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Found 2986 Results for but god
How Are God and Jesus the Same, but Different?

Jessica Brodie

It can be a confusing question when asked — are God and Jesus the same person? On one hand, many of us know that God comprises the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy S...

5 Things God Doesn't Know

Micah Maddox

While yes, God knows everything, it’s good sometimes to remember how far God’s love, mercy, and grace extends. There is no limit to the goodness, the healing, the hope, the saving of Jesus....

How Does the Trinity Help Rescue Our Prayer Life?

Brian Hedges

Among the disciplines of Christian living, prayer tops the list as most challenging. Read how the doctrine of the Trinity can rescue your prayer life....

What Is Our Battle Between the Flesh and the Spirit?

Kristi Walker

We all have a physical body, but we also all have a spiritual soul. How do these two work together, and often fight against each other, when it comes to our identity in Christ?...

What Is the Purpose of Atonement?

Ed Jarrett

The Scripture is clear concerning the essential nature of the atonement, and that the atonement was crucial in bringing humanity into the relationship with God that he wanted. But it did more than sim...

Goodness to All

Stephen Davey

Loving our enemies is not an easy task, but it is what God did for us....

Don’t Lose Heart, Because God Is Not Finished with You Yet

Frank Santora

God takes even our wrongs and brings right out of them. He won’t quit on His plans because you complicated things. He won’t abandon and forget you because you failed. He won’t write you off, and cance...

Does God Forgive All of Our Sins?

Jessica Brodie

The good news is that God will forgive our sins. In the early days, people sacrificed animals and did other rituals to make up for their wrongdoings, but these things had to be done over and over agai...

What Does it Mean That God Is Wise?

Aaron Brown

Would you consider yourself wise or a fool? What would other people estimate about you? Scripture speaks plenty about wisdom, and multiple times portrays the wise in direct contrast with the foolish....

Scripture Reminds Us That God Is Patient – until He Isn’t

Dawn Wilson

We must not mistake God’s patience for His grace. A person who continues in sinful habits without experiencing immediate judgment may falsely reason there will be no consequences. Though God is incred...

The Power and Joy of Being in the Family of God

Meg Bucher

Family conveys a sense of belonging. To be in the family of God means to be accepted for who we are: loved, cherished, celebrated, and fully forgiven. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new c...

5 Things Christians Need to Know about Idolatry

Jessica Udall

Idols, whether physical (statues) or intangible (power, fame, wealth, etc.), will passively receive love and worship, but they will never give back nor do they have any power to save their worshippers...

Does God Care about My Weight?

Sheila Alewine

What does God think about this? Does the Bible give us any guidance on whether or not our weight matters to Him? Are we spending our lives worrying about something that is irrelevant from an eternal p...

4 Paths to Deeper Intimacy with God

Nylse Esahc

What if I told you that more peace, joy, hope, and love were possible for you, today? What if the key to those things wasn't in anything you do, but in who you pursue? Intimacy with God, closeness to ...

Was the Fall a Necessary Part of God’s Plan for Humanity?

Ed Jarrett

We messed up and God is working to fix the problem. But is that really the case? Was the fall an unfortunate failure on the part of humanity that God is working to overcome? Or was the fall a necessar...

Can God Use the Seasons Where We Run Away?

Hope Bolinger

Even though Jonah ran in the complete opposite direction of God's plan, God still brought others to know him, Jonah's shipmates....

5 Things God Can't Do

Micah Maddox

God is all powerful and all knowing. He is everywhere and His hand controls all things in heaven and on earth. But there are still a couple of things that, blessedly, God cannot or will not do. Let's ...

10 Prayers to Pray When You Just Don’t Know What to Say

Micah Maddox

It seems just when we least expect it - boom! Life hits. It feels like the wind has been knocked right out of your chest and there’s no breath to pray. No words to utter. Faith is on the edge of faili...

5 Things You Are Forgetting about God

Alyssa Roat

We hear a lot of things about God. Books upon books have been written on his attributes. However, there are some attributes of God that we like to brush under the rug. These attributes are uncomfo...

What Exactly Is the Lord’s Prayer?

Blair Parke

As we examine the Lord’s Prayer, we will be able to compare and contrast how our prayers hold up in regards to this exceptional prayer. We will see what Jesus was not only teaching His disciples, but ...