John 8

1 Iesus autem perrexit in montem Oliveti
2 et diluculo iterum venit in templum et omnis populus venit ad eum et sedens docebat eos
3 adducunt autem scribae et Pharisaei mulierem in adulterio deprehensam et statuerunt eam in medio
4 et dixerunt ei magister haec mulier modo deprehensa est in adulterio
5 in lege autem Moses mandavit nobis huiusmodi lapidare tu ergo quid dicis
6 haec autem dicebant temptantes eum ut possent accusare eum Iesus autem inclinans se deorsum digito scribebat in terra
7 cum autem perseverarent interrogantes eum erexit se et dixit eis qui sine peccato est vestrum primus in illam lapidem mittat
8 et iterum se inclinans scribebat in terra
9 audientes autem unus post unum exiebant incipientes a senioribus et remansit solus et mulier in medio stans
10 erigens autem se Iesus dixit ei mulier ubi sunt nemo te condemnavit
11 quae dixit nemo Domine dixit autem Iesus nec ego te condemnabo vade et amplius iam noli peccare
12 iterum ergo locutus est eis Iesus dicens ego sum lux mundi qui sequitur me non ambulabit in tenebris sed habebit lucem vitae
13 dixerunt ergo ei Pharisaei tu de te ipso testimonium perhibes testimonium tuum non est verum
14 respondit Iesus et dixit eis et si ego testimonium perhibeo de me ipso verum est testimonium meum quia scio unde veni et quo vado vos autem nescitis unde venio aut quo vado
15 vos secundum carnem iudicatis ego non iudico quemquam
16 et si iudico ego iudicium meum verum est quia solus non sum sed ego et qui me misit Pater
17 et in lege vestra scriptum est quia duorum hominum testimonium verum est
18 ego sum qui testimonium perhibeo de me ipso et testimonium perhibet de me qui misit me Pater
19 dicebant ergo ei ubi est Pater tuus respondit Iesus neque me scitis neque Patrem meum si me sciretis forsitan et Patrem meum sciretis
20 haec verba locutus est in gazofilacio docens in templo et nemo adprehendit eum quia necdum venerat hora eius
21 dixit ergo iterum eis Iesus ego vado et quaeretis me et in peccato vestro moriemini quo ego vado vos non potestis venire
22 dicebant ergo Iudaei numquid interficiet semet ipsum quia dicit quo ego vado vos non potestis venire
23 et dicebat eis vos de deorsum estis ego de supernis sum vos de mundo hoc estis ego non sum de hoc mundo
24 dixi ergo vobis quia moriemini in peccatis vestris si enim non credideritis quia ego sum moriemini in peccato vestro
25 dicebant ergo ei tu quis es dixit eis Iesus principium quia et loquor vobis
26 multa habeo de vobis loqui et iudicare sed qui misit me verax est et ego quae audivi ab eo haec loquor in mundo
27 et non cognoverunt quia Patrem eis dicebat
28 dixit ergo eis Iesus cum exaltaveritis Filium hominis tunc cognoscetis quia ego sum et a me ipso facio nihil sed sicut docuit me Pater haec loquor
29 et qui me misit mecum est non reliquit me solum quia ego quae placita sunt ei facio semper
30 haec illo loquente multi crediderunt in eum
31 dicebat ergo Iesus ad eos qui crediderunt ei Iudaeos si vos manseritis in sermone meo vere discipuli mei eritis
32 et cognoscetis veritatem et veritas liberabit vos
33 responderunt ei semen Abrahae sumus et nemini servivimus umquam quomodo tu dicis liberi eritis
34 respondit eis Iesus amen amen dico vobis quia omnis qui facit peccatum servus est peccati
35 servus autem non manet in domo in aeternum filius manet in aeternum
36 si ergo Filius vos liberaverit vere liberi eritis
37 scio quia filii Abrahae estis sed quaeritis me interficere quia sermo meus non capit in vobis
38 ego quod vidi apud Patrem loquor et vos quae vidistis apud patrem vestrum facitis
39 responderunt et dixerunt ei pater noster Abraham est dicit eis Iesus si filii Abrahae estis opera Abrahae facite
40 nunc autem quaeritis me interficere hominem qui veritatem vobis locutus sum quam audivi a Deo hoc Abraham non fecit
41 vos facitis opera patris vestri dixerunt itaque ei nos ex fornicatione non sumus nati unum patrem habemus Deum
42 dixit ergo eis Iesus si Deus pater vester esset diligeretis utique me ego enim ex Deo processi et veni neque enim a me ipso veni sed ille me misit
43 quare loquellam meam non cognoscitis quia non potestis audire sermonem meum
44 vos ex patre diabolo estis et desideria patris vestri vultis facere ille homicida erat ab initio et in veritate non stetit quia non est veritas in eo cum loquitur mendacium ex propriis loquitur quia mendax est et pater eius
45 ego autem quia veritatem dico non creditis mihi
46 quis ex vobis arguit me de peccato si veritatem dico quare vos non creditis mihi
47 qui est ex Deo verba Dei audit propterea vos non auditis quia ex Deo non estis
48 responderunt igitur Iudaei et dixerunt ei nonne bene dicimus nos quia Samaritanus es tu et daemonium habes
49 respondit Iesus ego daemonium non habeo sed honorifico Patrem meum et vos inhonoratis me
50 ego autem non quaero gloriam meam est qui quaerit et iudicat
51 amen amen dico vobis si quis sermonem meum servaverit mortem non videbit in aeternum
52 dixerunt ergo Iudaei nunc cognovimus quia daemonium habes Abraham mortuus est et prophetae et tu dicis si quis sermonem meum servaverit non gustabit mortem in aeternum
53 numquid tu maior es patre nostro Abraham qui mortuus est et prophetae mortui sunt quem te ipsum facis
54 respondit Iesus si ego glorifico me ipsum gloria mea nihil est est Pater meus qui glorificat me quem vos dicitis quia Deus noster est
55 et non cognovistis eum ego autem novi eum et si dixero quia non scio eum ero similis vobis mendax sed scio eum et sermonem eius servo
56 Abraham pater vester exultavit ut videret diem meum et vidit et gavisus est
57 dixerunt ergo Iudaei ad eum quinquaginta annos nondum habes et Abraham vidisti
58 dixit eis Iesus amen amen dico vobis antequam Abraham fieret ego sum
59 tulerunt ergo lapides ut iacerent in eum Iesus autem abscondit se et exivit de templo

