Job 10:20

20 Are not my few days almost over? Turn away from me so I can have a moment’s joy

Job 10:20 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
20 Are not my days few? cease then, and let me alone, that I may take comfort a little,
English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Are not my days few? Then cease, and leave me alone, that I may find a little cheer
New Living Translation (NLT)
20 I have only a few days left, so leave me alone, that I may have a moment of comfort
The Message Bible (MSG)
20 Isn't it time to call it quits on my life? Can't you let up, and let me smile just once
American Standard Version (ASV)
20 Are not my days few? cease then, And let me alone, that I may take comfort a little,
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
20 "'Isn't my life short enough? So stop [this], and leave me alone. Let me smile a little
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
20 Are my days not few? Stop [it]! Leave me alone, so that I can smile a little
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
20 Aren't my few days almost over? Leave me so I can have a moment of joy.

Job 10:20 Meaning and Commentary

Job 10:20

[Are] not my days few?
&c.] They are so, the days of every man are but few; see ( Job 14:1 ) ( Psalms 90:10 ) ; the remainder of Job's days were but few; considering the course of nature, and especially the sore afflictions he had on him, it could not be thought his days on earth were many; in all likelihood, according to human probability, he had but a few days to live: or "are not my days a small little thing" F7? it is as an hand's breadth, as nothing before God, ( Psalms 39:5 ) ;

cease [then];
that is, from afflicting him; since he had so short a time to live, he requests there might be some intermission of his trouble; that he might have some intervals of comfort and refreshment, that not all his days, which were so few, should be spent in grief and sorrow: some connect this with the preceding clause, and which is most agreeable to the accents, "shall not the fewness of my days cease" F8? I have but a few days, and these few days will soon cease; therefore give me some respite from my afflictions; and so the Targum,

``are not my days swift and ceasing?''

[and] let me alone;
do not follow me with afflictions, or disturb and distress me with them; but take off thine hand, that I may have some rest and ease; see ( Job 7:10 ) ; or "put from me"; thine anger, as Kimchi, or thine army, as Junius and Tremellius; or thy camp, as Cocceius; that is, decamp from me, remove thy troops, the changes and war that are against me, by which I am besieged, surrounded, and straitened; let me be delivered from them:

that I may take comfort a little;
that he might have some breathing time, some respite from his troubles, some refreshment to his spirit, some reviving to his fainting soul, some renewing of strength, before he departed this life; see ( Psalms 39:13 ) ; so Aben Ezra and Gersom render it: "that I may be strengthened"; or that his heart might gather strength.


F7 (ymy jem alh) "nonne parum dies mei?" Montanus, Bolducius, Schmidt; "paucum quid", Vatablus, Beza, Mercerus.
F8 "An non param, vel paucitas dierum meorum cessabit?" Cocceius; "annon pauxillulum dierum meorum deficiet?" Schultens.

Job 10:20 In-Context

18 “Why then did you bring me out of the womb? I wish I had died before any eye saw me.
19 If only I had never come into being, or had been carried straight from the womb to the grave!
20 Are not my few days almost over? Turn away from me so I can have a moment’s joy
21 before I go to the place of no return, to the land of gloom and utter darkness,
22 to the land of deepest night, of utter darkness and disorder, where even the light is like darkness.”

Cross References 4

  • 1. Job 14:1; Ecclesiastes 6:12
  • 2. S Job 7:7; Job 7:19
  • 3. S Job 7:16
  • 4. S Job 9:25
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.