Ephesians - Introduction




THE AUTHOR OF EPHESIANS twice identifies himself as Paul (1:1; 3:1), and the early church accepted the book as being written by the apostle. Some scholars think the writing style, vocabulary, and even some teachings of the letter are not typical of Paul, but the objections are exaggerated. Furthermore, the evidence we have from the early church indicates that early Christians rejected letters known to be pseudonymous (falsely written under someone else’s name). So there is no good reason to dispute that Paul authored Ephesians.

Historical Background

Paul stayed at Ephesus, the capital city of the province of Asia, for almost three years (see Acts 20:31)—probably from AD 51–54 or 52–55. He subsequently penned this letter while in prison (3:1; 4:1; 6:20). Disagreement exists concerning whether Paul wrote Ephesians while imprisoned in Caes-area (Acts 23:23, 33-35; 24:22-23, 27) around 57–59 or while held in Rome (Acts 28:30) in about 60–62, but Christian tradition suggests that Paul wrote Ephesians from Rome around 60–61. Paul was under house arrest in guarded rental quarters (Acts 28:30). He most likely wrote Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians during the same imprisonment.

Little is known about the Christian recipients of the letter. It was carried to its destination by Tychicus, who in Ephesians 6:21 and Colossians 4:7 is identified as Paul’s emissary. The Ephesian and Colossian letters probably were delivered at the same time since the apostle noted in both that Tychicus would inform the churches concerning Paul’s situation.

Message and Purpose

Central to the message of Ephesians is the re-creation of the human family according to God’s original kingdom intention for mankind. Jews and Gentiles are brought together in Christ as one people. For those who trust in Jesus, the distinction between Jew and Gentile is abolished by his sacrificial death. No more hindrance remains to reuniting all humanity as the people of God with Christ as the head (1:22-23). The new body, the church, has been endowed by the power of the Holy Spirit to enable those comprising it to serve together in unity (1:3–2:10), to live new lives of faith and maturity for the fulfillment of God’s kingdom program (4:1–6:9), and to access the spiritual blessings they have as those who are seated with Christ in the heavens (1:3, 20; 2:6).



  1. Greetings (1:1-2)
  2. Every Spiritual Blessing in the Heavenly Places (1:3-14)
  3. Understanding Your Spiritual Resources (1:15-23)
  4. Saved to Serve (2:1-10)
  5. Heaven’s New Community: One New Man (2:11-22)
  6. The Multifaceted Wisdom of God on Display (3:1-13)
  7. Experiencing Spiritual Power (3:14-21)
  8. Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ (4:1-16)
  9. Living a New Life in the New Community (4:17-32)
  10. Imitating God in Love, Light, and Wisdom (5:1-21)
  11. Kingdom Husbands and Wives (5:22-33)
  12. Kingdom Kids and Heaven on the Job (6:1-9)
  13. The Full Armor of God (6:10-20)
  14. Closing (6:21-24)