomio 32

1 «¡Escuchen, oh cielos, y hablaré!
¡Oye, oh tierra, las palabras que digo!
2 Que mi enseñanza caiga sobre ustedes como lluvia;
que mi discurso se asiente como el rocío.
Que mis palabras caigan como lluvia sobre pastos suaves,
como llovizna delicada sobre plantas tiernas.
3 Proclamaré el nombre del Señor
¡qué glorioso es nuestro Dios!
4 Él es la Roca, sus obras son perfectas.
Todo lo que hace es justo e imparcial.
Él es Dios fiel, nunca actúa mal;
¡qué justo y recto es él!
5 »Pero ellos se comportaron de manera corrupta con él;
cuando actúan con tanta perversión,
¿son realmente sus hijos?
Son una generación engañosa y torcida.
6 ¿Es así como le pagas al Señor
pueblo necio y sin entendimiento?
¿No es él tu Padre, quien te creó?
¿Acaso no te formó y te estableció?
7 Recuerda los días pasados,
piensa en las generaciones anteriores.
Pregúntale a tu padre, y él te informará.
Averigua con los ancianos, y ellos te contarán.
8 Cuando el Altísimo asignó territorios a las naciones,
cuando dividió a la raza humana,
fijó los límites de los pueblos
según el número de su corte celestial.
9 »Pues el pueblo de Israel pertenece al Señor
Jacob es su posesión más preciada.
10 Él lo encontró en un desierto,
en un páramo vacío y ventoso.
Lo rodeó y lo cuidó;
lo protegió como a sus propios ojos.
11 Como un águila que aviva a sus polluelos
y revolotea sobre sus crías,
así desplegó sus alas para tomarlo y alzarlo
y llevarlo a salvo sobre sus plumas.
12 El Señor
, sólo él, lo guió;
el pueblo no siguió a dioses ajenos.
13 Él lo dejó cabalgar sobre tierras altas
y saciarse con las cosechas de los campos.
Lo nutrió con miel de la roca
y con aceite de oliva de los pedregales.
14 Lo alimentó con yogur
de la manada
y leche del rebaño,
y también con la grasa de los corderos.
Le dio de los mejores carneros de Basán y cabras,
junto con el trigo más selecto.
Bebiste el vino más fino,
elaborado con el jugo de las uvas.
15 »Pero Israel
pronto engordó y se volvió rebelde;
¡el pueblo aumentó de peso, se puso gordo y relleno!
Entonces abandonó a Dios, quien lo había creado;
se burló de la Roca de su salvación.
16 Lo provocó a celos al rendir culto a dioses ajenos;
lo enfureció con sus actos detestables.
17 Ofreció sacrificios a demonios, los cuales no son Dios,
a dioses que no conocían,
a dioses nuevos y recientes;
a dioses que sus antepasados jamás temieron.
18 Descuidaste la Roca que te engendró;
te olvidaste del Dios que te dio la vida.
19 »El Señor
vio todo eso y se alejó de ti,
provocado al enojo por sus propios hijos e hijas.
20 Dijo: “Los abandonaré
y ya veremos cómo terminan.
Pues son una generación torcida,
hijos sin integridad.
21 Ellos despertaron mis celos al rendir culto a cosas que no son Dios;
provocaron mi enojo con sus ídolos inútiles.
Ahora yo despertaré sus celos con gente que ni siquiera es pueblo,
provocaré su enojo por medio de gentiles
22 Pues mi enojo arde como el fuego
y quema hasta las profundidades de la tumba.
Devora la tierra y todos sus cultivos
y enciende hasta los cimientos de las montañas.
23 Amontonaré calamidades sobre ellos
y los derribaré con mis flechas.
24 Los debilitaré con hambre,
alta fiebre y enfermedades mortales.
Les enviaré los colmillos de bestias salvajes
y serpientes venenosas que se arrastran por el polvo.
25 Por fuera, la espada los matará
y por adentro, el terror los carcomerá,
tanto a los muchachos como a las jovencitas,
tanto a los niños como a los ancianos.
26 Los habría aniquilado por completo,
habría borrado hasta el recuerdo de ellos,
