Yǐsaìyàshū 14:24

24 Wàn jūn zhī Yēhéhuá qǐshì , shuō , wǒ zĕnyàng sīxiǎng , bì zhàoyàng chéngjiù . wǒ zĕnyàng déng yì , bì zhàoyàng chéng lì .

Yǐsaìyàshū 14:24 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 14:24

The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying
The Septuagint only read, "these things saith the Lord of hosts"; for, as Kimchi on the place observes, his word is his oath; but for the comfort of his people, and for the confirmation either of the prophecies concerning the fall of Babylon, or of the following concerning the destruction of the Assyrian monarchy, or both, he adds his oath to his word, to show that the sentence passed in his mind, and now expressed, was irrevocable: surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass;
as he had shaped and schemed it, and drew the form and image in his own mind, or fixed and settled it there, so should it be done in due time, as every thing is that is determined by the Lord; and this shows that nothing is casual, or comes by chance, but everything as it is purposed of God; and that as everything comes to pass which he has resolved, so every such resolution proceeds from thought, and is the produce of the highest wisdom and prudence: and as I have purposed, so it shall stand;
or "counselled" F12; within himself, for he does all things according to the counsel of his will; and which always stands firm, sure, and unalterable, let what devices soever be in the heart of man.


F12 (ytuey) "consului", Montanus, Cocceius; "consilium inivi", Junius & Tremellius; "consultavi", Piscator.

Yǐsaìyàshū 14:24 In-Context

22 Wàn jūn zhī Yēhéhuá shuō , wǒ bì xīngqǐ gōngjī tāmen , jiāng Bābǐlún de míng haó , hé suǒ yú shèng de rén , lián zǐ daì sūn yībìng jiǎnchú . zhè shì Yēhéhuá shuō de .
23 Wǒ bì shǐ Bābǐlún wèi jiàn zhū suǒ dé , yòu biàn wèi shuǐ chí . wǒ yào yòng mièwáng Desǎo zhǒu sǎo jìng tā . zhè shì wàn jūn zhī Yēhéhuá shuō de .
24 Wàn jūn zhī Yēhéhuá qǐshì , shuō , wǒ zĕnyàng sīxiǎng , bì zhàoyàng chéngjiù . wǒ zĕnyàng déng yì , bì zhàoyàng chéng lì .
25 Jiù shì zaì wǒ dì shang dǎ zhé Yàshù rén , zaì wǒ shān shang jiāng tā jiàntà , tā jiā de è , bì líkāi Yǐsèliè rén . tā jiā de zhòngdàn , bì líkāi tāmende jiān tóu .
26 Zhè shì xiàng quán dì suǒ déng de zhǐyì . zhè shì xiàng wàn guó suǒ shēn chū de shǒu .

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