Search Results for ungodly

Found 83 Results for ungodly
Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about the President?

Emma Danzey

Today we are going to explore what does the Bible say about the president. I pray this will bring us clarity and wisdom in how to handle the variety of personalities from leaders we encounter....

What Is Repentance and How Do We Know We've Done it Correctly?

Sylvia Schroeder

Modern Society deems the subject of sin and repentance at best uncomfortable and at worst unacceptable. But the Bible isn’t afraid to shine light on both....

What Did Christ Mean by "Salt and Light" in the Bible?

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

The Bible phrase "salt and light" is derived from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew. These metaphors describe Christians' role and influence in the world....

What Is Adultery and What Are Some Sneaky Signs We're Ignoring?

Emma Danzey

Adultery is a serious sin and whether within the heart or by actions, it is important to identify it and repent....

Does the Bible Encourage Us to Be Creative?

Bethany Verrett

The ultimate form of creativity, of course, was creation. While humanity takes things that already exist, like minerals, woods, and pigments, and makes something new, God took void, and created the un...

What Does the Bible Say about Choosing Our Friends?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The truth about friends is they will affect your life because these are the people who are closest to you. Their access to your life is going to lift you up or tear you down. They are going to help yo...

What Does the Bible Say about the Soul?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As human beings created in the image of God, our souls were given by God when He breathed life into the first man — Adam. No breath of God, no life....

Where Do We Find Jesus in the Old Testament Book of 2 Samuel?

Mike Leake

We see that it will be a “son of David” who will be the “seed of the woman.” Christ succeeded where David failed. Rather than using “little lambs” for his own desires, Christ tenderly cares for little...

5 Reasons Advent Is about More Than a Manger

Michelle Rabon

Christmas was the same routine for years until I came to understand what the season of Advent was for. When I realized that all I tried to achieve in the season was pointless and empty if my heart w...

What Does the Bible Say about Darkness?

Lisa Loraine Baker

From the darkness over the waters in Genesis 1 to the darkness overcome at the end of Revelation, the Bible is filled with discussions about darkness. But what does the Bible say about darkness, as a ...

Is Christian Nationalism Biblical?

Annette Griffin

Christian nationalism has filled the headlines lately, moving many Christians to consider, "what does it mean to be a citizen of the kingdom of God?"...

3 Remarkable Lessons in Grace from Jonah

Michael Jakes

While the spotlight seems to be on Jonah and his response to the call of God and the eventual outcome, there are other things in this story that deserve our attention. When we look at all that takes p...

Why Exactly Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Bethany Verrett

God did not just turn his eye to Sodom and Gomorrah and decide they were not good enough for him to love them. They indulged in every wickedness and refused to turn their hearts to the Lord and repent...

How Can We Pray through Our Anger?

Bethany Verrett

Being angry does not mean someone should refrain from prayer until such a time as they feel they can approach the throne of God. He wants His people to go to Him in all things, especially if going to ...

How Can We Pursue God’s Life-Changing Vision for Our Lives?

Frank Santora

Who cares what the naysayers and haters say, or what family and friends prefer for your life – that is not what creates a happy and blessed life. All that matters is what God wants for your life, and ...

Is Gentle Parenting Biblical?

Bethany Verrett

This can be a tempting model for Christian parents because it models values like gentleness, patience, and love, which are Fruits of the Spirit and Christ-like virtues. However, we should examine ever...

The Saint Must Walk Alone

Most of the world's great souls have been lonely. Loneliness seems to be one price the saint must pay for his saintliness....

What's the Difference between Expiation and Propitiation?

Stephanie Englehart

Expiation and propitiation will only ever make sense if we see ourselves as sinners who once were under the wrath of God, but through the death and resurrection of Christ we have been saved today, tom...

Lessons from Jude: Learning from Past Mistakes

Alice William

Today, we will focus on Jude 1:5-11 where the author draws references from the Old Testament reminding the audience of past sins and the lessons to learn from them....