Zechariah 2:12

12 The LORD will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem.

Zechariah 2:12 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
12 And the LORD shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem again.
English Standard Version (ESV)
12 And the LORD will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land, and will again choose Jerusalem."
New Living Translation (NLT)
12 The land of Judah will be the LORD ’s special possession in the holy land, and he will once again choose Jerusalem to be his own city.
The Message Bible (MSG)
12 God will reclaim his Judah inheritance in the Holy Land. He'll again make clear that Jerusalem is his choice.
American Standard Version (ASV)
12 And Jehovah shall inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
12 The LORD will claim Judah as his own in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
12 The Lord will take possession of Judah as His portion in the Holy Land, and He will once again choose Jerusalem.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
12 "He will receive Judah as his share in the holy land. And he will choose Jerusalem again.

Zechariah 2:12 Meaning and Commentary

Zechariah 2:12

And the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy
The Lord's people is his portion, and the lot of his inheritance; whom he has chosen, and calls as such, whether they be Jews or Gentiles; but here it seems to mean the believing Jews; who, it is very likely, upon their conversion, will be returned to their own land, here called "the holy land"; because formerly here the Lord's holy people dwelt, his holy sanctuary was, and his holy worship and ordinances were attended on; and where now he will possess and enjoy his people, and favour them with communion with himself: and shall choose Jerusalem again;
after long trodden down of the Gentiles; as it formerly was a place of divine worship, so it shall be again; and which will be performed in it in a more spiritual and evangelical manner than ever; or it may respect the people of the Jews, who, being called by grace, this will be a kind of a renovation of their election, and an evidence of it; see ( Romans 11:26-28 ) .

Zechariah 2:12 In-Context

10 “Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the LORD.
11 “Many nations will be joined with the LORD in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you.
12 The LORD will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem.
13 Be still before the LORD, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.”

Cross References 3

  • 1. S Exodus 34:9; Deuteronomy 32:9; Psalms 33:12; Jeremiah 10:16
  • 2. Jeremiah 40:5
  • 3. S Deuteronomy 12:5; S Isaiah 14:1; Zechariah 1:17
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