27 pero temí la burla de los enemigos de Israel,
quienes podrían entender mal y decir:
‘¡Nuestro poder ha triunfado!
¡El Señor
no tuvo nada que ver en eso!’”
28 »Pero Israel es una nación insensata;
su gente es necia, sin entendimiento.
29 ¡Ay, si fueran sabios y entendieran estas cosas!
¡Ay, si supieran lo que les espera!
30 ¿Cómo podría una persona perseguir a mil de ellos
y dos personas hacer huir a diez mil,
a menos que la Roca de ellos los hubiera vendido,
a menos que el Señor
se los hubiera entregado?
31 Pero la roca de nuestros enemigos no es como nuestra Roca,
hasta ellos mismos se dan cuenta de eso.
32 Su vid crece de la vid de Sodoma,
de los viñedos de Gomorra.
Sus uvas son veneno,
y sus racimos son amargos.
33 Su vino es veneno de serpientes,
veneno mortal de cobras.
34 »El Señor
dice: “¿Acaso no estoy sellando todas esas cosas
y almacenándolas en mi cofre?
35 Yo tomaré venganza; yo les pagaré lo que se merecen.
A su debido tiempo, sus pies resbalarán.
Les llegará el día de la calamidad,
y su destino los alcanzará”.
36 »Sin duda, el Señor
hará justicia a su pueblo
y cambiará de parecer acerca de
sus siervos,
cuando vea que ya no tienen fuerzas
y no queda nadie allí, ni siervo ni libre.
37 Y luego preguntará: “¿Dónde están sus dioses,
esas rocas a las que acudieron para refugiarse?
38 ¿Dónde están ahora los dioses
que comían la gordura de sus sacrificios
y bebían el vino de sus ofrendas?
¡Que se levanten esos dioses y los ayuden!
¡Que ellos les den refugio!
39 ¡Miren ahora, yo mismo soy Dios!
¡No hay otro dios aparte de mí!
Yo soy el que mata y el que da vida,
soy el que hiere y el que sana.
¡Nadie puede ser librado de mi mano poderosa!
40 Ahora levanto mi mano al cielo
y declaro: ‘Tan cierto como que yo vivo,
41 cuando afile mi espada reluciente
y comience a hacer justicia,
me vengaré de mis enemigos
y daré su merecido a los que me rechazan.
42 Haré que mis flechas se emborrachen de sangre,
y mi espada devorará carne:
la sangre de los masacrados y cautivos,
y las cabezas de los jefes enemigos’”.
43 »Alégrense con él, oh cielos,
y que lo adoren todos los ángeles de Dios.
Alégrense con su pueblo, oh naciones,
y que todos los ángeles se fortalezcan en él.
Pues él vengará la sangre de sus siervos,
cobrará venganza de sus enemigos.
Dará su merecido a los que lo odian
y limpiará la tierra para su pueblo».
44 Entonces Moisés fue con Josué,
hijo de Nun, y recitó todas las palabras de ese canto al pueblo.
45 Cuando Moisés terminó de recitar todas esas palabras al pueblo de Israel,
46 agregó: «Toma en serio cada una de las advertencias que te hice hoy. Transmítelas como una orden a tus hijos, para que obedezcan cada palabra de esas instrucciones.
47 No son palabras vacías; ¡son tu vida! Si las obedeces, disfrutarás de muchos años en la tierra que poseerás al cruzar el río Jordán».
48 Anuncio de la muerte de Moisés
Ese mismo día, el Señor
le dijo a Moisés:
49 «Ve a Moab, a las montañas que están al oriente del río,
y sube el monte Nebo, que está frente a Jericó. Contempla la tierra de Canaán, la tierra que le doy al pueblo de Israel como su preciada posesión.
50 Entonces morirás allí, en la montaña. Te reunirás con tus antepasados tal como tu hermano Aarón, quien murió en el monte Hor y se reunió con sus antepasados.
51 Pues los dos me traicionaron ante los israelitas en las aguas de Meriba en Cades,
en el desierto de Zin. Allí ustedes no le demostraron mi santidad al pueblo de Israel.
52 Así que verás la tierra desde lejos, pero no podrás entrar en la tierra que le doy al pueblo de Israel».

