Proverbios 4

1 El sabio consejo de un padre
Hijos míos, escuchen cuando su padre los corrige.
Presten atención y aprendan buen juicio,
2 porque les doy una buena orientación.
No se alejen de mis instrucciones.
3 Pues yo, igual que ustedes, fui hijo de mi padre,
amado tiernamente como el hijo único de mi madre.
4 Mi padre me enseñó:
«Toma en serio mis palabras.
Sigue mis mandatos y vivirás.
5 Adquiere sabiduría, desarrolla buen juicio.
No te olvides de mis palabras ni te alejes de ellas.
6 No des la espalda a la sabiduría, pues ella te protegerá;
ámala, y ella te guardará.
7 ¡Adquirir sabiduría es lo más sabio que puedes hacer!
Y en todo lo demás que hagas, desarrolla buen juicio.
8 Si valoras la sabiduría, ella te engrandecerá.
Abrázala, y te honrará.
9 Te pondrá una hermosa guirnalda de flores sobre la cabeza;
te entregará una preciosa corona».
10 Hijo mío, escúchame y haz lo que te digo,
y tendrás una buena y larga vida.
11 Te enseñaré los caminos de la sabiduría
y te guiaré por sendas rectas.
12 Cuando camines, no te detendrán;
cuando corras, no tropezarás.
13 Aférrate a mis instrucciones, no las dejes ir;
cuídalas bien, porque son la clave de la vida.
14 No hagas lo que hacen los perversos
ni sigas el camino de los malos.
15 ¡Ni se te ocurra! No tomes ese camino.
Aléjate de él y sigue avanzando.
16 Pues las personas malvadas no pueden dormir sin hacer la mala acción del día.
No pueden descansar sin antes hacer tropezar a alguien.
17 ¡Se alimentan de la perversidad
y beben el vino de la violencia!
18 El camino de los justos es como la primera luz del amanecer,
que brilla cada vez más hasta que el día alcanza todo su esplendor.
19 Pero el camino de los perversos es como la más densa oscuridad;
ni siquiera saben con qué tropiezan.
20 Hijo mío, presta atención a lo que te digo.
Escucha atentamente mis palabras.
21 No las pierdas de vista.
Déjalas llegar hasta lo profundo de tu corazón,
22 pues traen vida a quienes las encuentran
y dan salud a todo el cuerpo.
23 Sobre todas las cosas cuida tu corazón,
porque este determina el rumbo de tu vida.
24 Evita toda expresión perversa;
aléjate de las palabras corruptas.
25 Mira hacia adelante
y fija los ojos en lo que está frente a ti.
26 Traza un sendero recto para tus pies;
permanece en el camino seguro.
27 No te desvíes,
evita que tus pies sigan el mal.

Proverbios 4 Commentary

Chapter 4

Exhortation to the study of wisdom. (1-13) Cautions against bad company, Exhortation to faith and holiness. (14-27)

Verses 1-13 We must look upon our teachers as our fathers: though instruction carry in it reproof and correction, bid it welcome. Solomon's parents loved him, therefore taught him. Wise and godly men, in every age of the world, and rank in society, agree that true wisdom consists in obedience, and is united to happiness. Get wisdom, take pains for it. Get the rule over thy corruptions; take more pains to get this than the wealth of this world. An interest in Christ's salvation is necessary. This wisdom is the one thing needful. A soul without true wisdom and grace is a dead soul. How poor, contemptible, and wretched are those, who, with all their wealth and power, die without getting understanding, without Christ, without hope, and without God! Let us give heed to the sayings of Him who has the words of eternal life. Thus our path will be plain before us: by taking, and keeping fast hold of instruction, we shall avoid being straitened or stumbling.

Verses 14-27 The way of evil men may seem pleasant, and the nearest way to compass some end; but it is an evil way, and will end ill; if thou love thy God and thy soul, avoid it. It is not said, Keep at a due distance, but at a great distance; never think you can get far enough from it. The way of the righteous is light; Christ is their Way, and he is the Light. The saints will not be perfect till they reach heaven, but there they shall shine as the sun in his strength. The way of sin is as darkness. The way of the wicked is dark, therefore dangerous; they fall into sin, but know not how to avoid it. They fall into trouble, but never seek to know wherefore God contends with them, nor what will be in the end of it. This is the way we are bid to shun. Attentive hearing the word of God, is a good sign of a work of grace begun in the heart, and a good means of carrying it on. There is in the word of God a proper remedy for all diseases of the soul. Keep thy heart with all diligence. We must set a strict guard upon our souls; keep our hearts from doing hurt, and getting hurt. A good reason is given; because out of it are the issues of life. Above all, we should seek from the Lord Jesus that living water, the sanctifying Spirit, issuing forth unto everlasting life. Thus we shall be enabled to put away a froward mouth and perverse lips; our eyes will be turned from beholding vanity, looking straight forward, and walking by the rule of God's word, treading in the steps of our Lord and Master. Lord, forgive the past, and enable us to follow thee more closely for the time to come.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter Solomon advises to seek after wisdom, to avoid bad company, and to continue in the right paths of goodness and truth: he excites attention to what he had to say, from the relation he stood in to the persons addressed; from the nature of his instructions, which were good and profitable; and from his own example, in attending to those his parents gave him, Pr 4:1-4; He exhorts above all things to get wisdom, from the superior excellency of it, and from the preservation, promotion, and honour, to be had by it, Pr 4:5-9; and he further enforces big exhortations, from their being the means of a comfortable life, and of the prolongation of it, and of leading in a right way without straitness or stumbling, Pr 4:10-13. And then proceeds to caution against bad company, and going into a bad way of life; which is enforced from the mischief done by those that walk in it, and from the darkness of it, to which the path of the just is opposed, Pr 4:14-19. And the exhortation to attend to and observe his instructions, and keep them, is repeated, from the consideration of their being life and health to them, Pr 4:20-22; and that they might be preserved, and not departed from, direction's are given about ordering the heart, mouth, lips, eyes, and feet, Pr 4:23-27.

Proverbios 4 Commentaries

Esta Biblia es una edición de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente. La Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, © Tyndale House Foundation, 2010. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite Tyndale en Internet: y