Giudici 5

1 ORA in quel giorno, Debora, con Barac, figliuolo di Abinoam, cantò questo Cantico, dicendo:
2 Benedite il Signore: Perciocchè egli ha fatte le vendette in Israele; Perciocchè il popolo vi s’è portato volenterosamente.
3 Ascoltate, o re; e voi principi, porgete le orecchie; Io, io canterò al Signore; Io salmeggerò al Signore Iddio d’Israele.
4 O Signore, quando tu uscisti di Seir, Quando tu camminasti fuor del territorio di Edom, La terra tremò, i cieli eziandio gocciolarono, E le nuvole eziandio stillarono acqua.
5 I monti colarono, per la presenza del Signore; Questo Sinai anch’esso, per la presenza del Signore Iddio d’Israele.
6 Al tempo di Samgar, figliuolo di Anat; Al tempo di Iael, le strade maestre erano cessate, E i viandanti andavano per sentieri torti.
7 Le villate in Israele erano venute meno; Erano venute meno, finch’io Debora sursi; Finch’io sursi, per esser madre in Israele.
8 Quando Israele ha scelti nuovi dii, Allora la guerra è stata alle porte; Si vedeva egli alcuno scudo, o lancia, Fra quarantamila uomini in Israele?
9 Il cuor mio è inverso i rettori d’Israele, Che si son portati francamente fra il popolo. Benedite il Signore.
10 Voi, che cavalcate asine bianche, Che sedete in sul luogo del giudicio; E voi, viandanti, ragionate di questo.
11 Essendo lo strepito degli arcieri venuto meno, Per mezzo i luoghi ove si attigne l’acqua, Narrinsi quivi le giustizie del Signore; Le sue giustizie eseguite per le sue villate in Israele. A tal’ora il popolo del Signore è sceso alle porte.
12 Destati, destati, Debora; Destati, destati, di’ un Cantico. Levati, Barac; e tu, figliuolo di Abinoam, Mena in cattività i tuoi prigioni.
13 A tal’ora il Signore ha fatto signoreggiare colui ch’era scampato; Egli ha fatto signoreggiare il popolo sopra i magnifici; Egli mi ha fatta signoreggiare sopra i possenti.
14 Da Efraim, da coloro la cui radice è in Amalec, I quali sono dietro a te, o Beniamino, co’ tuoi popoli; E da Machir, e da Zabulon, son discesi i rettori, Conducendo le loro schiere con bacchette da scriba.
15 I principali d’Issacar sono stati anch’essi con Debora, Insieme col popolo d’Issacar. Così Barac è stato mandato nella valle, Con la gente ch’egli conduceva. Fra le fiumane di Ruben Vi sono stati grandi uomini in risoluzione di cuore.
16 Perchè sei tu dimorato fra le sbarre delle stalle, Per udire il belar delle gregge? Fra le fiumane di Ruben, Vi sono stati grandi uomini in deliberazioni di cuore.
17 Galaad è dimorato di là dal Giordano; E perchè è Dan dimorato presso alle navi? Ed è Aser restato presso al lito del mare, E si è rattenuto ne’ suoi porti?
18 Zabulon è un popolo che ha esposta la sua vita alla morte; Così ancora ha fatto Neftali, In alta campagna.
19 I re son venuti, hanno combattuto; A tal’ora i re di Canaan hanno combattuto In Taanac, presso all’acque di Meghiddo; Non hanno fatto alcun guadagno d’argento.
20 Ei s’è combattuto dal cielo; Le stelle hanno combattuto contro a Sisera da’ lor cerchi.
21 Il torrente di Chison li ha strascinati via; Il torrente di Chedumim, il torrente di Chison; Anima mia, tu hai calpestata la forza.
22 Allora i cavalli si tritarono l’unghie, Per lo gran calpestio, calpestio de’ lor destrieri.
23 Maledite Meroz, ha detto l’Angelo del Signore; Maledite pur gli abitanti di essa; Perciocchè non son venuti al soccorso del Signore, co’ prodi.
24 Sia benedetta, sopra tutte le donne, Iael, Moglie di Heber Cheneo; Sia benedetta sopra tutte le donne che stanno in padiglioni.
25 Egli chiese dell’acqua, ed ella gli diè del latte; Ella gli porse del fior di latte nella coppa de’ magnifici.
26 Ella diè della man sinistra al piuolo, E della destra al martello de’ lavoranti, E colpì sopra Sisera, e gli passò il capo; Ella gli trafisse, e gli conficcò la tempia.
27 Egli si chinò fra i piedi di essa, Cadde, giacque in terra; Si chinò fra i piedi di essa, cadde; Dove si chinò, quivi cadde deserto.
28 La madre di Sisera riguardava per la finestra; E, mirando per li cancelli, si lagnava, dicendo: Perchè indugia a venire il suo carro? Perchè si muovono lentamente i suoi carri?
29 Le più savie delle sue dame le rispondevano, Ed ella ancora rispondeva a sè stessa:
30 Non hanno essi trovata la preda? non la spartiscono essi? Una fanciulla, due fanciulle per uomo; Le spoglie delle robe di color variato son per Sisera; Le spoglie delle robe di color variato ricamate; Egli ha fatta preda di robe di color variato, ricamate da amendue i lati, Da passarvi il collo.
31 Così periscano, o Signore, tutti i tuoi nemici; E quelli che amano il Signore Sieno come quando il sole esce fuori nella sua forza. (H5-32) Poi il paese ebbe riposo quarant’anni.

