1 Petrus 3:11-21

11 Die wijke af van het kwade, en doe het goede; die zoeke vrede en jage denzelven na.
12 Want de ogen des Heeren zijn over de rechtvaardigen, en Zijn oren tot hun gebed; maar het aangezicht des Heeren is tegen degenen, die kwaad doen.
13 En wie is het, die u kwaad doen zal, indien gij navolgers zijt van het goede?
14 Maar indien gij ook lijdt om der gerechtigheid wil, zo zijt gij zalig; en vreest niet uit vreze van hen, en wordt niet ontroerd;
15 Maar heiligt God, den Heere, in uw harten; en zijt altijd bereid tot verantwoording aan een iegelijk, die u rekenschap afeist van de hoop, die in u is, met zachtmoedigheid en vreze.
16 En hebt een goed geweten, opdat in hetgeen zij kwalijk van u spreken, als van kwaaddoeners, zij beschaamd mogen worden, die uw goeden wandel in Christus lasteren.
17 Want het is beter, dat gij, weldoende, (indien het de wil van God wil) lijdt, dan kwaad doende.
18 Want Christus heeft ook eens voor de zonden geleden, Hij rechtvaardig voor de onrechtvaardigen, opdat Hij ons tot God zou brengen; Die wel is gedood in het vlees, maar levend gemaakt door den Geest;
19 In Denwelken Hij ook, henengegaan zijnde, den geesten, die in de gevangenis zijn, gepredikt heeft,
20 Die eertijds ongehoorzaam waren, wanneer de lankmoedigheid Gods eenmaal verwachtte, in de dagen van Noach, als de ark toebereid werd; waarin weinige (dat is acht) zielen behouden werden door het water.
21 Waarvan het tegenbeeld, de doop, ons nu ook behoudt, niet die een aflegging is der vuiligheid des lichaams, maar die een vraag is van een goed geweten tot God, door de opstanding van Jezus Christus;

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1 Petrus 3:11-21 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the apostle instructs wives how to behave towards their husbands, and husbands how to behave towards their wives; and then exhorts to various things common to all Christians, and particularly to suffer patiently for righteousness sake; to which he encourages them from the sufferings of Christ, and the benefits resulting from them, on which he enlarges to the end of the chapter. He begins with the duty of wives to their husbands, even unbelieving ones, which is subjection to them, urged from the profitable effect of it; since hereby they might be won over to the Christian religion, without the use of the word, as a means, by their conversation, which is explained of chastity and fear, 1Pe 3:1,2. And he proceeds to give some advice about their apparel, that they should have a greater regard to internal ornaments; particularly meekness and quietness of spirit, which is highly esteemed of by God, rather than to outward adorning; and which he enforces by the examples of godly women in former times, who were so adorned, and were subject to their husbands, particularly Sarah, the wife of Abraham, 1Pe 3:3-6. And next the apostle directs husbands how to conduct towards their wives, to dwell with them, and honour them, because vessels, and weaker vessels, and also heirs of the same grace of life; and besides, to use them ill would be an hinderance of their praying together, 1Pe 3:7. And then follow various exhortations to unity of judgment, compassion, brotherly love, pity, courteousness, and patience under the reproaches and revilings of men, which is the way to inherit a blessing they are called unto, 1Pe 3:8,9 and that these are incumbent on the saints, and that they shall be blessed, who are helped to regard them, is proved by some passages out of Ps 34:12-16, which passages are cited, 1Pe 3:10-12. And in order to encourage to the exercise of the above things, the apostle suggests, that they that so behaved should not be hurt by any; and if they did suffer for righteousness sake from wicked men, yet still they would be happy; nor should this deter them from making a public confession of their faith; to which should be added a good conscience and conversation, to the shame and confusion of them that spoke evil of them, and accused them, 1Pe 3:13-16. And though they were distressed and injured by men, they should not be cast down, nor murmur, since it was the will of God it should be so; and since it was better to suffer for doing well than for doing ill; and especially the example of Christ should animate to patience, since he, an innocent person, suffered for the sins of unjust men, to reconcile them to God; and he is now glorified and happy, and so will his people be, 1Pe 3:17,18. And having made mention of his being quickened by the Spirit, the apostle takes occasion from hence of observing, that by the same Spirit Christ preached in the times of Noah to disobedient persons, whose spirits were now in hell; and he takes notice of the longsuffering of God in that dispensation towards them, and of the goodness of God in saving Noah, and his family, in the ark, which was a figure of baptism; of which some account is given what it is, and is not, and which saves by the resurrection of Christ, 1Pe 3:19-21 who is described by his ascension to heaven, session at the right hand of God, and dominion over angels, authorities, and powers, 1Pe 3:22.

The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.