Proverbs 2:1-2

Moral Benefits of Wisdom

1 My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—

Proverbs 2:1-2 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter directs to the means of attaining to the knowledge of divine things, and shows the profit and advantage arising from thence. The means are, embracing the doctrines of the Gospel, and retaining in memory and affection the ordinances of it, Pr 2:1; and an inclination of the ear and an application of the heart to the knowledge of these things, Pr 2:2. An earnest and importunate desire, expressed by prayer, after the same, Pr 2:3; and a diligent and unwearied search for them, as for silver and hid treasure, Pr 2:4. The advantages are, that such shall attain to the fear and knowledge of God; which may be concluded from these being the gift of God to his people, and from their being laid up for them, whom he carefully keeps and preserves, Pr 2:5-8; and not only so, but such learn to do that which is just and right among men, Pr 2:9. And, besides, such is the nature of divine wisdom, that, when it has once got a place in the heart and in the affections, it will be a means of preserving both from the ways of evil men, Pr 2:10-12; who are described, Pr 2:13-15. And from the evil woman, whose character is given, Pr 2:16,17; whose vicious course of life, and the ways she leads persons into, are represented as very dangerous, Pr 2:18,19. And, on the contrary, such is the usefulness of true wisdom, that it leads into the way of good men, who will be happy and safe, when the wicked shall be destroyed, Pr 2:20-22.

Cross References 2

  • 1. S Proverbs 1:8
  • 2. Proverbs 22:17; Proverbs 23:12
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