Hebrews 9 Footnotes


9:4 Some see an inconsistency with this verse because it says that the ark contained the tablets of the covenant, a jar of manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, whereas the OT suggests the latter two objects were placed in the most holy place in front of the ark (e.g., Ex 16:32-34; Nm 17:10-11). However, the writer of Hebrews seems to have followed a line of rabbinic tradition that presumes items were subsequently placed in the ark with the tablets. We should also consider the author’s remarks in 9:5: “It is not possible to speak about these things in detail right now.” He apparently did not want to divert his focus from the subject matter at hand to spell out the matter in greater detail. Rather, he wanted to explain the tabernacle and its background in relation to the ministry of the OT priests.

9:27 Some skeptics say this verse teaches that it is appointed for all people to die, thus conflicting with verses such as 1Th 4:16-17, which refer to living saints being taken directly into heaven, and Heb 11:5, which speaks of Enoch not seeing death. But Heb 9:27 does not say that everyone without exception has experienced and will experience death. This cannot be what the author of Hebrews meant because Enoch had already been taken up by the time Hebrews was written. Further, dying is indeed the normal way one passes from this life to the next. Nonetheless, if the Lord wants to take some people out of this earthly life and straight up to heaven, then he is certainly within his prerogative to do so. He “is in heaven and does whatever he pleases” (Ps 115:3).