Deuteronomio 32 Commentary

Chapter 32

The song of Moses. (1,2) The character of God, The character of Israel. (3-6) The great things God had done for Israel. (7-14) The wickedness of Israel. (19-25) The judgments which would come upon them for their sins. (15-18) Deserved vengeance withheld. (26-38) God's deliverance for his people. (39-43) The exhortation with which the song was delivered. (44-47) Moses to go up mount Nebo to die. (48-52)

Verses 1-2 Moses begins with a solemn appeal to heaven and earth, concerning the truth and importance of what he was about to say. His doctrine is the gospel, the speech of God, the doctrine of Christ; the doctrine of grace and mercy through him, and of life and salvation by him.

Verses 3-6 "He is a Rock." This is the first time God is called so in Scripture. The expression denotes that the Divine power, faithfulness, and love, as revealed in Christ and the gospel, form a foundation which cannot be changed or moved, on which we may build our hopes of happiness. And under his protection we may find refuge from all our enemies, and in all our troubles; as the rocks in those countries sheltered from the burning rays of the sun, and from tempests, or were fortresses from the enemy. "His work is perfect:" that of redemption and salvation, in which there is a display of all the Divine perfection, complete in all its parts. All God's dealings with his creatures are regulated by wisdom which cannot err, and perfect justice. He is indeed just and right; he takes care that none shall lose by him. A high charge is exhibited against Israel. Even God's children have their spots, while in this imperfect state; for if we say we have no sin, no spot, we deceive ourselves. But the sin of Israel was not habitual, notorious, unrepented sin; which is a certain mark of the children of Satan. They were fools to forsake their mercies for lying vanities. All wilful sinners, especially sinners in Israel, are unwise and ungrateful.

Verses 7-14 Moses gives particular instances of God's kindness and concern for them. The eagle's care for her young is a beautiful emblem of Christ's love, who came between Divine justice and our guilty souls, and bare our sins in his own body on the tree. And by the preached gospel, and the influences of the Holy Spirit, He stirs up and prevails upon sinners to leave Satan's bondage. ( deuteronomy 32:13-14 ) their spiritual enemies, sin, Satan, and the world, in and through Christ. Also of their safety and triumph in him; of their happy frames of soul, when they are above the world, and the things of it. This will be the blessed case of spiritual Israel in every sense in the latter day.

Verses 15-18 Here are two instances of the wickedness of Israel, each was apostacy from God. These people were called Jeshurun, "an upright people," so some; "a seeing people," so others: but they soon lost the reputation both of their knowledge and of their righteousness. They indulged their appetites, as if they had nothing to do but to make provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts of it. Those who make a god of themselves, and a god of their bellies, in pride and wantonness, and cannot bear to be told of it, thereby forsake God, and show they esteem him lightly. There is but one way of a sinner's acceptance and sanctification, however different modes of irreligion, or false religion, may show that favourable regard for other ways, which is often miscalled candid. How mad are idolaters, who forsake the Rock of salvation, to run themselves upon the rock of perdition!

Verses 19-25 The revolt of Israel was described in the foregoing verses, and here follow the resolves of Divine justice as to them. We deceive ourselves, if we think that God will be mocked by a faithless people. Sin makes us hateful in the sight of the holy God. See what mischief sin does, and reckon those to be fools that mock at it.

