Compare Translations for Matthew 24:25

25 Take note: I have told you in advance.
25 See, I have told you beforehand.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
25 But I've given you fair warning.
25 "Behold, I have told you in advance.
25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
25 See, I have told you beforehand.
25 See, I have warned you about this ahead of time.
25 Take note, I have told you beforehand.
25 Behold, I have told you beforehand.
25 See, I have made it clear to you before it comes about.
25 Look, I've told you ahead of time.
25 Behold, I have told you beforehand.
25 Listen! I have told you this ahead of time.
25 Listen! I have told you this ahead of time.
25 Listen! I've told you this before it happens.
25 "Behold, I have told you beforehand.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
25 Behold, I have told you ahead of time!
25 Now I have warned you about this before it happens.
25 Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.
25 ἰδοὺ προείρηκα ὑμῖν.
25 Take hede I have tolde you before.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
25 Behold, I have told you beforehand.
25 Lo! I have before-said to you.

Matthew 24:25 Commentaries