Hosea 12:6

6 But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.

Hosea 12:6 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
6 Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually.
English Standard Version (ESV)
6 "So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for your God."
New Living Translation (NLT)
6 So now, come back to your God. Act with love and justice, and always depend on him.
The Message Bible (MSG)
6 What are you waiting for? Return to your God! Commit yourself in love, in justice! Wait for your God, and don't give up on him - ever!
American Standard Version (ASV)
6 Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep kindness and justice, and wait for thy God continually.
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
6 Return to your God. Be loyal and fair, and always wait with hope for your God.
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
6 But you must return to your God. Maintain love and justice, and always put your hope in God.
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
6 People of Jacob, you must return to your God. You must hold on to love and do what is fair. You must trust in your God always.

Hosea 12:6 Meaning and Commentary

Hosea 12:6

Therefore turn thou to thy God
Judah, with whom the Lord had a controversy, is here addressed and exhorted to return to the Lord, from whom they had backslidden; and this is urged, from the consideration of their being the descendants of so great a man as Jacob; whose example they should follow, and make supplication to the Lord as he did; and from this instance of their progenitor might encourage themselves, that God, who was his God, and their God, would be gracious and merciful to them, and that they should prevail with him likewise, and obtain the blessing, and especially since he is the everlasting and unchangeable Jehovah. Turning to the Lord, as it supposes a going astray from him, so it signifies a turning from idols, and all vain confidences; and is done by renewed acts of faith and trust in the Lord, and repentance towards him; and cannot be performed aright without grace and strength from him, of which Ephraim was sensible, ( Jeremiah 31:18 ) ; as well as the encouragement to it is from a view of God as a covenant God, and as gracious and merciful, So Aben Ezra interprets it of divine help, of turning by thy God, that is, by the help and assistance of thy God; and, indeed, conversion to God, whether at first, or after, is through his powerful and efficacious grace. Kimchi explains it, "thou shalt rest in thy God" F23; when want follows is performed, comparing it with ( Isaiah 30:15 ) . The Targum is,

``and thou shall be strong in the worship of thy God;''
keep mercy and judgment;
or, "observe" F24 them to do them; to show mercy to persons in misery, to the poor and indigent, which is what the Lord desires and delights in, more than in ceremonial sacrifices; and is a principal part of the moral law, as "judgment" is another; the exercise of justice, both public and private; passing a righteous sentence in courts of judicature, and doing that which is right between man and man; owing no man anything, but giving to all their due; doing no injury to any man's person, property, or character; which are fruits meet for true repentance; and when they spring from faith and love, and are done with a view to the glory of God, and good of men, are acceptable to the Lord; these are the weightier matters of the law, ( Matthew 23:23 ) ; and wait on thy God continually;
both in private prayer, and for an answer to it, and in public worship and ordinances, in hope of meeting with him, and enjoying his presence; for this takes in the whole of religious worship, private and public, and all religious exercises, as invocation of God, trust in him, and expectation of seed things from him; and may have a respect to the Messiah, and salvation by him, and a waiting for him and that; as Jacob did, and his posterity should, and many of them were in this posture, before and at his coming; see ( Genesis 49:18 ) ( Isaiah 25:9 ) ( Luke 2:25 Luke 2:38 ) ; Agreeable to this the Targum is,
``and wait for the redemption or salvation of thy God continually.''


F23 (bwvt Kyhwlab) "in Deo tuo conquiesce", Drusius.
F24 (rmv) "observa", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator.

Hosea 12:6 In-Context

4 He struggled with the angel and overcame him; he wept and begged for his favor. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there—
5 the LORD God Almighty, the LORD is his name!
6 But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always.
7 The merchant uses dishonest scales and loves to defraud.
8 Ephraim boasts, “I am very rich; I have become wealthy. With all my wealth they will not find in me any iniquity or sin.”

Cross References 3

  • 1. S Isaiah 19:22; Jeremiah 4:1; Joel 2:12
  • 2. S Psalms 106:3; S Jeremiah 22:3; Micah 6:8
  • 3. S Ezekiel 18:30; Hosea 6:1-3; Hosea 10:12; Micah 7:7
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