Salmos 35


1 Defende-me, SENHOR, dos que me acusam;luta contra os que lutam comigo.
2 Toma os escudos, o grande e o pequeno;levanta-te e vem socorrer-me.
3 Empunha a lança e o machado de guerra[a]contra os meus perseguidores.Dize à minha alma:“Eu sou a sua salvação”.
4 Sejam humilhados e desprezadosos que procuram matar-me;retrocedam envergonhadosaqueles que tramam a minha ruína.
5 Que eles sejam como a palha ao vento,quando o anjo do SENHOR os expulsar;
6 seja a vereda deles sombria e escorregadia,quando o anjo do SENHOR os perseguir.
7 Já que, sem motivo, prepararam contra mim uma armadilha ocultae, sem motivo, abriram uma cova para mim,
8 que a ruína lhes sobrevenha de surpresa:sejam presos pela armadilha que prepararam,caiam na cova que abriram, para a sua própria ruína.
9 Então a minha alma exultará noe se regozijará na sua salvação.
10 Todo o meu ser exclamará:“Quem se compara a ti, SENHOR?Tu livras os necessitados daqueles que sãomais poderosos do que eles,livras os necessitados e os pobresdaqueles que os exploram”.
11 Testemunhas maldosas enfrentam-mee questionam-me sobre coisas de que nada sei.
12 Elas me retribuem o bem com o male procuram tirar-me a vida.[b]
13 Contudo, quando estavam doentes, usei vestes de lamento,humilhei-me com jejume recolhi-me em oração.[c]
14 Saí vagueando e pranteando,como por um amigo ou por um irmão.Eu me prostrei enlutado,como quem lamenta por sua mãe.
15 Mas, quando tropecei, eles se reuniram alegres;sem que eu o soubesse, ajuntaram-se para me atacar.Eles me agrediram sem cessar.
16 Como ímpios caçoando do meu refúgio,rosnaram contra mim.
17 Senhor, até quando ficarás olhando?Livra-me dos ataques deles,livra a minha vida preciosa desses leões.
18 Eu te darei graças na grande assembleia;no meio da grande multidão te louvarei.
19 Não deixes que os meus inimigos traiçoeirosse divirtam à minha custa;não permitas que aqueles que sem razão me odeiamtroquem olhares de desprezo.
20 Não falam pacificamente,mas planejam acusações falsascontra os que vivem tranquilamente na terra.
21 Com a boca escancarada, riem de mim e me acusam:“Nós vimos! Sabemos de tudo!”
22 Tu viste isso, SENHOR! Não fiques calado.Não te afastes de mim, Senhor,
23 Acorda! Desperta! Faze-me justiça!Defende a minha causa, meu Deus e Senhor.
24 SENHOR, meu Deus, tu és justo; faze-me justiça para que elesnão se alegrem à minha custa.
25 Não deixes que pensem: “Ah! Era isso que queríamos!”nem que digam: “Acabamos com ele!”
26 Sejam humilhados e frustrados todos os que se divertemà custa do meu sofrimento;cubram-se de vergonha e desonratodos os que se acham superiores a mim.
27 Cantem de alegria e regozijotodos os que desejam ver provada a minha inocênciae sempre repitam: “O SENHOR seja engrandecido!Ele tem prazer no bem-estar do seu servo”.
28 Minha língua proclamará a tua justiçae o teu louvor o dia inteiro.

Salmos 35 Commentary

Chapter 35

David prays for safety. (1-10) He complains of his enemies. (11-16) And calls upon God to support him. (17-28)

Verses 1-10 It is no new thing for the most righteous men, and the most righteous cause, to meet with enemies. This is a fruit of the old enmity in the seed of the serpent against the Seed of the woman. David in his afflictions, Christ in his sufferings, the church under persecution, and the Christian in the hour temptation, all beseech the Almighty to appear in their behalf, and to vindicate their cause. We are apt to justify uneasiness at the injuries men do us, by our never having given them cause to use us so ill; but this should make us easy, for then we may the more expect that God will plead our cause. David prayed to God to manifest himself in his trial. Let me have inward comfort under all outward troubles, to support my soul. If God, by his Spirit, witness to our spirits that he is our salvation, we need desire no more to make us happy. If God is our Friend, no matter who is our enemy. By the Spirit of prophecy, David foretells the just judgments of God that would come upon his enemies for their great wickedness. These are predictions, they look forward, and show the doom of the enemies of Christ and his kingdom. We must not desire or pray for the ruin of any enemies, except our lusts and the evil spirits that would compass our destruction. A traveller benighted in a bad road, is an expressive emblem of a sinner walking in the slippery and dangerous ways of temptation. But David having committed his cause to God, did not doubt of his own deliverance. The bones are the strongest parts of the body. The psalmist here proposes to serve and glorify God with all his strength. If such language may be applied to outward salvation, how much more will it apply to heavenly things in Christ Jesus!

Verses 11-16 Call a man ungrateful, and you can call him no worse: this was the character of David's enemies. Herein he was a type of Christ. David shows how tenderly he had behaved towards them in afflictions. We ought to mourn for the sins of those who do not mourn for themselves. We shall not lose by the good offices we do to any, how ungrateful soever they may be. Let us learn to possess our souls in patience and meekness like David, or rather after Christ's example.

Verses 17-28 Though the people of God are, and study to be, quiet, yet it has been common for their enemies to devise deceitful matters against them. David prays, My soul is in danger, Lord, rescue it; it belongs to thee the Father of spirits, therefore claim thine own; it is thine, save it! Lord, be not far from me, as if I were a stranger. He who exalted the once suffering Redeemer, will appear for all his people: the roaring lion shall not destroy their souls, any more than he could that of Christ, their Surety. They trust their souls in his hands, they are one with him by faith, are precious in his sight, and shall be rescued from destruction, that they may give thanks in heaven.

Footnotes 3

  • [a]. Ou "e bloqueia o caminho"
  • [b]. Ou "e estou abandonado"
  • [c]. Ou "orei por eles sem cessar; " ou ainda "Ah! Se eu pudesse cancelar minhas orações"

Chapter Summary


\\<<[A Psalm] of David>>\\. This psalm seems to have been written by David, when he was persecuted by Saul; and when many false charges were brought against him by his courtiers; and when he was the scorn and derision of the people; the subject of it is pretty much of the same kind with the seventh psalm, and might be written about the same time that was, and on the same occasion; and it may be applied to the church and people of God in like cases. There is a passage in it, Ps 35:19, which our Lord seems to refer to and apply to himself, Joh 15:25; and some interpret the whole of it concerning him. The Arabic version calls it a prophecy of the incarnation; though there does not appear any thing in it applicable to that.

Salmos 35 Commentaries

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