Verses 26-38 The idolatry and rebellions of Israel deserved, and the justice of God seemed to demand, that they should be rooted out. But He spared Israel, and continues them still to be living witnesses of the truth of the Bible, and to silence unbelievers. They are preserved for wise and holy purposes and the prophecies give us some idea what those purposes are. The Lord will never disgrace the throne of his glory. It is great wisdom, and will help much to the return of sinners to God, seriously to consider their latter end, or the future state. It is here meant particularly of what God foretold by Moses, about this people in the latter days; but it may be applied generally. Oh that men would consider the happiness they will lose, and the misery they will certainly plunge into, if they go on in their trespasses! What will be in the end thereof? ( Jeremiah 5:31 ) . For the Lord will in due time bring down the enemies of the church, in displeasure against their wickedness. When sinners deem themselves most secure, they suddenly fall into destruction. And God's time to appear for the deliverance of his people, is when things are at the worst with them. But those who trust to any rock but God, will find it fail them when they most need it. The rejection of the Messiah by the Jewish nation, is the continuance of their ancient idolatry, apostacy, and rebellion. They shall be brought to humble themselves before the Lord, to repent of their sins, and to trust in their long-rejected Mediator for salvation. Then he will deliver them, and make their prosperity great.

Verses 39-43 This conclusion of the song speaks, 1. Glory to God. No escape can be made from his power. 2. It speaks terror to his enemies. Terror indeed to those who hate him. The wrath of God is here revealed from heaven against them. 3. It speaks comfort to his own people. The song concludes with words of joy. Whatever judgments are brought upon sinners, it shall go well with the people of God.

Verses 44-47 Here is the solemn delivery of this song to Israel, with a charge to mind all the good words Moses had said unto them. It is not a trifle, but a matter of life and death: mind it, and you are made for ever; neglect it, and you are for ever undone. Oh that men were fully persuaded that religion is their life, even the life of their souls!

Verses 48-52 Now Moses had done his work, why should he desire to live a day longer? God reminds him of the sin of which he had been guilty, for which he was kept from entering Canaan. It is good for the best of men to die repenting the infirmities of which they are conscious. But those may die with comfort and ease, whenever God calls for them, notwithstanding the sins they remember against themselves, who have a believing prospect, and a well-grounded hope of eternal life beyond death.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains the song mentioned and referred to in the former, the preface to it, De 32:1-3; the character of the divine and illustrious Person it chiefly respects, De 32:4; the ingratitude of the people of the Jews to him, who were a crooked and perverse generation, aggravated by his having bought, made, and established them, De 32:5,6; and which is further aggravated by various instances of divine goodness to them, first in providing and reserving a suitable country for them, at the time of the division of the earth to the sons of men, with the reason of it, De 32:7-9; then by what the Lord did for them in the wilderness, De 32:10-12; after that in the land of Canaan, where they enjoyed plenty of all good things, and in the possession of which they were, when the illustrious Person described appeared among them, De 32:13,14; and then the sin of ingratitude to him, before hinted at, is fully expressed, namely, lightly esteeming the rock of salvation, the Messiah, De 32:15; nor could they stop here, but proceed to more ungodliness, setting up other messiahs and saviours, which were an abomination to the Lord, De 32:16; continuing sacrifices when they should not, which were therefore reckoned no other than sacrifices to demons, and especially the setting up of their new idol, their own righteousness, was highly provoking; and by all this they clearly showed they had forgot the rock, the Saviour, De 32:17,18; wherefore, for the rejection of the Messiah and the, persecution of his followers, they would be abhorred of God, De 32:19; who would show his resentment by the rejection of them, by the calling of the Gentiles, and by bringing the nation of the Romans upon them, De 32:20,21; whereby utter ruin and destruction in all its shapes would be brought upon them, De 32:22-25; and, were it not for the insolence of their adversaries, would be entirely destroyed, being such a foolish and unwise people, which appears by not observing what the enemies of the Messiah themselves allow, that there is no rock like him, whom they despised, De 32:26-31; which enemies are described, and the vengeance reserved for them pointed out, De 32:32-35; and the song closed with promises of grace and mercy to the Lord's people, and wrath and ruin to his and their enemies, on which account all are called upon to rejoice in the latter day, De 32:36-43; and this song being delivered by Moses, the people of Israel are exhorted seriously to attend to it, it being of the utmost importance to them, De 32:44-47; and the chapter is concluded with a relation of Moses being ordered to go up to Mount Nebo and die, with the reason of it, De 32:48-52.

Deuteronomio 32 Commentaries

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