Search Results for 2 kings

Found 382 Results for 2 kings
Where Does Kanye West Reference the Bible in "Jesus Is King"?

Bethany Pyle

Rapper Kanye West dropped his latest album, "Jesus is King" in October, and fans and critics alike are buzzing about it. The singer's 180 from traditional rap music to worship music has caused most of...

Why Should We Know the Bible's Definition of Vanity?

Meghan Trapp

How can the Bible's definition of vanity show us what matters?...

How to Find Strength in the Lord Like Elijah

Michael Jakes

The prophet Elijah was thrown into the grips of a depression that only God was able to bring him out of. Elijah’s experience teaches us several simple, but valuable lessons we all need to remember as ...

What Is the Jezebel Spirit?

Mike Leake

There is nothing in this text which mentions a Jezebel spirit. Yet, there does appear to be someone who is like Jezebel. There is one within the church who is exemplifying the same character traits as...

Tackling the Sickness of Pride Like Naaman

Hope Bolinger

For those of us who attended Sunday school as kids, we may have heard a story about Naaman. This man, who had leprosy, washed himself in the Jordan river seven times, according to what Elisha the prop...

10 Women in the Bible Who Exceeded Expectations

Kate Edwards

While plenty of women in the bible were strong, capable women, these ladies didn’t sit around waiting for someone else to get the job done. They feared God and lived faithfully. They did what they nee...

5 Powerful Lessons from the Book of Habakkuk

Lisa Loraine Baker

No matter what the world foists upon us, God is greater and His plans are far above any human consideration. God truly has the whole world in His mighty, unfailing hands....

The Problem with False Prophets, Then and Now

Hope Bolinger

Ancient Israel around the early 600s/late 500s BC was getting a lot of bad news from prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel. They didn't like what they were hearing. So instead of heeding the prophets' wa...

Where Do We See Eunuchs in the Bible?

Betty Dunn

Discussing eunuchs in the Bible may sound odd, but it has important insights you would not expect....

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is the only way a person will enter heaven. In these days of conformity and inclusivity, however, people rail against anything exclusive. Yes, Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven, b...

Why Did People in the Bible Offer Burnt Offerings?

Jessica Brodie

People offered burnt offerings as a way to atone for their wrongdoings, to show appreciation for the Lord, and because they saw it as a way to appease God, whose wrath they feared. They hoped it would...

March 29, AD 33: The King Comes for His Kingdom

After observing the Sabbath (Friday evening through Saturday evening) at Bethany, Jesus arose Sunday morning to enter the city of Jerusalem. It was March 29, AD 33—the first day of the last week of hi...

Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?

Kimberly Carroll

Has God ever changed His mind because of prayer? Does prayer make any difference? All evidence points to: yes....

Who Was Jesse in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesse was an ordinary man, from a small clan, and out of his seed came the greatest natural king Israel ever had, David. Also, from the line of David came the King of all kings, the One who is greater...

Why Everyone Should Know about Joash, the Boy-King Who Survived a Massacre

Sylvia Schroeder

Joash survived a massacre staving off a wicked plot which would have brought the Davidic throne to the edge of extinction....

Were There Prophets in the New Testament?

Britt Mooney

While the Old Testament possesses several whole books by people we regard as prophets, what about during the early church? Were there prophets in the New Testament? ...

7 Things to Know about the Place Jesus Was Born

Annette Griffin

How did Mary and Joseph find themselves so far from their hometown of Nazareth at a time so close to Mary’s delivery? The explanation begins with Caesar Augustus, the Emperor of Rome, who ruled from 2...

Is It True that All Is Vanity?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Solomon knew more and had more than perhaps anyone who ever lived... and after getting it all he said, "All is vanity." Was he being satirical, or was there something serious and profound behind this ...

Why Did the Wise Men Present Jesus with Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?

Sheila Alewine

Whether it’s the heirloom nativity scene that takes a place of prominence in your own Christmas decorations, a child-proof version that you purchased for your children to enjoy, or the community displ...

Why Were Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Gifted to Baby Jesus?

Heather Adams

The Christmas season abounds with stories and songs about the amazing work that God did on behalf of the world. He sent His only Son to be born as a human baby, to live life among us and finally, to s...