Proverbs - Introduction




SOLOMON IS CREDITED WITH THE proverbs of chapters 1–29 of the book. Scripture attests to Solomon’s wisdom and that he was a collector of wise sayings (see 1 Kgs 3:5-14; 4:29-34; 5:7, 12; 10:2-3, 23-24). Chapters 1–24 may have been written down during his reign, while chapters 25–29 contain Solomon’s proverbs collected later by King Hezekiah. The final two chapters are credited to Agur and Lemuel, about whom we know nothing. An editor was inspired to collect all of these sayings into the book we now have.

Historical Background

Solomon’s reign as king represented the peak of prosperity for the nation of Israel. This period witnessed the greatest extent of the nation’s territory and saw peace and international trade (see 1 Kgs 4:20-25; 10:21-29). Solomon was likely familiar with the ancient wisdom tradition in Egypt, but through God’s inspiration and gift of great wisdom, he composed superior sayings. While he addressed his teachings to his son(s), they are applicable to all people.

Message and Purpose

Proverbs is one of the most neglected books in the Bible, yet it is a key piece of Scripture. It is a book about wisdom—the ability to take biblical truth and apply it to life’s realities. It contrasts the person who does this with the fool, the person who refuses to live by God’s standards. According to Proverbs, you become wise when you apply God’s principles to your practical decision-making. And when you do, you can live life the way God meant it to be lived.

Life is full of choices. We’ve all made good choices and bad choices, wise ones and foolish ones. The good news is that with insight from the book of Proverbs in mind, you can begin applying its wisdom to all the scenarios of your life. Proverbs covers everything from parenting, marriage, money, and friends, to how to relate to God. If you will use the wisdom of Proverbs as you make future decisions, then it will save you time, grief, regret, and even money so that you can experience the benefits of kingdom living here and now.



  1. Introduction and Purpose (1:1-7)
  2. A Father’s Appeal: Become Wise (1:8–9:18)
  3. Proverbs of Solomon (10:1–22:16)
  4. Words of the Wise and Sayings of the Wise (22:17–24:34)
  5. Proverbs of Solomon Copied by Hezekiah’s Men (25:1–29:27)
  6. Words of Agur and Lemuel (30:1–31:9)
  7. The Wise Wife and Mother (31:10-31)