Miqueas 3

El castigo a los gobernantes corruptos

1 Entonces dije:«Escuchen, gobernantes de Jacob,autoridades del pueblo de Israel:¿Acaso no les corresponde a ustedesconocer el derecho?
2 Ustedes odian el bien y aman el mal;a mi pueblo le arrancan la piel del cuerpoy la carne de los huesos;
3 ustedes se devoran a mi pueblo,le arrancan la piel, le rompen los huesos;lo descuartizan como carne para la olla,como carne para el horno».
4 Ya le pedirán auxilio al SEÑOR,pero él no les responderá;esconderá de ellos su rostroporque hicieron lo malo.

Contraste entre el profeta falso y el verdadero

5 Esto es lo que dice el SEÑOR contra ustedes,profetas que descarrían a mi pueblo:«Con el estómago lleno, invitan a la paz;con el vientre vacío, declaran la guerra.
6 Por tanto, tendrán noches sin visiones,oscuridad sin presagios».El sol se ocultará de estos profetas;¡el día se les volverá tinieblas!
7 Los videntes quedarán en vergüenza;los adivinos serán humillados.Dios les tapará la boca,pues no les dará respuesta.
8 Yo, en cambio, estoy lleno de poder,lleno del Espíritu del SEÑOR,y lleno de justicia y de fuerza,para echarle en cara a Jacob su delito;para reprocharle a Israel su pecado.

El gobierno corrupto, causa de la caída de Sión

9 Escuchen esto ustedes,gobernantes del pueblo de Jacob,y autoridades del reino de Israel,que abominan la justicia y tuercen el derecho,
10 que edifican a Sión con sangrey a Jerusalén con injusticia.
11 Sus gobernantes juzgan por soborno,sus sacerdotes instruyen por paga,y sus profetas predicen por dinero;para colmo, se apoyan en el SEÑOR, diciendo:«¿No está el SEÑOR entre nosotros?¡No vendrá sobre nosotros ningún mal!»
12 Por lo tanto, por culpa de ustedesSión será como un campo arado;Jerusalén quedará en ruinas,y el monte del templo se volverá un matorral.

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Miqueas 3 Commentary

Chapter 3

The cruelty of the princes, and the falsehood of the prophets. (1-8) Their false security. (9-12)

Verses 1-8 Men cannot expect to do ill, and fare well; but to find that done to them which they did to others. How seldom do wholesome truths reach the ears of those in high stations or in authority! Those who deceive others are preparing confusion for their own faces. The prophet had ardent love to God and to the souls of men; deep concern for his glory and their salvation, and zeal against sin. The difficulties he met with did not drive him from his work. He had this strength; not from and of himself, but he was full of power by the Spirit of the Lord. Those who act honestly, may act boldly. And those who come to hear the word of God, must be willing to be told of their faults, must take it kindly, and be thankful.

Verses 9-12 Zion's walls owe no thanks to those that build them up with blood and iniquity. The sin of man works not the righteousness of God. Even when men do that which in itself is good, but do it for filthy lucre, it becomes abomination both to God and man. Faith rests in the Lord as the soul's foundation: presumption only leans upon the Lord as a prop, and would use him to serve a turn. If men's having the Lord among them will not keep them from doing evil, it never can secure them from suffering evil for so doing. See the doom of wicked Jacob; Therefore shall Zion for your sake be ploughed as a field. This was exactly fulfilled at the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, and is so at this day. If sacred places are polluted by sin, they will be wasted and ruined by the judgments of God.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the prophet reproves and threatens both princes and prophets, first separately, and then conjunctly; first the heads and princes of the people, civil magistrates, for their ignorance of justice, and hatred of good, and love of evil, and for their oppression and cruelty; and they are threatened with distress when they should cry unto the Lord, and should not be heard by him, Mic 3:1-4; next the prophets are taken to task, for their voraciousness, avarice, and false prophesying; and are threatened with darkness, with want of vision, and of an answer from the Lord, and with shame and confusion, Mic 3:5-7; and the prophet being full of the Spirit and power of God, to declare the sins and transgressions of Jacob and Israel, Mic 3:8, very freely declaims against princes, priests, and prophets, all together; who, though guilty of very notorious crimes, yet were in great security, and promised themselves impunity, Mic 3:9-11; wherefore the city and temple of Jerusalem are threatened with an utter desolation, Mic 3:12.

Miqueas 3 Commentaries

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