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Are You Teachable? 10 Questions from Psalm 119

Rachel Lehner

Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD. Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart— they do no wrong but follow his ways. ...

10 Things You Didn’t Know about the 10 Commandments

Jennifer Waddle

I suppose for many, the only exposure to the 10 Commandments has come from movies and television shows. I was surprised to find that there have been at least seven motion pictures produced since 1923—...

What Should We Look for When Making the Most Important Relationship Decision?

Frank Santora

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10...

Discover the Power of Luke's Gospel: A Greek Word Study without Greek

Those students of the Bible who don't read Greek can still reach beyond the English Bible to the original Greek in four easy steps....

Job's Loss, Job's Gain: Our Suffering, Our Pain

Job's story raises an important question: How is suffering an opportunity for me to bless others?...

Should We Ever Be Arguing Scripture?

Bethany Verrett

One of the ways that God preserved His Word for the generations and the multitudes is through the preservation of His Spirit-inspired writings. He maintained the Creation story, prophecy, poetry, and ...

Three Unique Habits to Get the Most out of Bible Study

Traci Boland

Like everything in life, reading the Bible becomes a habit. We sit and read the same words time and again, and if we just do this out of routine practice, then the words lose power and meaning. How ca...

Our Favorite ESV Bibles

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Discover 10 of Our Favorite ESV Bibles - Top Sellers Best for Studying God's Word While there is one English Standard Version of the Bible, there are many forms in which you can read it. Here we have ...

8 Things You Might Not Know about Romans

Kathy Howard

The book of Romans holds a significant place in my faith journey. God used a women’s Bible study through this gospel-saturated book to bring me to salvation in Jesus Christ. Although my parents loved ...

Why We Must Prioritize Both Prayer and Scripture Reading

Jessica Brodie

Do you think it’s more important to pray, or read the Bible? Or are both important when it comes to spending time with God? A 2022 study from Lifeway Research surveyed more than 1,000 Protestant ...

5 Creative Ways to Refresh Your Bible Reading This Summer

Kirstyn Mayden

As I mature and navigate various life seasons, I recognize that it is important to get creative in how I spend time with God, study His Word, and grow in Him. God is diverse and dynamic, and He invite...

7 Ways to Refresh Your Bible Study

Barbara Latta

How can we keep our study time from growing stale or keep our minds from assuming we already know what Scripture says? Here are seven ways to refresh our Bible study....

Does God Need a Co-Signer?

God swears by His own character when entering a covenant since there is no one above Him who needs to co-sign the agreement....

10 Books of the Bible Christians Don't Read Enough

Alisha Headley

Growing up, I always considered the Bible to be rather boring. Parts of it intrigued me as I learned the most popular stories: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Ark. And then of course fast fo...

Did Jesus Actually Descend into Hell?

Ashley Hooker

Throughout centuries, a hot button topic has arisen in the Christian church. This topic regards the question, did Jesus descend into hell? There are schools of thought that say He did and others that ...

3 Word Studies to Help You Dig Deeper into Scripture

April Motl

Language is a fascinating thing! Some languages have many words to describe a particular thing and another language might have only one word for the other’s three, five, or more. With all these differ...