Deuteronômio 31:5-8

5 O SENHOR as entregará a vocês, e vocês deverão fazer com elas tudo o que ordenei a vocês.
6 Sejam fortes e corajosos. Não tenham medo nem fiquem apavorados por causa delas, pois o SENHOR, o seu Deus, vai com vocês; nunca os deixará, nunca os abandonará”.
7 Então Moisés convocou Josué e lhe disse na presença de todo o Israel: “Seja forte e corajoso, pois você irá com este povo para a terra que o SENHOR jurou aos seus antepassados que lhes daria, e você a repartirá entre eles como herança.
8 O próprio SENHOR irá à sua frente e estará com você; ele nunca o deixará, nunca o abandonará. Não tenha medo! Não desanime!”

Images for Deuteronômio 31:5-8

Deuteronômio 31:5-8 Meaning and Commentary


Moses being old, and knowing he should quickly die, and must not go over Jordan with the people of Israel, acquaints them with it, and encourages them and Joshua to go over notwithstanding, and not be afraid of their enemies, since the Lord would go with them, and deliver them into their hands, De 31:1-8; and having written the law, he delivered it to the priests, and ordered that it should be read at the end of every seven years before all the people, that they and theirs might learn it, and fear the Lord, De 31:9-13; and whereas the death of Moses was very near, and the Lord foreseeing the people would quickly fall into idolatry, which would bring great calamities upon them, he directed Moses to write a song, which should be a witness for him, and against them, in ages to come; which Moses accordingly did, De 31:14-22; and Moses having given a charge to Joshua, and finished the writing of the law in a book, gave it to the Levites to put it in the side of the ark, De 31:23-27; and then ordered the chief of the tribes to be gathered together, that he might deliver the song, which by the direction and under the inspiration of God he had written, De 31:28-30; which song is recorded in De 32:1-43.

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