Images for John 8

John 8 Commentary

Chapter 8

The Pharisees and the adulteress. (1-11) Christ's discourse with the Pharisees. (12-59)

Verses 1-11 Christ neither found fault with the law, nor excused the prisoner's guilt; nor did he countenance the pretended zeal of the Pharisees. Those are self-condemned who judge others, and yet do the same thing. All who are any way called to blame the faults of others, are especially concerned to look to themselves, and keep themselves pure. In this matter Christ attended to the great work about which he came into the world, that was, to bring sinners to repentance; not to destroy, but to save. He aimed to bring, not only the accused to repentance, by showing her his mercy, but the prosecutors also, by showing them their sins; they thought to insnare him, he sought to convince and convert them. He declined to meddle with the magistrate's office. Many crimes merit far more severe punishment than they meet with; but we should not leave our own work, to take that upon ourselves to which we are not called. When Christ sent her away, it was with this caution, Go, and sin no more. Those who help to save the life of a criminal, should help to save the soul with the same caution. Those are truly happy, whom Christ does not condemn. Christ's favour to us in the forgiveness of past sins should prevail with us, Go then, and sin no more.

Verses 12-16 Christ is the Light of the world. God is light, and Christ is the image of the invisible God. One sun enlightens the whole world; so does one Christ, and there needs no more. What a dark dungeon would the world be without the sun! So would it be without Jesus, by whom light came into the world. Those who follow Christ shall not walk in darkness. They shall not be left without the truths which are necessary to keep them from destroying error, and the directions in the way of duty, necessary to keep them from condemning sin.

Verses 17-20 If we knew Christ better, we should know the Father better. Those become vain in their imaginations concerning God, who will not learn of Christ. Those who know not his glory and grace, know not the Father that sent him. The time of our departure out of the world, depends upon God. Our enemies cannot hasten it any sooner, nor can our friends delay it any longer, than the time appointed of the Father. Every true believer can look up and say with pleasure, My times are in thy hand, and better there than in my own. To all God's purposes there is a time.

