João 5

A Cura Junto ao Tanque de Betesda

1 Algum tempo depois, Jesus subiu a Jerusalém para uma festa dos judeus.
2 Há em Jerusalém, perto da porta das Ovelhas, um tanque que, em aramaico,[a] é chamado Betesda,[b] tendo cinco entradas em volta.
3 Ali costumava ficar grande número de pessoas doentes e inválidas: cegos, mancos e paralíticos. Eles esperavam um movimento nas águas.[c]
4 De vez em quando descia um anjo do Senhor e agitava as águas. O primeiro que entrasse no tanque, depois de agitadas as águas, era curado de qualquer doença que tivesse.
5 Um dos que estavam ali era paralítico fazia trinta e oito anos.
6 Quando o viu deitado e soube que ele vivia naquele estado durante tanto tempo, Jesus lhe perguntou: “Você quer ser curado?”
7 Disse o paralítico: “Senhor, não tenho ninguém que me ajude a entrar no tanque quando a água é agitada. Enquanto estou tentando entrar, outro chega antes de mim”.
8 Então Jesus lhe disse: “Levante-se! Pegue a sua maca e ande”.
9 Imediatamente o homem ficou curado, pegou a maca e começou a andar.Isso aconteceu num sábado,
10 e, por essa razão, os judeus disseram ao homem que havia sido curado: “Hoje é sábado, não é permitido a você carregar a maca”.
11 Mas ele respondeu: “O homem que me curou me disse: ‘Pegue a sua maca e ande’.”
12 Então lhe perguntaram: “Quem é esse homem que mandou você pegar a maca e andar?”
13 O homem que fora curado não tinha ideia de quem era ele, pois Jesus havia desaparecido no meio da multidão.
14 Mais tarde Jesus o encontrou no templo e lhe disse: “Olhe, você está curado. Não volte a pecar, para que algo pior não aconteça a você”.
15 O homem foi contar aos judeus que fora Jesus quem o tinha curado.

Vida por meio do Filho

16 Então os judeus passaram a perseguir Jesus, porque ele estava fazendo essas coisas no sábado.
17 Disse-lhes Jesus: “Meu Pai continua trabalhando até hoje, e eu também estou trabalhando”.
18 Por essa razão, os judeus mais ainda queriam matá-lo, pois não somente estava violando o sábado, mas também estava dizendo que Deus era seu próprio Pai, igualando-se a Deus.
19 Jesus lhes deu esta resposta: “Eu digo verdadeiramente que o Filho não pode fazer nada de si mesmo; só pode fazer o que vê o Pai fazer, porque o que o Pai faz o Filho também faz.
20 Pois o Pai ama ao Filho e lhe mostra tudo o que faz. Sim, para admiração de vocês, ele lhe mostrará obras ainda maiores do que estas.
21 Pois, da mesma forma que o Pai ressuscita os mortos e lhes dá vida, o Filho também dá vida a quem ele quer.
22 Além disso, o Pai a ninguém julga, mas confiou todo julgamento ao Filho,
23 para que todos honrem o Filho como honram o Pai. Aquele que não honra o Filho, também não honra o Pai que o enviou.
24 “Eu asseguro: Quem ouve a minha palavra e crê naquele que me enviou tem a vida eterna e não será condenado, mas já passou da morte para a vida.
25 Eu afirmo que está chegando a hora, e já chegou, em que os mortos ouvirão a voz do Filho de Deus, e aqueles que a ouvirem viverão.
26 Pois, da mesma forma como o Pai tem vida em si mesmo, ele concedeu ao Filho ter vida em si mesmo.
27 E deu-lhe autoridade para julgar, porque é o Filho do homem.
28 “Não fiquem admirados com isto, pois está chegando a hora em que todos os que estiverem nos túmulos ouvirão a sua voz
29 e sairão; os que fizeram o bem ressuscitarão para a vida, e os que fizeram o mal ressuscitarão para serem condenados.
30 Por mim mesmo, nada posso fazer; eu julgo apenas conforme ouço, e o meu julgamento é justo, pois não procuro agradar a mim mesmo, mas àquele que me enviou.

