12 Encouraging Truths for When You’re Low

12 Encouraging Truths for When You’re Low

When we’re low in spirit, we need an arm wrapped around us — a feeling that we’re being comforted by the God of all. When we go to Jesus, this is exactly what He gives us: the knowledge of His presence, which is enough for us.

The cross of Jesus Christ stands. And nothing can come against it. Nothing can thwart His perfect work there; it will stand for eternity. So, as those bought at a price by Him, we can trust the truths of the gospel. The good news is unbreakable. And, even though we have lows on this earth, belonging to Christ lasts forever. We always do well to set our sights on eternity in low moments.

The Lord is sovereign over all the earth — He is in the heavens and does whatever He pleases. Without ever being the author or instigator of evil — impossible! — He can appoint times in our lives that are low and difficult. Remembering this truth alone helps us. Nothing happens outside of His control. He is not surprised we are in a hardship. We don’t have to remind Him that we need His help — though we are encouraged to bring our troubles in prayer before Him. But we can look for lessons to learn through the lows.

Joy through pain is one great lesson of the Lord. The Lord is a refuge and our strength. This reality means that we can have joy in Him. He is stronger than what we face. He has overcome sin, evil, and the grave. So, we can look to Him as our strong arm and place of help and provision when low times are upon us. That is what we have been examining in this post. But further, this reality that our lives outlast the days we have on this earth can bring us great joy in the midst of our lows. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit within us that draws us to God and sustains us in lows.

Finally, when we think about Jesus’ ever-present strength, we can think of the character of His presence. And that is what 11 and 12 consider. His presence and care are lasting — meaning they never end. And they are continual — meaning they are not removed from us for even a moment. The Holy Spirit indwells us here with His presence, and the Holy Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing a day when we will be with the Lord forever.

Perhaps you find yourself in a low moment or period of time. Consider the purposes of God to show you much about Himself during your time of trial. I hope and pray that as you read this post and consider your present circumstances, you can land on joy — joy in the Lord that lasts forever and ever because of the kind of help He gives in trials. I pray that no one and nothing would steal your joy. For our God is great, and He is with us.

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Lianna Davis is author of Keeping the Faith: A Study in Jude and Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss. She is also a contributor to We Evangelicals and Our Mission with Cascade Books. Lianna is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She lives in Illinois with her husband and daughter. You can learn more about her writing at her website.