Mateus 17

1 Seis dias depois, tomou Jesus consigo a Pedro, a Tiago e a João, irmão deste, e os conduziu � parte a um alto monte;
2 e foi transfigurado diante deles; o seu rosto resplandeceu como o sol, e as suas vestes tornaram-se brancas como a luz.
3 E eis que lhes apareceram Moisés e Elias, falando com ele.
4 Pedro, tomando a palavra, disse a Jesus: Senhor, bom é estarmos aqui; se queres, farei aqui três cabanas, uma para ti, outra para Moisés, e outra para Elias.
5 Estando ele ainda a falar, eis que uma nuvem luminosa os cobriu; e dela saiu uma voz que dizia: Este é o meu Filho amado, em quem me comprazo; a ele ouvi.
6 Os discípulos, ouvindo isso, cairam com o rosto em terra, e ficaram grandemente atemorizados.
7 Chegou-se, pois, Jesus e, tocando-os, disse: Levantai-vos e não temais.
8 E, erguendo eles os olhos, não viram a ninguém senão a Jesus somente.
9 Enquanto desciam do monte, Jesus lhes ordenou: A ninguém conteis a visão, até que o Filho do homem seja levantado dentre os mortos.
10 Perguntaram-lhe os discípulos: Por que dizem então os escribas que é necessário que Elias venha primeiro?
11 Respondeu ele: Na verdade Elias havia de vir e restaurar todas as coisas;
12 digo-vos, porém, que Elias já veio, e não o reconheceram; mas fizeram-lhe tudo o que quiseram. Assim também o Filho do homem há de padecer �s mãos deles.
13 Então entenderam os discípulos que lhes falava a respeito de João, o Batista.
14 Quando chegaram � multidão, aproximou-se de Jesus um homem que, ajoelhando-se diante dele, disse:
15 Senhor, tem compaixão de meu filho, porque é epiléptico e sofre muito; pois muitas vezes cai no fogo, e muitas vezes na água.
16 Eu o trouxe aos teus discípulos, e não o puderam curar.
17 E Jesus, respondendo, disse: Ó geração incrédula e perversa! até quando estarei convosco? até quando vos sofrerei? Trazei-mo aqui.
18 Então Jesus repreendeu ao demônio, o qual saiu de menino, que desde aquela hora ficou curado.
19 Depois os discípulos, aproximando-se de Jesus em particular, perguntaram-lhe: Por que não pudemos nós expulsá-lo?
20 Disse-lhes ele: Por causa da vossa pouca fé; pois em verdade vos digo que, se tiverdes fé como um grão de mostarda direis a este monte: Passa daqui para acolá, e ele há de passar; e nada vos será impossível.
21 [mas esta casta de demônios não se expulsa senão � força de oração e de jejum.]
22 Ora, achando-se eles na Galiléia, disse-lhes Jesus: O Filho do homem está para ser entregue nas mãos dos homens;
23 e matá-lo-ão, e ao terceiro dia ressurgirá. E eles se entristeceram grandemente.
24 Tendo eles chegado a Cafarnaum, aproximaram-se de Pedro os que cobravam as didracmas, e lhe perguntaram: O vosso mestre não paga as didracmas?
25 Disse ele: Sim. Ao entrar Pedro em casa, Jesus se lhe antecipou, perguntando: Que te parece, Simão? De quem cobram os reis da terra imposto ou tributo? dos seus filhos, ou dos alheios?
26 Quando ele respondeu: Dos alheios, disse-lhe Jesus: Logo, são isentos os filhos.
27 Mas, para que não os escandalizemos, vai ao mar, lança o anzol, tira o primeiro peixe que subir e, abrindo-lhe a boca, encontrarás um estáter; toma-o, e dá-lho por mim e por ti.

Images for Mateus 17

Mateus 17 Commentary

Chapter 17

The transfiguration of Christ. (1-13) Jesus casts out a dumb and deaf spirit. (14-21) He again foretells his sufferings. (22,23) He works a miracle to pay the tribute money. (24-27)

Verses 1-13 Now the disciples beheld somewhat of Christ's glory, as of the only begotten of the Father. It was intended to support their faith, when they would have to witness his crucifixion; and would give them an idea of the glory prepared for them, when changed by his power and made like him. The apostles were overcome by the glorious sight. Peter thought that it was most desirable to continue there, and to go no more down to meet the sufferings of which he was so unwilling to hear. In this he knew not what he said. We are wrong, if we look for a heaven here upon earth. Whatever tabernacles we propose to make for ourselves in this world, we must always remember to ask Christ's leave. That sacrifice was not yet offered, without which the souls of sinful men could not have been saved; and important services were to be done by Peter and his brethren. While Peter spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, an emblem of the Divine presence and glory. Ever since man sinned, and heard God's voice in the garden, unusual appearances of God have been terrible to man. They fell prostrate to the earth, till Jesus encouraged them; when looking round, they beheld only their Lord as they commonly saw him. We must pass through varied experiences in our way to glory; and when we return to the world after an ordinance, it must be our care to take Christ with us, and then it may be our comfort that he is with us.

Verses 14-21 The case of afflicted children should be presented to God by faithful and fervent prayer. Christ cured the child. Though the people were perverse, and Christ was provoked, yet care was taken of the child. When all other helps and succours fail, we are welcome to Christ, may trust in him, and in his power and goodness. See here an emblem of Christ's undertaking as our Redeemer. It encourages parents to bring children to Christ, whose souls are under Satan's power; he is able to heal them, and as willing as he is able. Not only bring them to Christ by prayer, but bring them to the word of Christ; to means by which Satan's strong-holds in the soul are beaten down. It is good for us to distrust ourselves and our own strength; but it is displeasing to Christ when we distrust any power derived from him, or granted by him. There was also something in the malady which rendered the cure difficult. The extraordinary power of Satan must not discourage our faith, but quicken us to more earnestness in praying to God for the increase of it. Do we wonder to see Satan's bodily possession of this young man from a child, when we see his spiritual possession of every son of Adam from the fall!

Verses 22-23 Christ perfectly knew all things that should befall him, yet undertook the work of our redemption, which strongly shows his love. What outward debasement and Divine glory was the life of the Redeemer! And all his humiliation ended in his exaltation. Let us learn to endure the cross, to despise riches and worldly honours, and to be content with his will.

Verses 24-27 Peter felt sure that his Master was ready to do what was right. Christ spoke first to give him proof that no thought can be withholden from him. We must never decline our duty for fear of giving offence; but we must sometimes deny ourselves in our worldly interests, rather than give offence. However the money was lodged in the fish, He who knows all things alone could know it, and only almighty power could bring it to Peter's hook. The power and the poverty of Christ should be mentioned together. If called by providence to be poor, like our Lord, let us trust in his power, and our God shall supply all our need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. In the way of obedience, in the course, perhaps, of our usual calling, as he helped Peter, so he will help us. And if any sudden call should occur, which we are not prepared to meet, let us not apply to others, till we first seek Christ.

Mateus 17 Commentaries

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