Leviticus 26:28

28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over.

Leviticus 26:28 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
28 Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.
English Standard Version (ESV)
28 then I will walk contrary to you in fury, and I myself will discipline you sevenfold for your sins.
New Living Translation (NLT)
28 then I will give full vent to my hostility. I myself will punish you seven times over for your sins.
The Message Bible (MSG)
28 I'll have had enough and in hot anger will defy you, punishing you for your sins seven times over:
American Standard Version (ASV)
28 then I will walk contrary unto you in wrath; and I also will chastise you seven times for your sins.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
28 I will fiercely resist you. I will discipline you seven times for your sins.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
28 I will act with furious hostility toward you; I will also discipline you seven times for your sins.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
28 Then I will be angry with you. I will be your enemy. I myself will again punish you for your sins over and over.

Leviticus 26:28 Meaning and Commentary

Leviticus 26:28

Then I will walk contrary to you also in fury
As in ( Leviticus 26:24 ) ; with this addition, in fury; being greatly provoked, and highly incensed, that no regard was had to him, neither to his commands, nor to his corrections; and therefore would be determined to stir up his wrath, and pour out the fury of his indignation on them, which must be terrible; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins;
add new and many more chastisements, and that in hot displeasure, for their sins; and the repetition or doubling of the phrase, "I, even I, will do it", denotes the certainty of it, and that he will do it himself, and his hand should be visible in it; and they should feel the weight of it, and be obliged to own that these were punishments inflicted by him for their sins.

Leviticus 26:28 In-Context

26 When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. You will eat, but you will not be satisfied.
27 “ ‘If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me,
28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over.
29 You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters.
30 I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you.

Cross References 3

  • 1. Deuteronomy 32:19; Judges 2:14; Psalms 78:59; Psalms 106:40
  • 2. Deuteronomy 7:10; Job 34:11; Isaiah 59:18; Isaiah 65:6-7; Isaiah 66:6; Jeremiah 17:10; Jeremiah 25:29; Joel 3:4
  • 3. ver 18
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