Testemunhos acerca de Jesus

31 “Se testifico acerca de mim mesmo, o meu testemunho não é válido.[d]
32 Há outro que testemunha em meu favor, e sei que o seu testemunho a meu respeito é válido.
33 “Vocês enviaram representantes a João, e ele testemunhou da verdade.
34 Não que eu busque testemunho humano, mas menciono isso para que vocês sejam salvos.
35 João era uma candeia que queimava e irradiava luz, e durante certo tempo vocês quiseram alegrar-se com a sua luz.
36 “Eu tenho um testemunho maior que o de João; a própria obra que o Pai me deu para concluir, e que estou realizando, testemunha que o Pai me enviou.
37 E o Pai que me enviou, ele mesmo testemunhou a meu respeito. Vocês nunca ouviram a sua voz, nem viram a sua forma,
38 nem a sua palavra habita em vocês, pois não creem naquele que ele enviou.
39 Vocês estudam cuidadosamente[e] as Escrituras, porque pensam que nelas vocês têm a vida eterna. E são as Escrituras que testemunham a meu respeito;
40 contudo, vocês não querem vir a mim para terem vida.
41 “Eu não aceito glória dos homens,
42 mas conheço vocês. Sei que vocês não têm o amor de Deus.
43 Eu vim em nome de meu Pai, e vocês não me aceitaram; mas, se outro vier em seu próprio nome, vocês o aceitarão.
44 Como vocês podem crer, se aceitam glória uns dos outros, mas não procuram a glória que vem do Deus[f] único?
45 “Contudo, não pensem que eu os acusarei perante o Pai. Quem os acusa é Moisés, em quem estão as suas esperanças.
46 Se vocês cressem em Moisés, creriam em mim, pois ele escreveu a meu respeito.
47 Visto, porém, que não creem no que ele escreveu, como crerão no que eu digo?”

João 5 Commentary

Chapter 5

The cure at the pool of Bethesda. (1-9) The Jews' displeasure. (10-16) Christ reproves the Jews. (17-23) Christ's discourse. (24-47)

Verses 1-9 We are all by nature impotent folk in spiritual things, blind, halt, and withered; but full provision is made for our cure, if we attend to it. An angel went down, and troubled the water; and what disease soever it was, this water cured it, but only he that first stepped in had benefit. This teaches us to be careful, that we let not a season slip which may never return. The man had lost the use of his limbs thirty-eight years. Shall we, who perhaps for many years have scarcely known what it has been to be a day sick, complain of one wearisome night, when many others, better than we, have scarcely known what it has been to be a day well? Christ singled this one out from the rest. Those long in affliction, may comfort themselves that God keeps account how long. Observe, this man speaks of the unkindness of those about him, without any peevish reflections. As we should be thankful, so we should be patient. Our Lord Jesus cures him, though he neither asked nor thought of it. Arise, and walk. God's command, Turn and live; Make ye a new heart; no more supposes power in us without the grace of God, his distinguishing grace, than this command supposed such power in the impotent man: it was by the power of Christ, and he must have all the glory. What a joyful surprise to the poor cripple, to find himself of a sudden so easy, so strong, so able to help himself! The proof of spiritual cure, is our rising and walking. Has Christ healed our spiritual diseases, let us go wherever he sends us, and take up whatever he lays upon us; and walk before him.

Verses 10-16 Those eased of the punishment of sin, are in danger of returning to sin, when the terror and restraint are over, unless Divine grace dries up the fountain. The misery believers are made whole from, warns us to sin no more, having felt the smart of sin. This is the voice of every providence, Go, and sin no more. Christ saw it necessary to give this caution; for it is common for people, when sick, to promise much; when newly recovered, to perform only something; but after awhile to forget all. Christ spoke of the wrath to come, which is beyond compare worse than the many hours, nay, weeks and years of pain, some wicked men have to suffer in consequence of their unlawful indulgences. And if such afflictions are severe, how dreadful will be the everlasting punishment of the wicked!

Verses 17-23 The Divine power of the miracle proved Jesus to be the Son of God, and he declared that he worked with, and like unto his Father, as he saw good. These ancient enemies of Christ understood him, and became more violent, charging him not only with sabbath-breaking, but blasphemy, in calling God his own Father, and making himself equal with God. But all things now, and at the final judgment, are committed to the Son, purposely that all men might honour the Son, as they honour the Father; and every one who does not thus honour the Son, whatever he may think or pretend, does not honour the Father who sent him.

Verses 24-29 Our Lord declared his authority and character, as the Messiah. The time was come when the dead should hear his voice, as the Son of God, and live. Our Lord first refers to his raising those who were dead in sin, to newness of life, by the power of the Spirit, and then to his raising the dead in their graves. The office of Judge of all men, can only be exercised by one who has all knowledge, and almighty power. May we believe His testimony; thus our faith and hope will be in God, and we shall not come into condemnation. And may His voice reach the hearts of those dead in sin; that they may do works meet for repentance, and prepare for the solemn day.

Verses 30-38 Our Lord returns to his declaration of the entire agreement between the Father and the Son, and declared himself the Son of God. He had higher testimony than that of John; his works bore witness to all he had said. But the Divine word had no abiding-place in their hearts, as they refused to believe in Him whom the Father had sent, according to his ancient promises. The voice of God, accompanied by the power of the Holy Ghost, thus made effectual to the conversion of sinners, still proclaims that this is the beloved Son, in whom the Father is well pleased. But when the hearts of men are full of pride, ambition, and the love of the world, there is no room for the word of God to abide in them.