Verses 21-29 Those that live in unbelief, are for ever undone, if they die in unbelief. The Jews belonged to this present evil world, but Jesus was of a heavenly and Divine nature, so that his doctrine, kingdom, and blessings, would not suit their taste. But the curse of the law is done away to all that submit to the grace of the gospel. Nothing but the doctrine of Christ's grace will be an argument powerful enough, and none but the Spirit of Christ's grace will be an agent powerful enough, to turn us from sin to God; and that Spirit is given, and that doctrine is given, to work upon those only who believe in Christ. Some say, Who is this Jesus? They allow him to have been a Prophet, an excellent Teacher, and even more than a creature; but cannot acknowledge him as over all, God blessed for evermore. Will not this suffice? Jesus here answers the question. Is this to honour him as the Father? Does this admit his being the Light of the world, and the Life of men, one with the Father? All shall know by their conversion, or in their condemnation, that he always spake and did what pleased the Father, even when he claimed the highest honours to himself.

Verses 30-36 Such power attended our Lord's words, that many were convinced, and professed to believe in him. He encouraged them to attend his teaching, rely on his promises, and obey his commands, notwithstanding all temptations to evil. Thus doing, they would be his disciples truly; and by the teaching of his word and Spirit, they would learn where their hope and strength lay. Christ spoke of spiritual liberty; but carnal hearts feel no other grievances than those that molest the body, and distress their worldly affairs. Talk to them of their liberty and property, tell them of waste committed upon their lands, or damage done to their houses, and they understand you very well; but speak of the bondage of sin, captivity to Satan, and liberty by Christ; tell of wrong done to their precious souls, and the hazard of their eternal welfare, then you bring strange things to their ears. Jesus plainly reminded them, that the man who practised any sin, was, in fact, a slave to that sin, which was the case with most of them. Christ in the gospel offers us freedom, he has power to do this, and those whom Christ makes free are really so. But often we see persons disputing about liberty of every kind, while they are slaves to some sinful lust.

Verses 37-40 Our Lord opposed the proud and vain confidence of these Jews, showing that their descent from Abraham could not profit those of a contrary spirit to him. Where the word of God has no place, no good is to be expected; room is left there for all wickedness. A sick person who turns from his physician, and will take neither remedies nor food, is past hope of recovery. The truth both heals and nourishes the hearts of those who receive it. The truth taught by philosophers has not this power and effect, but only the truth of God. Those who claim the privileges of Abraham, must do Abraham's works; must be strangers and sojourners in this world; keep up the worship of God in their families, and always walk before God.

Verses 41-47 Satan prompts men to excesses by which they murder themselves and others, while what he puts into the mind tends to ruin men's souls. He is the great promoter of falsehood of every kind. He is a liar, all his temptations are carried on by his calling evil good, and good evil, and promising freedom in sin. He is the author of all lies; whom liars resemble and obey, with whom all liars shall have their portion for ever. The special lusts of the devil are spiritual wickedness, the lusts of the mind, and corrupt reasonings, pride and envy, wrath and malice, enmity to good, and enticing others to evil. By the truth, here understand the revealed will of God as to the salvation of men by Jesus Christ, the truth Christ was now preaching, and which the Jews opposed.

Verses 48-53 Observe Christ's disregard of the applause of men. those who are dead to the praises of men can bear their contempt. God will seek the honour of all who do not seek their own. In these verses we have the doctrine of the everlasting happiness of believers. We have the character of a believer; he is one that keeps the sayings of the Lord Jesus. And the privilege of a believer; he shall by no means see death for ever. Though now they cannot avoid seeing death, and tasting it also, yet they shall shortly be where it will be no more forever, ( Exodus 14:13 ) .

Verses 54-59 Christ and all that are his, depend upon God for honour. Men may be able to dispute about God, yet may not know him. Such as know not God, and obey not the gospel of Christ, are put ( 2 Thessalonians. 1:8 ) earnestly desire to know more of him. Those who discern the dawn of the light of the Sun of Righteousness, wish to see his rising. "Before Abraham was, I AM." This speaks Abraham a creature, and our Lord the Creator; well, therefore, might he make himself greater than Abraham. I AM, is the name of God, Ex. 3:14 ; it speaks his self-existence; he is the First and the Last, ever the same, ( Revelation 1:8 ) . Thus he was not only before Abraham, but before all worlds, ( Proverbs 8:23 , John 1:1 ) . As Mediator, he was the appointed Messiah, long before Abraham; the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, ( Revelation 13:8 ) . The Lord Jesus was made of God Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption, to Adam, and Abel, and all that lived and died by faith in him, before Abraham. The Jews were about to stone Jesus for blasphemy, but he withdrew; by his miraculous power he passed through them unhurt. Let us stedfastly profess what we know and believe concerning God; and if heirs of Abraham's faith, we shall rejoice in looking forward to that day when the Saviour shall appear in glory, to the confusion of his enemies, and to complete the salvation of all who believe in him.

John 8 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.