Osée 7

1 Lorsque je voulais guérir Israël, l'iniquité d'Éphraïm et la méchanceté de Samarie se sont révélées; car ils ont pratiqué la fausseté; et tandis que le larron s'est introduit, la bande a pillé au-dehors. Et ils ne se disent pas, dans leurs cœurs, que je me souviens de toute leur malice.
2 Maintenant leurs forfaits les environnent; ils sont devant ma face.
3 Ils réjouissent le roi par leur malice, et les chefs par leurs mensonges.
4 Ils sont tous adultères, pareils au four chauffé par le boulanger, qui cesse d'attiser le feu depuis qu'il a pétri la pâte jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit levée.
5 Au jour de notre roi, les chefs se rendent malades par l'ardeur du vin; le roi tend la main aux moqueurs.
6 Lorsqu'ils dressent des embûches, leur cœur est un four; toute la nuit dort leur boulanger; au matin c'est un feu qui jette des flammes.
7 Ils sont tous ardents comme un four, et ils dévorent leurs juges. Tous leurs rois tombent, et aucun d'eux ne crie à moi!
8 Éphraïm, lui, se mêle avec les peuples. Éphraïm est un gâteau qui n'a pas été retourné.
9 Les étrangers ont dévoré sa force, et il ne l'a point senti; sa tête s'est parsemée de cheveux blancs, et il ne s'en est pas aperçu.
10 Et l'orgueil d'Israël rend témoignage sur son visage: ils ne sont pas revenus à l'Éternel leur Dieu; ils ne l'ont point recherché, malgré tout cela.
11 Éphraïm est comme une colombe stupide, sans intelligence. Ils appellent l'Égypte, ils vont vers les Assyriens.
12 Pendant qu'ils iront, j'étendrai sur eux mon filet; je les abattrai comme les oiseaux des cieux, je les châtierai, comme ils l'ont entendu dans leur assemblée.
13 Malheur à eux! car ils me fuient. Ruine sur eux! car ils se rebellent contre moi. Moi, je les rachèterais; mais ils disent contre moi des mensonges.
14 Ils ne crient pas du cœur vers moi, quand ils hurlent sur leurs couches. Ils s'inquiètent pour le froment et le vin; ils se détournent de moi.
15 Je les ai châtiés; j'ai fortifié leurs bras; mais ils méditent du mal contre moi.
16 Ils retournent, mais non point au Souverain; ils sont comme un arc trompeur. Leurs chefs tomberont par l'épée, à cause de l'emportement de leur langue. Cela leur tournera en moquerie au pays d'Égypte.

Osée 7 Commentary

Chapter 7

The manifold sins of Israel. (1-7) Their senselessness and hypocrisy. (8-16)

Verses 1-7 A practical disbelief of God's government was at the bottom of all israel's wickedness; as if God could not see it or did not heed it. Their sins appear on every side of them. Their hearts were inflamed by evil desires, like a heated oven. In the midst of their troubles as a nation, the people never thought of seeking help from God. The actual wickedness of men's lives bears a very small proportion to what is in their hearts. But when lust is inwardly cherished, it will break forth into outward sin. Those who tempt others to drunkenness never can be their real friends, and often design their ruin. Thus men execute the Divine vengeance on each other. Those are not only heated with sin, but hardened in sin, who continue to live without prayer, even when in trouble and distress.

Verses 8-16 Israel was as a cake not turned, half burnt and half dough, none of it fit for use; a mixture of idolatry and of the worship of Jehovah. There were tokens of approaching ruin, as grey hairs are of old age, but they noticed them not. The pride which leads to break the law of God leads to self-flattery. The mercy and grace of God are the only refuge to which obstinate sinners never think of fleeing. Though they may howl forth their terrors in the form of prayers, they seldom cry to God with their hearts. Even their prayers for earthly mercies only seek fuel for their lusts. Their turning from one sect, sentiment, form, or vice, to another, still leaves them far short of Christ and holiness. Such are we by nature. And such shall we prove if left to ourselves. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.

Chapter Summary


This chapter either begins a new sermon, discourse, or prophecy, or it is a continuation of the former; at least it seems to be of the same argument with the latter part of it, only it is directed to Israel alone; and consists of complaints against them because of their manifold sins, and of denunciations of punishment for them. They are charged with ingratitude to God, sinning in a daring manner against mercy, and with falsehood, thefts, and robberies, Ho 7:1; with want of consideration of the omniscience of God, and his notice of their sins, which surrounded them, Ho 7:2; with flattery to their king and princes, Ho 7:3; with adultery, which lust raged in them like a heated oven, Ho 7:4; with drunkenness, aggravated by drawing their king into it, Ho 7:5; with raging lusts, which devoured their judges, made their kings to fall, and brought on such a general corruption, that there were none that called upon the Lord, Ho 7:6,7; with mixing themselves with the nations of the earth, and so learning their ways, and bringing their superstition and idolatry into the worship of God, so that they were nothing in religion, like a half baked cake, Ho 7:8; with stupidity and insensibility of their declining state, Ho 7:9; with pride, impenitence, and stubbornness, Ho 7:10; with folly, in seeking to Egypt and Assyria for help, and not to the Lord; for which they would be taken as birds in a net, and sorely chastised, Ho 7:11,12; with ingratitude, hypocrisy, and deceitfulness; for all which they are threatened with destruction, Ho 7:13-16.

Osée 7 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.