Verses 39-44 The Jews considered that eternal life was revealed to them in their Scriptures, and that they had it, because they had the word of God in their hands. Jesus urged them to search those Scriptures with more diligence and attention. "Ye do search the Scriptures," and ye do well to do so. They did indeed search the Scriptures, but it was with a view to their own glory. It is possible for men to be very studious in the letter of the Scriptures, yet to be strangers to its power. Or, "Search the Scriptures," and so it was spoken to them in the nature of an appeal. Ye profess to receive and believe the Scripture, let that be the judge. It is spoken to us as advising or commanding all Christians to search the Scriptures. Not only read them, and hear them, but search them; which denotes diligence in examining and studying them. We must search the Scriptures for heaven as our great end; For in them ye think ye have eternal life. We must search the Scriptures for Christ, as the new and living Way, that leads to this end. To this testimony Christ adds reproofs of their unbelief and wickedness; their neglect of him and his doctrine. Also he reproves their want of the love of God. But there is life with Jesus Christ for poor souls. Many who make a great profession of religion, yet show they want the love of God, by their neglect of Christ and contempt of his commandments. It is the love of God in us, the love that is a living, active principle in the heart, which God will accept. They slighted and undervalued Christ, because they admired and overvalued themselves. How can those believe, who make the praise and applause of men their idol! When Christ and his followers are men wondered at, how can those believe, the utmost of whose ambition is to make a fair show in the flesh!

Verses 45-47 Many trust in some form of doctrines or some parties, who no more enter into the real meaning of those doctrines, or the views of the persons whose names they bear, than the Jews did into those of Moses. Let us search and pray over the Scriptures, as intent on finding eternal life; let us observe how Christ is the great subject of them, and daily apply to him for the life he bestows.

Footnotes 6

  • [a]. Grego: "em hebraico; " também em 19.13, 17, 20 e 20.16.
  • [b]. Alguns manuscritos dizem "Betzata; " outros trazem "Betsaida."
  • [c]. A maioria dos manuscritos mais antigos não trazem essa frase e todo o versículo 4.
  • [d]. Os judeus exigiam mais de um testemunho para condenar ou justificar uma declaração.
  • [e]. Ou "Estudem cuidadosamente"
  • [f]. Alguns manuscritos antigos não trazem "Deus."

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the apostle treats of the nature of faith and love; of Christ the object of both, and of the witness that is bore to him; of the necessity of believing the testimony concerning him; of the confidence of prayer being heard, and concerning whom it should be made; of the happiness of regenerate persons, and of their duty to keep themselves from idols. Faith in Christ is the evidence of regeneration, and where that is, there will be love to the author of regeneration, and to them that are regenerated; and love to them is known by love to God, and keeping his commandments; and keeping the commandments of God, and which are not grievous, is a proof of love to God, 1Jo 5:1-3; and whereas every regenerate man overcomes the world, it is by his faith, the evidence of his regeneration, that this victory is obtained; nor can any other man be pointed out that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God, 1Jo 5:4,5; and Christ, the Son of God, the object of this victorious faith, is described by his coming by water and blood, of which the spirit is witness, who is a true one; and six witnesses of the truth of this and his divine sonship are produced, three in heaven, the Father, Word, and Spirit, who are the one God, and three on earth, the Spirit, water, and blood, who agree in their testimony, 1Jo 5:6-8; wherefore this testimony concerning the Son of God ought to be received, since it is the testimony of God, which is greater than that of men; besides, he that believes in Christ has a witness of this in himself, and honours God, whereas he that believes not makes God a liar, not giving credit to his record concerning his Son; the sum of which is, that God has made a grant of eternal life to some persons, which is in his Son, which those that believe in the Son of God have, but those that do not believe in him have it not: all which show the necessity of receiving the above testimony; and the ends proposed in writing these things were, to believe in Christ, and that it might be known they had eternal life in him, 1Jo 5:9-13, and from faith in Christ the apostle passes to confidence in prayer, as a particular effect and fruit of it: as, that whatever is asked according to the will of God is heard; and that such who are satisfied of this, that they are heard, may be assured that they have the petitions they desire to have, 1Jo 5:14,15, and whereas it is one branch of prayer to pray for others as well as for ourselves, the apostle directs who we should pray for; for the brethren in general, and in particular for such who have sinned, but not unto death, and life shall be given to such: but as for those who have sinned unto death, he does not say prayer should be made for them, for though all unrighteousness in general is sin, yet there is a particular sin which is unto death, and is not to be prayed for, 1Jo 5:16,17; but happy are those who are born of God, for they do not sin this sin; and through the use of the armour of God, and the power of divine grace, they keep themselves from the evil one, and he cannot come at them, to draw them into this sin; also they know that they are of God, and are distinguished from the world, which lies in wickedness; yea, they know that the Son of God is come in the flesh, and hath given them an understanding of the true God, by which they know that they are in him, and in his Son Jesus Christ, who is with him, and the divine Spirit, the one true God, and the author and giver of eternal life, 1Jo 5:18-20; and the chapter, and with it the epistle, is concluded with an exhortation to these regenerate ones, as they had kept themselves from Satan, that they would also keep themselves from idols of all sorts, 1Jo 5:21.

João 5 Commentaries

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