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1 Samuel 31

O Suicídio de Saul

1 E aconteceu que, em combate com os filisteus, os israelitas foram postos em fuga e muitos caíram mortos no monte Gilboa.
2 Os filisteus perseguiram Saul e seus filhos e mataram Jônatas, Abinadabe e Malquisua, filhos de Saul.
3 O combate foi ficando cada vez mais violento em torno de Saul, até que os flecheiros o alcançaram e o feriram gravemente.
4 Então Saul ordenou ao seu escudeiro: “Tire sua espada e mate-me com ela, senão sofrerei a vergonha de cair nas mãos desses incircuncisos”.Mas seu escudeiro estava apavorado e não quis fazê-lo. Saul, então, pegou sua própria espada e jogou-se sobre ela.
5 Quando o escudeiro viu que Saul estava morto, jogou-se também sobre sua espada e morreu com ele.
6 Assim foi que Saul, seus três filhos, seu escudeiro e todos os seus soldados morreram naquele dia.
7 Quando os israelitas que habitavam do outro lado do vale e a leste do Jordão viram que o exército tinha fugido e que Saul e seus filhos estavam mortos, fugiram, abandonando suas cidades. Depois os filisteus foram ocupá-las.
8 No dia seguinte, quando os filisteus foram saquear os mortos, encontraram Saul e seus três filhos caídos no monte Gilboa.
9 Cortaram a cabeça de Saul, pegaram suas armas e enviaram mensageiros por toda a terra dos filisteus para proclamar a notícia nos templos de seus ídolos e no meio do seu povo.
10 Expuseram as armas de Saul no templo de Astarote e penduraram seu corpo no muro de Bete-Seã.
11 Quando os habitantes de Jabes-Gileade ficaram sabendo o que os filisteus tinham feito com Saul,
12 os mais corajosos dentre eles foram durante a noite a Bete-Seã. Baixaram os corpos de Saul e de seus filhos do muro de Bete-Seã e os levaram para Jabes, onde os queimaram.
13 Depois enterraram seus ossos debaixo de uma tamargueira em Jabes e jejuaram durante sete dias.

1 Samuel 31 Commentary

Chapter 31

Saul's defeat and death. (1-7) Saul's body rescued by the men of Jabesh-gilead. (8-13)

Verses 1-7 We cannot judge of the spiritual or eternal state of any by the manner of their death; for in that, there is one event to the righteous and to the wicked. Saul, when sorely wounded, and unable to resist or to flee, expressed no concern about his never-dying soul; but only desired that the Philistines might not insult over him, or put him to pain, and he became his own murderer. As it is the grand deceit of the devil, to persuade sinners, under great difficulties, to fly to this last act of desperation, it is well to fortify the mind against it, by a serious consideration of its sinfulness before God, and its miserable consequences in society. But our security is not in ourselves. Let us seek protection from Him who keepeth Israel. Let us watch and pray; and take unto us the whole armour of God, that we may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Verses 8-13 The Scripture makes no mention what became of the souls of Saul and his sons, after they were dead; but of their bodies only: secret things belong not to us. It is of little consequence by what means we die, or what is done with our dead bodies. If our souls are saved, our bodies will be raised incorruptible and glorious; but not to fear His wrath, who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell, is the extreme of folly and wickedness. How useless is the respect of fellow-creatures to those who are suffering the wrath of God! While pompous funerals, grand monuments, and he praises of men, honour the memory of the deceased, the soul may be suffering in the regions of darkness and despair! Let us seek that honour which cometh from God only.

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of the battle between the Philistines and the Israelites, which had been preparing for, and the issue of it; in which Saul, his three sons, and his servants, were slain, upon which his army fled, and several of his cities were taken, 1Sa 31:1-7; what the Philistines did with his body and his armour, 1Sa 31:8-10; the former of which, together with the bodies of his sons, the men of Jabeshgilead rescued, and burnt them, and buried their bones under a tree at Jabesh, expressing great sorrow and concern, 1Sa 31:11-13.

1 Samuel 31 Commentaries

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