Genesis 43:17

17 The steward did what Joseph had said and took them inside.

Genesis 43:17 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 43:17

And the man did as Joseph bade: and the man brought the men
into Joseph's house.
] Showed them the way to it, and introduced them into it, and led them into some apartment in it, and ordered every thing to be got ready for dinner as his master had bid him, being a diligent and faithful servant: at old Cair is shown to travellers F25 the house of Joseph in the tower, and a very surprising well, said to be made by him, and here, they say; the granaries were, in which the corn was laid up.


F25 Radzivil, Thevenot, Le Brun & Lucas apud Jablonski de Terra Goshen, Dissert. 5. sect. 6.

Genesis 43:17 In-Context

15 The men took the gifts, double the money, and Benjamin. They lost no time in getting to Egypt and meeting Joseph.
16 When Joseph saw that they had Benjamin with them, he told his house steward, "Take these men into the house and make them at home. Butcher an animal and prepare a meal; these men are going to eat with me at noon."
17 The steward did what Joseph had said and took them inside.
18 But they became anxious when they were brought into Joseph's home, thinking, "It's the money; he thinks we ran off with the money on our first trip down here. And now he's got us where he wants us - he's going to turn us into slaves and confiscate our donkeys."
19 So they went up to Joseph's house steward and talked to him in the doorway.
Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.