I. Introduction (Zephaniah 1:1)


I. Introduction (1:1)

1:1 The word of the Lord . . . came to Zephaniah, God’s man for God’s message to God’s place for God’s people. He was of Hamitic origin, having descended from the lineage of Cush. This is implied in the name of his father, Cushi (see Gen 10:6). He was also a descendent of King Hezekiah. And, as a man of royal lineage, he had insider knowledge of how a righteous kingdom should be managed and what happens when unrighteousness runs rampant throughout a land.

Zephaniah had undoubtedly witnessed wicked King Manasseh’s reign and observed how he led the people into idolatry. So, when God gave Zephaniah his message during the days of Josiah . . . king of Judah, Zephaniah fulfilled the role of a kingdom man. He knew whom he believed in and did not have a problem delivering the true King’s message of judgment and restoration to a rebellious people.