1 Samuel 25:19

19 Then she told her servants, “Go on ahead; I’ll follow you.” But she did not tell her husband Nabal.

1 Samuel 25:19 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
19 And she said unto her servants, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal.
English Standard Version (ESV)
19 And she said to her young men, "Go on before me; behold, I come after you." But she did not tell her husband Nabal.
New Living Translation (NLT)
19 and said to her servants, “Go on ahead. I will follow you shortly.” But she didn’t tell her husband Nabal what she was doing.
The Message Bible (MSG)
19 Then she said to her young servants, "Go ahead and pave the way for me. I'm right behind you." But she said nothing to her husband Nabal.
American Standard Version (ASV)
19 And she said unto her young men, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
19 "Go on ahead," she told her young men, "and I'll follow you." But she didn't tell her husband Nabal about it.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
19 Then she said to her male servants, "Go ahead of me. I will be right behind you." But she did not tell her husband Nabal.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
19 Then she told her servants, "Go on ahead. I'll follow you." But she didn't tell her husband Nabal about it.

1 Samuel 25:19 Meaning and Commentary

1 Samuel 25:19

And she said to her servants, go on before me
With the present, the sight of which she wisely considered would in a great measure pacify David, and prepare him to hear patiently what she had to say to him:

behold, I come after you;
signifying it would not be long before she came up to them, and overtook them:

but she told not her husband Nabal;
neither the danger he and his family were in through his conduct, nor the preparations she had made to prevent it; knowing his perverse and obstinate disposition, that it would take up too much time to reason with him, and persuade him, and bring him into proper measures; and which may be observed to excuse the conduct of Abigail in doing what she did, and taking and disposing of her husband's gods, without his knowledge and leave; the case required haste, and it was done to preserve him and his family from imminent ruin; and besides, he might not be in a fit condition to be spoken to, being drunk with passion, or with wine, or both, see ( 1 Samuel 25:36 ) ; and no doubt she was directed by the Spirit of God to do what she did; and this being an extraordinary case, is not to be drawn into an example.

1 Samuel 25:19 In-Context

17 Now think it over and see what you can do, because disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household. He is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him.”
18 Abigail acted quickly. She took two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five dressed sheep, five seahs of roasted grain, a hundred cakes of raisins and two hundred cakes of pressed figs, and loaded them on donkeys.
19 Then she told her servants, “Go on ahead; I’ll follow you.” But she did not tell her husband Nabal.
20 As she came riding her donkey into a mountain ravine, there were David and his men descending toward her, and she met them.
21 David had just said, “It’s been useless—all my watching over this fellow’s property in the wilderness so that nothing of his was missing. He has paid me back evil for good.

Cross References 2

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