Search Results for "the spirit of" and "of power"

Found 3691 Results for "the spirit of" and "of power"
5 Signs You May Be Controlled by a Spirit of Fear

Alyssa Roat

You might feel terror when faced with a deadly threat. You may feel anxious about getting on stage to speak. These are natural feelings.But you also might be controlled by a spirit of fear.The term “s...

Beyond Sunday: How Paul Preached

The subject matter of his ministry was not any of the liberal arts and sciences, or the philosophy and dry morality of the Gentiles, but salvation by a crucified Christ. ...

What Are the Rivers of Living Water?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The 'rivers of living water' Jesus was referring to is the Spirit of God working in and flowing out of the life of a believer. Up until this time, the Holy Spirit would come upon a believer and then d...

What Are the Seven Spirits of God?

Heather Riggleman

What are the seven spirits of God? This question arises when we stumble into the book of Isaiah and Revelations. The only way to truly know the seven spirits of God is to get to know God Himself throu...

Why We All Need to Remember "Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Freedom"

Pamela Palmer

2 Corinthians 3:17 reminds us “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” What seems impossible to us is always possible with God. If freedom seems unattainabl...

What Is Our Battle Between the Flesh and the Spirit?

Kristi Walker

We all have a physical body, but we also all have a spiritual soul. How do these two work together, and often fight against each other, when it comes to our identity in Christ?...

What Does the Bible Say about Poverty and the Poor?

John D. Barry

The poor are near and dear to God’s heart. How we treat the impoverished is a major concern throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. You simply cannot have the gospel of Jesus and neg...

How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus called the Spirit the Comforter, and sometimes the Holy Ghost. It is the presence of the Spirit that sanctifies and convicts Christians after they are saved. It is the Spirit who works in the li...

What Exactly Is Our Spirit?

Bethany Verrett

The spirit of a person was put in them so they could connect with God and be like Him. Just as part of God’s character is Spirit, people have spirit that endows on them the image of God....

Time For a Check Up of the Heart

Mark Altrogge

When the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, he changes our hearts and minds. He gives us the mind of Christ (Php 2:5). And we are to cooperate with him by actively transforming our minds and thinking b...

Powerful Verses for When You Feel Discouraged

Sheila Alewine

Discouragement is a part of life. We live in a fallen world. We are imperfect people, weak in our flesh – created beings who have little control over the circumstances of life.As followers of Jesus, h...

What Is Dunamis, and What Kind of Power Does Jesus Give Believers?

Annette Griffin

God’s plan and design, power can become a destructive force. But when God’s power, dunamis, lives inside us we can be used by Him as an unstoppable vessel for good....

3 Ways We Can Be Confident That God Is Our Refuge

Sheila Alewine

We cannot look for emotional experiences as the measure of God being our refuge. He is more than a “feeling.” He is a living God, who is active in our lives, and He wants us to find refuge in somethin...

3 Mighty Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Bethany Verrett

It is not sinful to ask the Holy Spirit to help with something that is under its domain during prayer. It indwells each believer to sanctify, convict, and prepare Christians for eternity in Heaven, an...

What Does the Bible Say about Fear?

Blair Parke

The Bible has 365 reasons to “fear not,” so as you release your fear to God, or when you feel it creep back up into your mind, open the Bible and find these verses. ...

20 Verses to Prepare Your Heart for Christmas

Pamela Palmer

This season is truly sacred as we set aside time to remember and prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Whether your home is adorned with decorations and you’ve got Chr...

What Pronoun Is Used for the Holy Spirit: He, She, or It?

Jessica Brodie

Whichever way we choose to refer to God does not change God’s nature, and it is the same with the Holy Spirit. As long as we are in full understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person, a full and comp...

3 Undeniable Truths to Help Us Understand the Trinity

Sheila Alewine

The nature of the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit - is just something that we will never be able to understand this side of eternity. But it doesn't mean we can't catch glimp...

Why Does 1 John 2:23 Say We Cannot Deny the Son or the Father?

Michael Jakes

On the surface, and taken on its own, this verse seems to be a simple statement letting us know that if one denies or rejects Christ, they are at the same time rejecting God — which is absolutely true...

What Does Ezekiel's Vision of the Wheel Actually Mean?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Ezekiel’s Wheel was a magnificent vision that God showed him. It is important to note that at the time of this vision Ezekiel was in captivity in Babylon....