Leviticus 5:5

5 when anyone becomes aware that they are guilty in any of these matters, they must confess in what way they have sinned.

Leviticus 5:5 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
5 And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things, that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing:
English Standard Version (ESV)
5 when he realizes his guilt in any of these and confesses the sin he has committed,
New Living Translation (NLT)
5 “When you become aware of your guilt in any of these ways, you must confess your sin.
The Message Bible (MSG)
5 "When you are guilty, immediately confess the sin that you've committed
American Standard Version (ASV)
5 And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these [things], that he shall confess that wherein he hath sinned:
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
5 "So if you are guilty of any of these sins, you must confess it.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
5 If someone incurs guilt in one of these cases, he is to confess he has committed that sin.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
5 " 'When someone is guilty in any of those ways, he must admit he has sinned.

Leviticus 5:5 Meaning and Commentary

Leviticus 5:5

And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these
Before expressed in the preceding verses; the Targum of Jonathan is,

``in one of the four things,''

which Ben Gersom particularly mentions in the oath of witness, or the pollution of the sanctuary, or the pollution of its holy things, or a vain oath:

that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that [thing];
not make confession of sin in general, but of that particular sin he is guilty of; and this he was to do before he brought his offering, or at least at the time of his bringing it; for without confession his offering would be of no avail; and which he made, as Ben Gersom says, by laying his hand on the head of the offering, thereby signifying and declaring his guilt, and that he deserved to die as the creature would about to be sacrificed for him; or he might make a verbal confession and acknowledgment of his offence. Fagius, from the Jewish writers, has given us the form of it, which was this;

``I beseech thee, O Lord, I have sinned, I have done wickedly, I have transgressed before thee, so and so have I done; and, lo, I repent, and am ashamed of what I have done, and I will never do the same again.''

Though perhaps this form may be of too modern a date, yet doubtless somewhat like this was pronounced; and they make confession of sin necessary to all sacrifices, and say F24, atonement is not made by them without repentance and confession.


F24 Maimon. Hilchot Teshubah, c. 1. sect. 1.

Leviticus 5:5 In-Context

3 or if they touch human uncleanness (anything that would make them unclean) even though they are unaware of it, but then they learn of it and realize their guilt;
4 or if anyone thoughtlessly takes an oath to do anything, whether good or evil (in any matter one might carelessly swear about) even though they are unaware of it, but then they learn of it and realize their guilt—
5 when anyone becomes aware that they are guilty in any of these matters, they must confess in what way they have sinned.
6 As a penalty for the sin they have committed, they must bring to the LORD a female lamb or goat from the flock as a sin offering ; and the priest shall make atonement for them for their sin.
7 “ ‘Anyone who cannot afford a lamb is to bring two doves or two young pigeons to the LORD as a penalty for their sin—one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering.

Cross References 1

  • 1. Leviticus 16:21; Leviticus 26:40; Numbers 5:7; Joshua 7:19; 1 Kings 8:47; Proverbs 28:13
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