YuēShūyàjì 6:3

3 Nǐmen de yīqiè bīng dīng yào wéirǎo zhè chéng , yī rì wéirǎo yī cì , liù rì dōu yào zhèyàng xíng .

YuēShūyàjì 6:3 Meaning and Commentary

Joshua 6:3

And ye shall compass the city, all [ye] men of war
Joshua their chief commander under the Lord, and all that were able to make war, even all above twenty years of age; these were to compass the city, not in the form of a siege, but by a procession around it:

[and] go round about the city once;
or one time, for the first once in a day, and no more:

thus shall thou do six days;
one after another; that is, go round it, once every day, for such a time. This order was given, according to the Jews F23, the twenty second of Nisan, after the feast of unleavened bread was over.


F23 Seder Olam Rabba, c. 11. p. 31.

YuēShūyàjì 6:3 In-Context

1 Yēlìgē de chéng mén yīn Yǐsèliè rén jiù guān de yán jǐn , wú rén chūrù .
2 Yēhéhuá xiǎoyù Yuēshūyà shuō , kàn nǎ , wǒ yǐjing bǎ Yēlìgē hé Yēlìgē de wáng , bìng dà néng de yǒng shì , dōu jiāo zaì nǐ shǒu zhōng .
3 Nǐmen de yīqiè bīng dīng yào wéirǎo zhè chéng , yī rì wéirǎo yī cì , liù rì dōu yào zhèyàng xíng .
4 Qī gè jìsī yào ná qī gè yáng jiǎo zǒu zaì yuē jǔ qián . dào dì qī rì , nǐmen yào rǎo chéng qī cì , jìsī yĕ yào chuī jiǎo .
5 Tāmen chuī de jiǎo shēng tuō cháng , nǐmen tīngjian jiǎo shēng , zhòng bǎixìng yào dàshēng hūhǎn , chéngqiáng jiù bì tā xiàn , gèrén dōu yào wǎng qián zhí shàng .
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