Salmos 33

1 Cantad de júbilo en el SEÑOR, oh justos; apropiada es para los rectos la alabanza.
2 Dad gracias al SEÑOR con la lira; cantadle alabanzas con el arpa de diez cuerdas.
3 Cantadle cántico nuevo; tañed con arte, con voz de júbilo.
4 Porque la palabra del SEÑOR es recta; y toda su obra es hecha con fidelidad.
5 El ama la justicia y el derecho; llena está la tierra de la misericordia del SEÑOR.
6 Por la palabra del SEÑOR fueron hechos los cielos, y todo su ejército por el aliento de su boca.
7 El junta las aguas del mar como un montón; pone en almacenes los abismos.
8 Tema al SEÑOR toda la tierra; tiemblen en su presencia todos los habitantes del mundo.
9 Porque El habló, y fue hecho; El mandó, y todo se confirmó.
10 El SEÑOR hace nulo el consejo de las naciones; frustra los designios de los pueblos.
11 El consejo del SEÑOR permanece para siempre, los designios de su corazón de generación en generación.
12 Bienaventurada la nación cuyo Dios es el SEÑOR, el pueblo que El ha escogido como herencia para sí.
13 El SEÑOR mira desde los cielos; El ve a todos los hijos de los hombres.
14 Desde el lugar de su morada El observa a todos los habitantes de la tierra;
15 El, que modela el corazón de cada uno de ellos; El, que todas las obras de ellos entiende.
16 El rey no se salva por gran ejército; ni es librado el valiente por la mucha fuerza.
17 Falsa esperanza de victoria es el caballo, ni con su mucha fuerza puede librar.
18 He aquí, los ojos del SEÑOR están sobre los que le temen, sobre los que esperan en su misericordia,
19 para librar su alma de la muerte, y conservarlos con vida en tiempos de hambre.
20 Nuestra alma espera al SEÑOR; El es nuestra ayuda y nuestro escudo;
21 pues en El se regocija nuestro corazón, porque en su santo nombre hemos confiado.
22 Sea sobre nosotros tu misericordia, oh SEÑOR, según hemos esperado en ti.

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Salmos 33 Commentary

Chapter 33

God to be praised. (1-11) His people encouraged by his power. (12-22)

Verses 1-11 Holy joy is the heart and soul of praise, and that is here pressed upon the righteous. Thankful praise is the breath and language of holy joy. Religious songs are proper expressions of thankful praise. Every endowment we possess, should be employed with all our skill and earnestness in God's service. His promises are all wise and good. His word is right, and therefore we are only in the right when we agree with it. His works are all done in truth. He is the righteous Lord, therefore loveth righteousness. What a pity it is that this earth, which is so full of the proofs and instances of God's goodness, should be so empty of his praises; and that of the multitudes who live upon his bounty, there are so few who live to his glory! What the Lord does, he does to purpose; it stands fast. He overrules all the counsels of men, and makes them serve his counsels; even that is fulfilled, which to us is most surprising, the eternal counsel of God, nor can any thing prevent its coming to pass.

Verses 12-22 All the motions and operations of the souls of men, which no mortals know but themselves, God knows better than they do. Their hearts, as well as their times, are all in his hand; he formed the spirit of each man within him. All the powers of the creature depend upon him, and are of no account, of no avail at all, without him. If we make God's favour sure towards us, then we need not fear whatever is against us. We are to give to him the glory of his special grace. All human devices for the salvation of our souls are vain; but the Lord's watchful eye is over those whose conscientious fear of his name proceeds from a believing hope in his mercy. In difficulties they shall be helped; in dangers they shall not receive any real damage. Those that fear God and his wrath, must hope in God and his mercy; for there is no flying from him, but by flying to him. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us; let us always have the comfort and benefit, not according to our merits, but according to the promise which thou hast in thy word given to us, and according to the faith thou hast by thy Spirit and grace wrought in us.

Footnotes 1

Chapter Summary


Though this psalm has no title to it, it seems to be a psalm of David, from the style and matter of it; and indeed begins with the same words with which the preceding psalm is ended. Theodoret is of opinion it was written by David as a prophecy concerning Hezekiah, as a song to be sung by the people after the destruction of the Assyrian army.

Salmos 33 Commentaries

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