Lìdaìzhìxià 2

1 Suǒluómén déng yì yào wèi Yēhéhuá de míng jiànzào diàn yǔ , yòu wèi zìjǐ de guó jiànzào gōng shì .
2 Suǒluómén jiù tiānxuǎn qī wàn gāng tái de , bā wàn zaì shān shang zaó shítou de , sān qiā liù bǎi dū gōng de .
3 Suǒluómén chāi rén qù jiàn Tuīluó wáng Xīlán , shuō , nǐ céng yùn xiāng bǎi mù yǔ wǒ fù Dàwèi jiàn gōng jūzhù , qiú nǐ yĕ zhèyàng dāi wǒ .
4 Wǒ yào wèi Yēhéhuá wǒ shén de míng jiànzào diàn yǔ , fēnbié wèi shèng xiàn gĕi tā , zaì tā miànqián fùnshāo mĕi xiāng , cháng bǎi chénshèbǐng , mĕi zǎo wǎn , ānxīrì , yuè shuò , bìng Yēhéhuá wǒmen shén suǒ déng de jiéqī xiàn Fánjì . zhè shì Yǐsèliè rén yǒngyuǎn de dénglì .
5 Wǒ suǒ yào jiànzào de diàn yǔ shén dà . yīnwei wǒmen de shén zhì dà , chāo hū zhū shén .
6 Tiān hé tiān shang de tiān , shàngqiĕ bùzú tā jūzhù de , shuí néng wèi tā jiànzào diàn yǔ ne . wǒ shì shuí . néng wèi tā jiànzào diàn yǔ ma . bú guō zaì tā miànqián shāoxiāng ér yǐ .
7 Xiànzaì qiú nǐ chāi yī gè qiǎo jiàng lái , jiù shì shàn yòng jīn , yín , tóng , tiĕ , hé zǐse , zhūhóngsē , lán sè xiàn , bìng jīng yú diāokè zhī gōng de qiǎo jiàng , yǔ wǒ fù Dàwèi zaì Yóudà hé Yēlùsǎlĕng suǒ yùbeì de qiǎo jiàng yītóng zuò gōng .
8 Yòu qiú nǐ cóng Lìbānèn yùn xiē xiāng bǎi mù , sōng mù , tán xiāng mù dào wǒ zhèlǐ lái , yīn wǒ zhīdào nǐde púrén shàn yú kǎn fá Lìbānèn de shùmù . wǒde púrén yĕ bì yǔ nǐde púrén tóng gōng .
9 Zhèyàng , kĕyǐ gĕi wǒ yùbeì xǔduō de mù liào , yīn wǒ yào jiànzào de diàn yǔ gāo dà chū qí .
10 Nǐde púrén kǎn fá shùmù , wǒ bì gĕi tāmen dá hǎo le de xiǎomaì èr wàn gē Ěr , dàmaì èr wàn gē Ěr , jiǔ èr wàn bā tè , yóu èr wàn bā tè .
11 Tuīluó wáng Xīlán xiĕ xìn huídá Suǒluómén shuō , Yēhéhuá yīnwei aì tāde zǐmín , suǒyǐ lì nǐ zuò tāmende wáng .
12 Yòu shuō , chuàngzào tiāndì de Yēhéhuá Yǐsèliè de shén shì yīngdāng chēngsòng de . tā cìgĕi Dàwèi wáng yī gè yǒu zhìhuì de érzi , shǐ tā yǒu móu lüè cōngming , kĕYǐwèi Yēhéhuá jiànzào diàn yǔ , yòu wèi zìjǐ de guó jiànzào gōng shì .
13 Xiànzaì wǒ dǎfa yī gè jīng qiǎo yǒu cōngming de rén qù , tā shì wǒ fùqin Xīlán suǒ yòng de ,
14 Shì dàn zhīpaì yī gè fùrén de érzi . tā fùqin shì Tuīluó rén , tā shàn yòng jīn , yín , tóng , tiĕ , shí , mù , hé zǐse , lán sè , zhūhóngsē xiàn yǔ xì má zhìzào gè wù , bìng jīng yú diāokè , yòu néng xiǎng chū gèyàng de qiǎo gōng . qǐng nǐ paì déng zhè rén , yǔ nǐde qiǎo jiàng hé nǐ fǔ , wǒ zhǔ Dàwèi de qiǎo jiàng yītóng zuò gōng .
15 Wǒ zhǔ suǒ shuō de xiǎomaì , dàmaì , jiǔ , yóu , yuàn wǒ zhǔ yùn lái gĕi zhòng púrén .
16 Wǒmen bì zhào nǐ suǒ xū yòng de , cóng Lìbānèn kǎn fá shùmù , zhá chéng fá zǐ , fú hǎi yùn dào Yuēpà . nǐ kĕyǐ cóng nàli yùn dào Yēlùsǎlĕng .
17 Suǒluómén fǎng zhào tā fù Dàwèi shù diǎn zhù zaì Yǐsèliè dì suǒ yǒu jìjū de waìbāngrén , gōng yǒu shí wǔ wàn sān qiā liù bǎi míng .
18 Shǐ qī wàn rén gāng tái cái liào , bá wàn rén zaì shān shang uò shítou , sān qiā liù bǎi rén dū lǐ gōngzuò .

Lìdaìzhìxià 2 Commentary

Chapter 2

Solomon's message to Huram respecting the temple, His treaty with Huram.

- Solomon informs Huram of the particular services to be performed in the temple. The mysteries of the true religion, unlike those of the Gentile superstitions, sought not concealment. Solomon endeavoured to possess Huram with great and high thoughts of the God of Israel. We should not be afraid or ashamed to embrace every opportunity to speak of God, and to impress others with a deep sense of the importance of his favour and service. Now that the people of Israel kept close to the law and worship of God, the neighbouring nations were willing to be taught by them in the true religion, as the Israelites had been willing in the days of their apostacy, to be infected with the idolatries and superstitions of their neighbours. A wise and pious king is an evidence of the Lord's special love for his people. How great then was God's love to his believing people, in giving his only-begotten Son to be their Prince and their Saviour.

Chapter Summary


Solomon intending to build a temple for God, and a palace for himself, sent to Hiram, king of Tyre, to furnish him with materials and workmen, 2Ch 2:1-10, to which Hiram returned an agreeable answer, 2Ch 2:11-16, and for this service Solomon numbered all the strangers in Israel, 2Ch 2:17,18.

Lìdaìzhìxià 2 Commentaries

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