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Giudici 5 Commentary

Chapter 5

Praise and glory ascribed to God. (1-5) The distress and deliverance of Israel. (6-11) Some commended, others censured. (12-23) Sisera's mother disappointed. (24-31)

1-5. No time should be lost in returning thanks to the Lord for his mercies; for our praises are most acceptable, pleasant, and profitable, when they flow from a full heart. By this, love and gratitude would be more excited and more deeply fixed in the hearts of believers; the events would be more known and longer remembered. Whatever Deborah, Barak, or the army had done, the Lord must have all the praise. The will, the power, and the success were all from Him.

6-11. Deborah describes the distressed state of Israel under the tyranny of Jabin, that their salvation might appear more gracious. She shows what brought this misery upon them. It was their idolatry. They chose new gods, with new names. But under all these images, Satan was worshipped. Deborah was a mother to Israel, by diligently promoting the salvation of their souls. She calls on those who shared the advantages of this great salvation, to offer up thanks to God for it. Let such as are restored, not only to their liberty as other Israelites, but to their rank, speak God's praises. This is the Lord's doing. In these acts of his, justice was executed on his enemies. In times of persecution, God's ordinances, the walls of salvation, whence the waters of life are drawn, are resorted to at the hazard of the lives of those who attend them. At all times Satan will endeavour to hinder the believer from drawing near to the throne of grace. Notice God's kindness to his trembling people. It is the glory of God to protect those who are most exposed, and to help the weakest. Let us notice the benefit we have from the public peace, the inhabitants of villages especially, and give God the praise.

Verses 12-23 Deborah called on her own soul to be in earnest. He that will set the hearts of other men on fire with the love of Christ, must himself burn with love. Praising God is a work we should awake to, and awake ourselves unto. She notices who fought against Israel, who fought for them, and who kept away. Who fought against them. They were obstinate enemies to God's people, therefore the more dangerous. Who fought for them. The several tribes that helped are here spoken of with honour; for though God is above all to be glorified, those who are employed must have their due praise, to encourage others. But the whole creation is at war with those to whom God is an enemy. The river of Kishon fought against their enemies. At most times it was shallow, yet now, probably by the great rain that fell, it was so swelled, and the stream so deep and strong, that those who attempted to pass, were drowned. Deborah's own soul fought against them. When the soul is employed in holy exercises, and heart-work is made of them, through the grace of God, the strength of our spiritual enemies will be trodden down, and will fall before us. She observes who kept away, and did not side with Israel, as might have been expected. Thus many are kept from doing their duty by the fear of trouble, the love of ease, and undue affection to their worldly business and advantage. Narrow, selfish spirits care not what becomes of God's church, so that they can but get, keep, and save money. All seek their own, ( Philippians 2:21 ) . A little will serve those for a pretence to stay at home, who have no mind to engage in needful services, because there is difficulty and danger in them. But we cannot keep away from the contest between the Lord and his enemies; and if we do not actively endeavour to promote his cause in this wicked world, we shall fall under the curse against the workers of iniquity. Though He needs no human help, yet he is pleased to accept the services of those who improve their talents to advance his cause. He requires every man to do so.

Verses 24-31 Jael had a special blessing. Those whose lot is cast in the tent, in a low and narrow sphere, if they serve God according to the powers he has given them, shall not lose their reward. The mother of Sisera looked for his return, not in the least fearing his success. Let us take heed of indulging eager desires towards any temporal good, particularly toward that which cherishes vain-glory, for that was what she here doted on. What a picture does she present of an ungodly and sensual heart! How shameful and childish these wishes of an aged mother and her attendants for her son! And thus does God often bring ruin on his enemies when they are most puffed up. Deborah concludes with a prayer to God for the destruction of all his foes, and for the comfort of all his friends. Such shall be the honour, and joy of all who love God in sincerity, they shall shine for ever as the sun in the firmament.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains a song of praise on account of the victories obtained over Jabin, and his kingdom; after an exhortation to praise is given, and kings excited to attend to it, the majestic appearance of God at Seir, on Sinai, is observed, to raise in the mind a divine veneration of him, Jud 5:1-5; then the miserable state and condition Israel was in before these victories, and therefore had the more reason to be thankful, Jud 5:6-8; the governors, and judges, and the people that were delivered, together with Deborah and Barak, are stirred up to rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord, and bless his name, Jud 5:9-13; and those who willingly engaged in the war are praised, and such who were negligent reproved, and some even cursed, Jud 5:14-23; but Jael, Heber's wife, is particularly commended for her exploit in slaying Sisera, Jud 5:24-27; and the mother of Sisera, and her ladies, are represented as wondering at his long delay, and as assured of his having got the victory, Jud 5:28-30; and the song is concluded with a prayer for the destruction, of the enemies of the Lord, and for the happiness and glory of them that love him, Jud 5:31.

Giudici 5 Commentaries

The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.