Search Results for Hosea

Found 198 Results for Hosea
Hosea 11:2
2 But the more they were called, the more they went away from me.They sacrificed to the Baals and they burned incense to images.
Hosea 11:7
7 My people are determined to turn from me. Even though they call me God Most High, I will by no means exalt them.
Hosea 11:11
11 They will come from Egypt, trembling like sparrows, from Assyria, fluttering like doves. I will settle them in their homes,” declares the LORD.
Hosea 1:9
9 Then the LORD said, “Call him Lo-Ammi (which means “not my people”), for you are not my people, and I am not your God.
Hosea 4:4
4 “But let no one bring a charge, let no one accuse another, for your people are like those who bring charges against a priest.
Hosea 5:4
4 “Their deeds do not permit them to return to their God. A spirit of prostitution is in their heart; they do not acknowledge the LORD.
Hosea 5:7
7 They are unfaithful to the LORD; they give birth to illegitimate children. When they celebrate their New Moon feasts, he will devour their fields.
Hosea 5:15
15 Then I will return to my lair until they have borne their guilt and seek my face— in their misery they will earnestly seek me.”
Hosea 6:9
9 As marauders lie in ambush for a victim, so do bands of priests; they murder on the road to Shechem, carrying out their wicked schemes.
Hosea 7:4
4 They are all adulterers, burning like an oven whose fire the baker need not stir from the kneading of the dough till it rises.
Hosea 7:6
6 Their hearts are like an oven; they approach him with intrigue. Their passion smolders all night; in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire.
Hosea 8:6
6 They are from Israel! This calf—a metalworker has made it; it is not God. It will be broken in pieces, that calf of Samaria.
Hosea 10:6
6 It will be carried to Assyria as tribute for the great king. Ephraim will be disgraced; Israel will be ashamed of its foreign alliances.
Hosea 10:15
15 So will it happen to you, Bethel, because your wickedness is great. When that day dawns, the king of Israel will be completely destroyed.
Hosea 11:3
3 It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I who healed them.
Hosea 12:2
2 The LORD has a charge to bring against Judah; he will punish Jacob according to his ways and repay him according to his deeds.
Hosea 12:4
4 He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there—
Hosea 12:8
8 Ephraim boasts, “I am very rich; I have become wealthy. With all my wealth they will not find in me any iniquity or sin.”
Hosea 12:11
11 Is Gilead wicked? Its people are worthless! Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal? Their altars will be like piles of stones on a plowed field.
Hosea 12:14
14 But Ephraim has aroused his bitter anger; his Lord will leave on him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt.