Search Results for col. 1:25

Found 61 Results for col. 1:25
Hebreos 1

HEBREOS 1DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS*UBS4RV1960LBLAVPBJDios ha hablado por su HijoDios ha hablado por su HijoDios habla por el Hijo...

Peter, First, Theology of

Peter, First, Theology of First Peter was written as a circular letter to churches in five provinces of northwestern Asia Minor. Because of their conv...

Revelation 19:10

I fell at his feet to worship him . . . see that you do not do that! Later, after seeing the revelation of the New Jerusalem and the eternal state, J...

Acts - Introduction

? ? ? THE OBJECT.-- The fifth book of the New Testament begins where the first four end. These have recorded the life, words and acts of our Savior...

Lie, Lying

Lie, Lying To practice deceit, falsehood, and treachery either by word or action. It is the exact opposite of truth. The sanctity of truth is fundamen...


Word [N](Heb. dabar [r'b'D]; Gk. logos [lovgo] and rhema [rJh'ma]). The theological meaning of word within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum...


Abortion [N]Humankind as God's Unique Image-Bearer. Although only a handful of Old Testament texts, all in Genesis, explicitly portray humankind as Go...

Romanos 7

ROMANOS 7DIVISION DE PARRAFOS EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS*Reina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valera Re...


Truth [N] [T] [E]In Scripture, truth is characterized by both qualitative and quantitative aspects. In the historical narratives of the Old Testament,...

1 Corintios 1

1 CORINTIOS 1DIVISIONES DE LOS PARRAFOSEN TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS*Reina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Vale...


Freedom [N] [E]The theme of freedom rings loudly in one of the most crucial sections of Scripture, namely the narrative of the exodus. Already when es...

King, Christ as

King, Christ as The Old Testament. Beginning with Genesis 1:1, the Bible portrays God as the Lordand Sovereign over all creation, God Most High ( Gen ...

Hebreos 13

HEBREOS 13DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS4RVLBLAVPBJServicio agradable para DiosDeberes cristianasDeberes cristianasC?mo agradar a D...

Romanos 1

ROMANOS 1DIVISION DE PARRAFOS EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS*Reina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valera Re...

Santiago 3

Santiago 3DIVISION EN PARRAFOS DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASReina Valera 1960RV1960La Biblia de las AmericasLBLADios Habla HoyDHHBiblia JerusalenBJLa Lengu...

Romanos 14

ROMANOS 14DIVISION DE PARRAFOS EN LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNAS*Reina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valera R...

Philippians, Theology of

Philippians, Theology of Paul's letter to the Philippians is not a treatise on theology. Rather, it is a personal letter dealing primarily with person...

Santiago 1

Santiago 1:1-27Divisi?n de los p?rrafos en traducciones modernas[1] Reina Valera 1960RV-1960La Biblia De Las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla HoyDHHBiblia Jer...

1 Corintios 4

1 CORINTIOS 4DIVISIONES DE LOS PARRAFOSEN TRADUCCIONES MODERNASReina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valer...

1 Corintios 3

1 CORINTIOS 3DIVISIONES DE LOS PARRAFOSEN TRADUCCIONES MODERNASReina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)La Biblia de las Am?ricas(LBLA)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Reina-Valer...