Search Results for ephesians 1:2

Found 122 Results for ephesians 1:2
3 Undeniable Truths to Help Us Understand the Trinity

Sheila Alewine

The nature of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - is just something that we will never be able to understand this side of eternity. But it doesn't mean we can't catch glimp...

26 Verses to Ground You When Life Feels Chaotic

Pamela Palmer

We may face hardships and challenges because of the brokenness of the world, but God wants us to have hope and peace through it all. Jesus has overcome every situation and circumstance you will ever f...

What Does the Bible Mean by 'My God Will Supply All My Needs'?

Tammy Kennington

Since scripture tells us that 'my God will supply all my needs,' why do Christians still struggle?...

The Early Church Has Important Lessons for the Modern Church

Heather Adams

God’s vision for the church, both then and today, is so much richer than a to-do list. The practices of early church leaders and congregations give us a glimpse of the power that walking in faith toge...

23 Verses to Encourage Dad This Father’s Day

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To find inspiration as a father there is no better place to turn than God’s word and the timeless wisdom found in the Scriptures. God's Word provides a wellspring of encouragement and guidance for you...

How Can We Avoid Letting a Bitter Root Grow in Our Lives?

Heather Adams

The image of a sour root growing up among a body of believers was a powerful way to remind God’s people about the dangers of letting unforgiveness and discontent well up within our hearts. And if we’r...

What Is the Second Week of Advent Candle's Meaning?

G. Connor Salter

Each advent candle has some special meaning behind it and presents an opportunity to think about the Christmas season in a new way. The second advent takes us from thinking about hope to a related ide...

Why 'the Lord Is My Strength and Shield' Is so Encouraging in Hard Times

Emma Danzey

Within this beautiful passage, David shares, “The Lord is my strength and shield.” Why is this so encouraging, especially in hard times?...

Prayers for Our Church Leaders

Alicia Searl

 The enemy may be trying to take a stronghold, but he is powerless when we fight back with our most powerful weapon—prayer!...

3 Powerful Truths Paul’s Prayers Reveal about Spirit-Led Living

Jennifer Slattery

Throughout his letters, the evangelist taught many important lessons and spoke powerful, life-changing truths. He encouraged, inspired, and corrected. But most importantly, he routinely turned to God....

Why Is It Essential That We Guard Our Hearts?

Kristi Walker

Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to "guard your heart with all diligence," but why is that so important and how do we apply it to our everyday lives? What happens if we don't guard our hearts?...

What’s So Good about the Gospel?

Meredith N Mills

Many gospel conversations focus on life after death: All have sinned. Sin separates us from God. Jesus died to save us from hell and make heaven possible for those who believe in him. But what if this...

7 Weeks to Cultivate a Summer of Wonder with God

Dawn Wilson

The challenge is for seven weeks, but no matter how much time you spend meditating on these things, you will likely find yourself full of wonder, gratitude, and praise by summer’s end....

Beautiful Lessons in Love from Song of Solomon

Kristi Walker

Song of Solomon may seem to have nothing to do with God, but romantic love has everything to do with God! It is completely accurate to say that God is the inventor and author of romantic love which na...

Is It Actually Possible to Refrain from Anger?

Emma Danzey

Parents opt to leave home. Governments withhold help to their citizens. Co-workers lie to you. Is it actually possible to refrain from anger and turn from wrath?...

What's So Important about Biblical Literacy?

Heather Adams

In 2020, for example, The American Bible Society released a “State of the Bible” report, focusing on the effects the Covid-19 pandemic had on Christians’ Bible reading habits. The findings indicated t...

How Can You Overcome a Spirit of Heaviness?

Leigh Ann Thomas

Psalm 38:9 is filled with hope for those with a spirit of heaviness because it’s a reminder that God is aware of our burdens....

What is Free Will in the Bible? How Does It Relate to Our Salvation?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The question of free will is probably a debate we will have until Jesus comes again. While you can find arguments on both sides of this question, this should not be our main mission or focus. We have ...

Where Does the Bible First Mention the Land of Goshen?

Valerie Fentress

The land of Goshen had a special place in Israelite history: it was the place they went to survive a famine, yet also the place they eventually lived in as slaves. What does the Bible tell us about th...

15 Things You Need to Know about the Antichrist and His Rise to Power

Ron Rhodes

Revelation pictures the antichrist as a beast 32 times. The image points to the brutal, bloody, uncontrolled, and wild character of this diabolical dictator....