约伯记 22:5

5 你 的 罪 恶 岂 不 是 大 麽 ? 你 的 罪 孽 也 没 有 穷 尽 ;

约伯记 22:5 Meaning and Commentary

Job 22:5

Is not thy wickedness great?
&c.] It must be owned it is, it cannot be denied. Indeed, the wickedness of every man's heart is great, it being desperately wicked, full of sin, abounding with it; out of it comes forth everything that is bad, and the wickedness of actions is very great: some sins are indeed greater than others, as those against God, and the first table of the law, are greater than those against men, or the second table; some are like crimson and scarlet, are beams in the eye, while others are comparatively as motes; yet all are great, as committed against God, and as they are breaches of his law; and especially they appear so to sensible sinners, to whom sin is made exceeding sinful; and they see and own themselves to be the chief of sinners, and as such entreat for pardon on that account, see ( Psalms 25:11 ) ;

and thine iniquities infinite?
strictly speaking, nothing is infinite but God; sins may be said in some sense to be infinite, because committed against an infinite God, and cannot be satisfied for by a finite creature, or by finite sufferings, only through the infinite value of the blood of Christ; here it signifies, that his iniquities were "innumerable" F14, as some versions, they were not to be reckoned up, they were so many; or, more literally, there is "no end of thine iniquities" F15, there is no summing of them up; and it may denote his continuance in them; Eliphaz suggests as if Job lived in sin, and allowed himself in it, and was going on in a course of iniquity without end, which was very uncharitable; here he charges him in a general way, and next he descends to particulars.


F14 (anariymhtoi) , Sept.
F15 (Kytwnwel Uq Nya) "non est finis iniquitatibus tuis", Pagninus, Montanus

约伯记 22:5 In-Context

3 你 为 人 公 义 , 岂 叫 全 能 者 喜 悦 呢 ? 你 行 为 完 全 , 岂 能 使 他 得 利 呢 ?
4 岂 是 因 你 敬 畏 他 就 责 备 你 、 审 判 你 麽 ?
5 你 的 罪 恶 岂 不 是 大 麽 ? 你 的 罪 孽 也 没 有 穷 尽 ;
6 因 你 无 故 强 取 弟 兄 的 物 为 当 头 , 剥 去 贫 寒 人 的 衣 服 。
7 困 乏 的 人 , 你 没 有 给 他 水 喝 ; 饥 饿 的 人 , 你 没 有 给 他 食 物 。
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