Job 27:8

8 For what hope have the godless when they are cut off, when God takes away their life?

Job 27:8 in Other Translations

King James Version (KJV)
8 For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul?
English Standard Version (ESV)
8 For what is the hope of the godless when God cuts him off, when God takes away his life?
New Living Translation (NLT)
8 For what hope do the godless have when God cuts them off and takes away their life?
The Message Bible (MSG)
8 What hope do people without God have when life is cut short? when God puts an end to life?
American Standard Version (ASV)
8 For what is the hope of the godless, though he get him gain, When God taketh away his soul?
GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
8 After all, what hope does the godless person have when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?
Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
8 For what hope does the godless man have when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?
New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
8 What hope do ungodly people have when their lives are cut off? What hope do they have when God takes away their lives?

Job 27:8 Meaning and Commentary

Job 27:8

For what [is] the hope of the hypocrite
In religion, who seems to be what he is not, a holy and righteous man; professes to have what he has not, the grace of God; pretends to do what he does not, worship God sincerely and fervently, and does all he does to be seen of men; though such a man may have an hope, as he has, of an interest in the divine layout, and of eternal glory and happiness, what will it signify? what avail will it be unto him? what will it issue in? Job was of the same mind in this with Bildad and Zophar, that such a man's hope is as the spider's web, and as the giving up of the ghost, ( Job 8:14 ) ( 11:20 ) ; however he may please himself with it in this life, it will be of no service to him at death; for it is not like that of the true believer's, that is sure and steadfast, and founded upon the perfect righteousness and sacrifice of Christ; but upon his outward substance, fancying, that because God prospers him in this world, he is highly in his favour, and shall enjoy the happiness of the world to come; and upon his external profession of religion, and found of duties performed by him, but he will find himself mistaken: though he hath gained; great wealth and riches under a guise of religion, and by that means making gain of godliness, and taking the one for the other; so the Targum,

``because he hath gathered the mammon of falsehood;''

and also has great gifts, and a great deal of head knowledge, being able to talk of and dispute about most points of religion, and so has gained a great name among men both for knowledge and holiness, and yet all will not stand him in any stead, or be of any advantage to him:

when God taketh away his soul?
out of his body by death, as a sword is drawn out of its scabbard, and which is as easily done by him; or as a shoe is plucked off from the foot, as Aben Ezra, and what he has a right to do, and will do it: and this taking it away seems to be in a violent manner, though not by what is called a violent death, yet against the will of the person; a good man is willing to die, is desirous of it, and gives up the ghost cheerfully; but an hypocrite is not willing to die, being afraid of death, and therefore his life or soul is taken from him without his consent and will, and not in love but in wrath, as the latter part of this chapter shows. Now Job had an hope which bore him up under all his troubles, and which he retained in the most killing and distressed circumstances, and which continued with him, and supported him in the views of death and eternity, so that he could look upon death, and into another world, with pleasure, and therefore could be no hypocrite, see ( Job 13:15 Job 13:16 ) ( 19:25-27 ) .

Job 27:8 In-Context

6 I will maintain my innocence and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live.
7 “May my enemy be like the wicked, my adversary like the unjust!
8 For what hope have the godless when they are cut off, when God takes away their life?
9 Does God listen to their cry when distress comes upon them?
10 Will they find delight in the Almighty? Will they call on God at all times?

Cross References 2

  • 1. S Job 8:13
  • 2. S Numbers 16:22; S Job 8:22; S Job 11:20; Luke 12:20
Scripture quoted by permission.  Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®.  NIV®.  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.  All rights reserved worldwide.